Published: 8th December 2013
DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.137
ISSN: 2075-2180


Proceedings 5th Workshop on
Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-cEntric Software
Rome, Italy, 23rd March 2013

Edited by: Nobuko Yoshida and Wim Vanderbauwhede

Wim Vanderbauwhede and Nobuko Yoshida
Invited Presentation: Parallelism Turned the Other Way Around – From Hardware to Software
Stefan Möhl
From Lock Freedom to Progress Using Session Types
Luca Padovani
Session Types with Runtime Adaptation: Overview and Examples
Cinzia Di Giusto and Jorge A. Pérez
Session Types in Abelian Logic
Yoichi Hirai
Embedding Session Types in HML
Laura Bocchi and Romain Demangeon
Coinductive Big-Step Semantics for Concurrency
Tarmo Uustalu
The Glasgow Parallel Reduction Machine: Programming Shared-memory Many-core Systems using Parallel Task Composition
Ashkan Tousimojarad and Wim Vanderbauwhede
Session Types Go Dynamic or How to Verify Your Python Conversations
Rumyana Neykova
Towards deductive verification of MPI programs against session types
Eduardo R. B. Marques, Francisco Martins, Vasco T. Vasconcelos, Nicholas Ng and Nuno Martins
Static Application-Level Race Detection in STM Haskell using Contracts
Romain Demeyer and Wim Vanhoof
Minimising virtual machine support for concurrency
Simon Dobson, Alan Dearle and Barry Porter


PLACES 2013 (full title: Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency- and Communication-cEntric Software) was the sixth edition of the PLACES workshop series. After the first PLACES, which was affiliated to DisCoTec in 2008, the workshop has been part of ETAPS every year since 2009 and is now an established part of the ETAPS satellite events. This year, PLACES was the best attended workshop at ETAPS 2013.

The workshop series was started in order to promote the application of novel programming language ideas to the increasingly important problem of developing software for systems in which concurrency and communication are intrinsic aspects. This includes software for multi- and many-core systems, accelerators and large-scale distributed and/or service-oriented systems. The scope of PLACES includes new programming language features, whole new programming language designs, new type systems, new semantic approaches, new program analysis techniques, and new implementation mechanisms.

This year’s call for papers attracted 15 submissions, from which the programme committee selected 10 papers for presentation at the workshop. Each paper was reviewed by three PC members, in one case making use of an additional sub-reviewer. The PC then discussed the papers and their reviews in order to produce the final list of accepted papers. We used EasyChair for the whole process, which, as always, made everything very straightforward.

The number of submissions was similar to previous years, which is an indication of a healthy workshop. The selection process was difficult: some of the rejected papers could have been included if more time had been available for presentations, but we were reluctant to compress the schedule too much; allowing plenty of time for discussion is essential for a successful workshop.

We were very pleased to be able to offer an invited talk from Stefan Möhl of Mitrionics, and we are very grateful to Mitrionics for paying his travel expenses. The invited talk and the contributed talks together made PLACES 2013 again a success, with 50 registered attendants.

We would like to thank the programme committee members for their hard work, and the ETAPS workshop chairs and local organizers for their help.

August 2013
Wim Vanderbauwhede
Nobuko Yoshida
Programme Committee Co-Chairs


Program Committee Co-chairs

Wim Vanderbauwhede

University of Glasgow, UK

Nobuko Yoshida

Imperial College London, UK

Program Committee

Alastair Beresford

University of Cambridge, UK

Viviana Bono

Universita di Torino, Italy

Alastair Donaldson

Imperial College London, UK

Dan Ghica

University of Birmingham, UK

Joshua Guttman

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA, US

Thomas Hildebrandt

IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Paul Keir

Codeplay Ltd, UK

Hans-Wolfgang Loidl

Heriot-Watt University, UK

Conor McBride

University of Strathclyde, UK

Jeremy Singer

University of Glasgow, UK

Sven-Bodo Scholz

Heriot-Watt University, UK

Nikhil Swamy

Microsoft Research, US

Hugo Torres Vieira

Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Organizing Committee

Alastair Beresford

University of Cambridge, UK

Simon Gay

University of Glasgow, UK

Alan Mycroft

University of Cambridge, UK

Vasco Vasconcelos

University of Lisbon, Portugal

Nobuko Yoshida

Imperial College London, UK

Parallelism Turned the Other Way Around – From Hardware to Software

Stefan Möhl (Mitrionics AB, Sweden)

The performance increase of desktop computers has markedly slowed down compared to before the year 2000. The value of added cores does not match the value that doubled clock speed used to give. Though Moore's law continues unabated, software is no longer able to leverage the added potential. This lack of performance increase might even be the primary cause of the decline in PC sales: Without a performance increase, there is little reason to replace your old PC with a new one.

It seems that there are few things more important in modern language design than solving the problem of parallel programming, possibly even at the cost of programmability. If recapturing the free lunch of continuous performance increases can be achieved, it may well be worth taking a few steps back in programmability.

Chip design is inherently fully parallel. In contrast to software, where each instruction uses the hardware in turn, a chip design has logic physically laid out for every operation that will be performed by the chip. This means that every operation on a chip runs simultaneously. Would it be possible to leverage the techniques for managing the huge parallelism of hardware design for software development?