Published: 6th July 2010
DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.29
ISSN: 2075-2180


Proceedings First International Workshop on
Logics for Component Configuration
Edinburgh, UK, 10th July 2010

Edited by: Inês Lynce and Ralf Treinen

Inês Lynce and Ralf Treinen
Handling software upgradeability problems with MILP solvers
Claude Michel and Michel Rueher
Solving Linux Upgradeability Problems Using Boolean Optimization
Josep Argelich, Daniel Le Berre, Inês Lynce, Joao Marques-Silva and Pascal Rapicault
Comparison of PBO solvers in a dependency solving domain
Paulo Trezentos
CONFIGEN: A tool for managing configuration options
Emmanuel Ohayon, Matthieu Lemerre and Vincent David
Model Counting in Product Configuration
Andreas Kübler, Christoph Zengler and Wolfgang Küchlin


This volume contains the five papers presented at the first international workshop on Logics for Component Configuration (LoCoCo 2010) which was associated with the International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2010) as part of the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2010), and which took place on July 10, 2010 in Edinburgh, UK.

Modern software distributions are based on the notion of components, which denote units of independent development and deployment. Components provide the necessary flexibility when organizing a complex software distribution, but also are a challenge when it comes to selecting components from a large repository of possible choices, and configuring these components according to user needs, resource constraints, and interdependencies with other components. Representing and solving configuration problems is a hot topic of great importance for many application domains. Some well-known examples of complex systems of components are Free and Open Source software distributions like GNU/Linux, or Eclipse plugins. The LoCoCo workshop has a focus on logic-based methods for specifying and solving complex configuration problems for software components. The goal was to bring together both researchers and practitioners active in the area of component configuration of software systems, using different modeling and solving techniques, such as constraint and logic programing, description logics, satisfiability and its extensions.

The workshop featured, besides the five regular talks included in this volume, an invited talk by Carsten Sinz (University of Karlsruhe) on Software Configuration: What can we learn from Product Configuration?. Furthermore, the European Research project Managing the Complexity of the Open Source Software Infrastructure (Mancoosi) has organized the first Mancoosi International Solver Competition of tools for solving component upgrade problem (MISC 2010) in the weeks preceding the workshop, the results of which where presented at the workshop.

We wish to express our gratitude to our invited speaker Carsten Sinz, the authors of the contributed papers, the members of the program committee, and the local organization team of FLoC 2010 for their contributions and support. Without them, the workshop could not have seen the light of the day. Finally, we would like to thank EPTCS, and in particular Rob van Glabbeek, for their help and for providing the opportunity to make these proceedings freely available to the research community.

Inês Lynce and Ralf Treinen
Lisbon and Paris, June 2010

LoCoCo 2010 Program Committee