Published: 23rd March 2023 DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.376 ISSN: 2075-2180 |
Preface Pascal Fontaine and Daniele Nantes Sobrinho | |
Invited Presentation: From Global to Local: Reductions for the Modal Cube into K Cláudia Nalon | 1 |
Invited Presentation: The Category of Propositional Deductive Systems and their Generalized Models Ciro Russo | 2 |
Paraconsistent Transition Systems Ana Cruz, Alexandre Madeira and Luís Soares Barbosa | 3 |
ReLo: a Dynamic Logic to Reason About Reo Circuits Erick Grilo and Bruno Lopes | 16 |
Analyzing Innermost Runtime Complexity Through Tuple Interpretations Liye Guo and Deivid Vale | 34 |
Equational Theorem Proving for Clauses over Strings Dohan Kim | 49 |
Nominal Sets in Agda - A Fresh and Immature Mechanization Miguel Pagano and José E. Solsona | 67 |
A Formal Proof of the Strong Normalization Theorem for System T in Agda Sebastián Urciuoli | 81 |
This volume contains the post-proceedings of the Seventeenth Logical and Semantic Frameworks with Applications (LSFA 2022), organised by the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held hybridly, on September 23-24, 2022.
LSFA aims to bring together researchers and students interested in theoretical and practical aspects of logical and semantic frameworks and their applications. The covered topics include proof theory, type theory and rewriting theory, specification and deduction languages, and formal semantics of languages and
We thank the fine effort of the programme committee which assured the high technical quality of the event:
We also are grateful for the external reviewers who provided detailed reviews and fruitful discussions:
We thank the invited speakers who contributed greatly for the event's success:
Finally, we are very grateful to Haniel Barbosa and Mario S. Alvin who took care of all the logistics for LSFA 2022, and organised a great and very pleasant event, which was for many the first proper in-person scientific meeting after two long years of COVID restrictions.
28th of February, 2023 |
Pascal Fontaine (University of Liège, Belgium) Daniele Nantes Sobrinho (Imperial College London, UK and Universidade de Brasília, Brazil) (LSFA 2022 PC Chairs) |
Modal logics are applied to represent and reason about a large variety of complex problems: from the formalisation of Mathematics and philosophical problems to applications in Computer Science and Engineering. Such applications might require specific extensions of modal logics that better represent constraints for a particular given domain, which can be achieved by adding to K (normality) the axioms B (symmetry), D (seriality), T (reflexivity), 4 (transitivity), and 5 (Euclideaness). The logics arising from these axioms and their combinations comprise what is known as the modal cube.
Given the wide range of applications, the availability of automatic tools for reasoning about problems represented in these logics is highly desirable. But that is not the case. Although both model and proof theory for the considered logics are well developed and understood, there is a lack of automatic modal reasoners. Therefore, automated reasoning for modal logics often exploits the fact that their languages can be translated into stronger logics, as first-order logic, for which there are readily available, reliable provers. This is however problematic, as the translation might not retain complexity and might not even lead to a decision procedure.
In this talk, we will argue in the other direction: many modal logics can also be efficiently translated into weaker logics whilst preserving decidability and (often) complexity results. We provide translations directly into a clausal normal form for K which is suitable for automatic reasoning using modal resolution. Experimental evaluation with our own prover, KSP, shows that we can achieve good performance for all the logics in the modal cube. Other automated tools for local reasoning in K, whose availability is higher than those for specific normal modal logics, could also benefit from the techniques utilised in our translation.
This talk is based on joint work with Ullrich Hustadt (University of Liverpool), Fabio Papacchini (University of Lancaster at Leipzig), and Clare Dixon (University of Manchester).
Quantales and their modules provide an efficient framework for representing deductive systems [1], within which it is possible to deal with several important issues, e.g.: interpretation and equivalence, language expansion, combination of different logics (even with the preservation of a possible common fragment). In this framework, a propositional language is canonically associated to a quantale, and any deductive system on such a language is identified with its own lattice of theories which, on its turn, is a left module over the given quantale.
It was proved in [1] that a system is interpretable (resp.: conservatively interpretable, equivalent) in another one with the same underlying language if and only if there exists a homomorphism (resp.: embedding, isomorphism) between the two respective modules of theories. Such a result has been extended to systems with different languages by introducing language translations and characterizing them among the quantale morphisms [2]. In a more recent paper [3], various other algebraic and categorical properties of quantales and their modules have been applied in order to manage language expansion, fragments and, above all, combination of different logics in a new system encompassing them.
We shall present an overview of the above results and then we will introduce a category in which deductive systems and their generalized matrix semantics (or generalized models) are a subclass of the object class, semantic and syntactic interpretations are morphisms and, moreover, all of the phenomena described above are just instances of general categorical concepts.