Published: 10th August 2016
DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.223
ISSN: 2075-2180


Proceedings 9th
Interaction and Concurrency Experience
Heraklion, Greece, 8-9 June 2016

Edited by: Massimo Bartoletti, Ludovic Henrio, Sophia Knight and Hugo Torres Vieira

Invited Presentation: Probabilistic NetKAT
Alexandra Silva
Invited Presentation: Dynamic Causality (in Event Structures)
Youssef Arbach, David S. Karcher, Kirstin Peters and Uwe Nestmann
On the Regular Emptiness Problem of Subzero Automata
Henryk Michalewski, Matteo Mio and Mikołaj Bojańczyk
Nominal Cellular Automata
Tommaso Bolognesi and Vincenzo Ciancia
An Erlang Implementation of Multiparty Session Actors
Simon Fowler
Multi-Threaded Actors
Keyvan Azadbakht, Frank S. de Boer and Vlad Serbanescu
An Abstract Semantics of the Global View of Choreographies
Roberto Guanciale and Emilio Tuosto
Architecture Diagrams: A Graphical Language for Architecture Style Specification
Anastasia Mavridou, Eduard Baranov, Simon Bliudze and Joseph Sifakis
A Modular Formalization of Reversibility for Concurrent Models and Languages
Alexis Bernadet and Ivan Lanese
Worlds of Events: Deduction with Partial Knowledge about Causality
Seyed Hossein Haeri, Peter Van Roy, Carlos Baquero and Christopher Meiklejohn
A Step Towards Checking Security in IoT
Chiara Bodei, Pierpaolo Degano, Gian-Luigi Ferrari and Letterio Galletta


This volume contains the proceedings of ICE'16, the 9th Interaction and Concurrency Experience, which was held in Heraklion, Greece on the 8th and 9th of June 2016 as a satellite event of DisCoTec'16. The previous editions of ICE were affiliated with ICALP'08 (Reykjavik, Iceland), CONCUR'09 (Bologna, Italy), DisCoTec'10 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), DisCoTec'11 (Reykjavik, Iceland), DisCoTec'12 (Stockholm, Sweden), DisCoTec'13 (Florence, Italy), DisCoTec'14 (Berlin, Germany), and DisCoTec'15 (Grenoble, France).

The ICE workshop series has a main distinguishing aspect: the workshop features a particular review and selection procedure. The ICE procedure for paper selection allows PC members to interact, anonymously, with authors. During the review phase, each submitted paper is published on a discussion forum whose access is restricted to the authors and to all the PC members not declaring a conflict of interest. The PC members post comments and questions that the authors reply to. Like in the past eight editions, the forum discussion during the review and selection phase of ICE'16 considerably improved the accuracy of the feedback from the reviewers and the quality of accepted papers, and offered the basis for lively discussion during the workshop. The time and effort spent on the forum interaction is rewarding for both authors -- in updating their papers -- and reviewers -- in writing their reviews: the forum discussion makes it possible to resolve misunderstandings at an early stage of the review process, to discover and correct mistakes in key definitions, and to improve examples and the presentation of critical cases.

For the first time, the 2016 edition of ICE included a feature targeting review transparency: reviews of accepted papers were made public on the workshop website and workshop participants in particular were able to access them during the workshop. We believe this feature will also become a significant aspect of the ICE process in the forthcoming editions.

Each paper was reviewed by three PC members, and altogether nine papers were accepted for publication (the workshop also featured three brief announcements which are not part of this volume). We were proud to host two invited talks, by Alexandra Silva and Uwe Nestmann. The abstracts of these two talks are included in this volume together with the regular papers. Final versions of the contributions, taking into account the discussion at the workshop, are included in the same order as they were presented at the workshop.

We would like to thank the authors of all the submitted papers for their interest in the workshop and the PC members for their efforts, which enabled the success of the ICE workshop. We thank Alexandra Silva and Uwe Nestmann for accepting our invitations to present their recent work, and the DisCoTec'16 organizers, in particular the general and workshop chairs, for providing an excellent environment for the preparation and staging of the event. Finally, we thank the editors of EPTCS for the publication of this post-proceedings.

Massimo Bartoletti - University of Cagliari (Italy)
Ludovic Henrio - CNRS, Sophia Antipolis (France)
Sophia Knight - Uppsala University (Sweden)
Hugo Torres Vieira - IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy)

Probabilistic NetKAT

Alexandra Silva (University College London, UK)


In this talk, we will present a new language for network programming based on a probabilistic semantics. We extend the NetKAT language with new primitives for expressing probabilistic behaviors and enrich the semantics from one based on deterministic functions to one based on measurable functions on sets of packet histories. We establish fundamental properties of the semantics, prove that it is a conservative extension of the deterministic semantics, show that it satisfies a number of natural equations, and develop a notion of approximation. We present case studies that show how the language can be used to model a diverse collection of scenarios drawn from real-world networks. This is joint work with Nate Foster, Dexter Kozen, Konstantinos Mamouras and Mark Reitblatt.

Dynamic Causality (in Event Structures)

Youssef Arbach (Technische Universität Berlin)
David S. Karcher (Technische Universität Berlin)
Kirstin Peters (Technische Universität Berlin)
Uwe Nestmann (Technische Universität Berlin)


Event Structures (ESs) address the representation of direct relationships between individual events, usually capturing the notions of causality and conflict. In all model variants up to now, such relationships have been static, i.e., they cannot dynamically change or be adapted during a system run. Thus, the common ESs only model a static view on systems.

We dynamize causality such that causal dependencies between some events can be changed by occurrences of other events. We first model and study the case in which events may entail the removal of causal dependencies, then we consider the addition of causal dependencies, and finally we combine both approaches in the so-called Dynamic Causality ESs. For all three newly defined types of ESs, we study their expressive power in comparison to the well-known Prime ESs, Dual ESs, Extended Bundle ESs, and ESs for Resolvable Conflicts. Interestingly Dynamic Causality ESs subsume Extended Bundle ESs and Dual ESs but are incomparable with ESs for Resolvable Conflicts.

We also hint at a higher-order variant of dynamic causality; its expressive power comprises both the first-order case and the ESs for Resolvable Conflicts.