This volume contains the proceedings of ICE'13, the 6th
Interaction and Concurrency Experience workshop, which was held in
Florence, Italy on the 6th of June 2013 as a satellite event of
DisCoTec'13. The ICE workshop series has a main distinguishing aspect:
the workshop features a novel review and selection
The previous editions of ICE were affiliated to ICALP'08 (Reykjavik,
Iceland), CONCUR'09 (Bologna, Italy), DisCoTec'10 (Amsterdam, The
Netherlands), DisCoTec'11 (Reykjavik, Iceland) and DisCoTec'12
(Stockholm, Sweden).
The ICE procedure for paper selection allows PC members to interact,
anonymously, with authors. During the review phase, each submitted
paper is published on a forum and associated with a discussion forum
whose access is restricted to the authors and to all the PC members
not declaring a conflict of interests. The PC members post comments
and questions that the authors reply to. As at the past five editions,
the forum discussion during the review and selection phase of ICE'13
has considerably improved the accuracy of the feedback from the
reviewers and the quality of accepted papers, and offered the basis
for a lively discussion during the workshop. The interactive
selection procedure implies additional effort for both authors and PC
members. The effort and time spent in the forum interaction is
rewarding for both authors -- when updating their papers -- and
reviewers -- when writing their reviews: the forum discussion helps to
discover and correct typos in key definitions and mispelled
statements, to improve examples and presentation of critical cases,
and solve any misunderstanding at the very early stage of the review
process. Each paper was reviewed by three PC members, and altogether
6 papers were accepted for publication. We were proud to host two
invited talks by Davide Sangiorgi and Filippo Bonchi, whose abstracts
are included in this volume together with the regular papers. The
workshop also featured a brief announcement of an already published
paper. Final versions of the contributions, taking into account the
discussion at the workshop, are included in the same order as they
were presented at the workshop.
We would like to thank the authors of all the submitted papers for
their interest in the workshop and the PC members for their efforts,
which provided for the success of the ICE workshop. We thank Davide Sangiorgi and Filippo Bonchi for accepting our invitations to present
their recent work, and the DisCoTec'13 organisers, in particular the
general and workshop chairs, for providing an excellent environment
for the preparation and staging of the event. Finally, we thank EPTCS
editors for the publication of post-proceedings.
Marco Carbone -- ITU (Denmark)
Ivan Lanese -- University of Bologna/INRIA (Italy)
Alberto Lluch Lafuente -- IMT Lucca (Italy)
Ana Sokolova -- University of Salzburg (Austria)
Davide Sangiorgi (University of Bologna and INRIA)
This is a summary and a brief introduction for the talk presented at ICE 2013.
Equivalence proof of computer programs is an important but challenging
Equivalence between two programs means that the programs
should behave ``in
the same manner'' under any context [19].
Finding effective methods for equivalence proofs
is particularly challenging in higher-order languages
(i.e., languages where program code can be
passed around like other data). The prototypical higher-order language
is the lambda-calculus, the basis of functional
languages. The methods should also scale up to richer
languages, including non-functional features (non-determinism, information
hiding mechanisms like generative names, store, data abstraction, etc.).
Bisimulation has emerged as a very powerful operational method for
proving equivalence of programs in various kinds of languages, due
to the associated co-inductive proof method.
Further, a number of enhancements of the bisimulation method have
been studied, usually called up-to techniques.
To be
useful, the behavioral relation resulting from bisimulation---bisimilarity---should be a congruence.
Bisimulation has
been transplanted onto higher-order languages by
Abramsky [1]. This version of bisimulation, called
bisimulations, and variants of it, have received considerable
attention [10,12,23,25,17].
In short, two functions P and Q are applicatively bisimilar when
their applications P(M) and Q(M) are applicatively bisimilar for
any argument M.
In the talk, I will review the limitations of
applicative bisimulations.
For instance,
do not scale very well to
languages richer than pure lambda-calculus. For instance, they are
unsound under the presence of generative
names [14] or data
abstraction [30] because they apply bisimilar
functions to an identical argument.
congruence proofs of applicative bisimulations
are notoriously hard. Such proofs usually rely on Howe's
method [13].
The method appears however rather subtle and
fragile, for instance under the presence of generative
names [14], non-determinism [13], or
concurrency (e.g., [6,7]).
Also, the method is very syntactical
and lacks
good intuition about when and why it works.
Related to the problems with congruence are also the
difficulties of applicative bisimulations with ``up-to context''
techniques (the usefulness of these techniques in higher-order languages
and its problems with applicative bisimulations
have been extensively studied by Lassen [17]; see also [25,16]).
Congruence proofs for bisimulations usually exploit the bisimulation
method itself to establish that the closure of the bisimilarity under
contexts is again a bisimulation.
To see why, intuitively, this proof does not work for applicative bisimulation,
consider a pair of bisimilar functions P_1, Q_1 and
another pair of bisimilar terms P_2, Q_2. In
an application
context they yield the terms P_1 P_2 and Q_1 Q_2 which, if
bisimilarity is a congruence, should be bisimilar.
the argument for the functions P_1 and Q_1 are
bisimilar, but not necessarily identical: hence
we are unable to apply the bisimulation hypothesis on the functions.
I will then discuss proposals for improving applicative bisimilarity,
notably environmental bisimulations [28] and
logical bisimulations [27].
Finally, I will consider extensions of the language with
Probabilistic models are more and more pervasive. Not only they are a formidable tool
when dealing with uncertainty and incomplete information, but they sometimes are
a necessity rather than an alternative, like in computational cryptography (where, e.g.,
secure public key encryption schemes need to be
probabilistic [8]).
A nice way to deal computationally with probabilistic models is to allow probabilistic choice as
a primitive when designing algorithms, this way switching from usual, deterministic computation
to a new paradigm, called probabilistic computation. Examples of application areas in which
probabilistic computation has proved to be useful include natural language processing [18],
robotics [31], computer vision [5], and machine learning [21].
This new form of computation, of course, needs to be available to
programmers to be accessible. And indeed, various programming languages
have been introduced in the last years, spanning from abstract ones [15,24,20]
to more concrete ones [22,9], being
inspired by various programming paradigms like imperative, functional or even object oriented.
A quite common scheme consists in endowing any deterministic language with
one or more primitives for probabilistic choice, like binary probabilistic
choice or primitives for distributions.
One class of languages which cope well with probabilistic computation are functional languages. Indeed,
viewing algorithms as functions allows a smooth integration of distributions into the playground, itself
nicely reflected at the level of types through monads [11,24]. As a matter of fact, many existing probabilistic
programming languages [22,9] are designed around the lambda-calculus or one of its incarnations, like
All these allows to write higher-order functions (programs can
take functions as inputs and produce them as outputs).
I will go through some recent work with M. Alberti and U. Dal Lago [2] on
bisimulation and context equivalence in a probabilistic
lambda-calculus. Firstly I show a technique for proving congruence of
probabilistic applicative bisimilarity. While the technique
follows Howe's method, some of the technicalities are quite different,
relying on non-trivial ``disentangling'' properties for sets of real
numbers, these properties themselves proved by tools from linear
algebra. Secondly I show that, while bisimilarity is in general
strictly finer than context equivalence, coincidence between the
two relations is attained on pure lambda-terms. The resulting
equality is that induced by Levy-Longo trees, generally accepted as
the finest extensional equivalence on pure lambda-terms under
a lazy regime. For the proof, here I follow techniques in
Finally, I derive a coinductive characterisation
of context equivalence on the whole probabilistic language, via
an extension in which terms akin to distributions may appear in redex position.
Another motivation for the extension is that its operational semantics allows
us to experiment with a different congruence technique, namely that of
logical bisimilarity.
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Filippo Bonchi (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)
Checking language equivalence (or inclusion) of finite automata is a classical problem in computer science, which has recently received a renewed interest and found novel and more effective solutions, such as the approaches based on antichains or bisimulations up-to.
Several notions of equivalences (or preorders) have been proposed for the analysis of concurrent systems. Usually, the problem of checking these equivalences is reduced to the problem of checking bisimilarity.
In this work, we take a different approach and propose to "adapt" algorithms for language semantics. More precisely, we introduce an analogous of Brzozowski's algorithm and an algorithm based on bisimulations up-to for checking must equivalence and preorder.