Published: 13th November 2013
DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.133
ISSN: 2075-2180


Proceedings 1st Workshop on
Advances in Systems of Systems
Rome, Italy, 16th March 2013

Edited by: Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay and Ulrik Nyman

Invited Paper: Verification and Validation Issues in Systems of Systems
Eric Honour
Variability and Evolution in Systems of Systems
Goetz Botterweck
Systems of Systems Modeled by a Hierarchical Part-Whole State-Based Formalism
Luca Pazzi
Invited Paper: System-of-Systems Complexity
Hermann Kopetz
Invited Paper: Challenges for modelling and analysis in embedded systems and systems-of-systems design
Boudewijn R. Haverkort
Contracts and Behavioral Patterns for SoS: The EU IP DANSE approach
Alexandre Arnold, Benoît Boyer and Axel Legay
SoS contract verification using statistical model checking
Alessandro Mignogna, Leonardo Mangeruca, Benoît Boyer, Axel Legay and Alexandre Arnold
A coordination model for ultra-large scale systems of systems
Manuela L. Bujorianu and Marius C. Bujorianu


This volume contains the proceedings of the first workshop on Advances in Systems of Systems (AISOS'13), held in Roma, Italy, March 16. System-of-Systems describes the large scale integration of many independent self-contained systems to satisfy global needs or multi-system requests. Examples are smart grid, intelligent buildings, smart cities, transport systems, etc. There is a need for new modeling formalisms, analysis methods and tools to help make trade-off decisions during design and evolution avoiding leading to sub-optimal design and rework during integration and in service. The workshop should focus on the modeling and analysis of System of Systems. AISOS'13 aims to gather people from different communities in order to encourage exchange of methods and views.

Each workshop paper submission was reviewed by 3-4 committee members. The program committee of AISOS 2013 consisted of:

The keynote speakers at the workshop were:

The final proceedings will appear in the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS) series. We thank Rob Van Glabbeek for their support.

March 2013, Kim. G. Larsen, Axel Legay, and Ulrik Nyman.