Published: 21st August 2012 DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.93 ISSN: 2075-2180 |
Preface Ulrike Golas and Thomas Soboll | |
Category Theory and Model-Driven Engineering: From Formal Semantics to Design Patterns and Beyond Zinovy Diskin and Tom Maibaum | 1 |
Bisimulation of Labeled State-to-Function Transition Systems of Stochastic Process Languages D. Latella, M. Massink and E.P. de Vink | 23 |
Decorated proofs for computational effects: States Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Laurent Fousse and Jean-Claude Reynaud | 45 |
Characterizing Van Kampen Squares via Descent Data Harald König, Uwe Wolter and Michael Löwe | 61 |
Satisfaction, Restriction and Amalgamation of Constraints in the Framework of M-Adhesive Categories Hanna Schölzel, Hartmut Ehrig, Maria Maximova, Karsten Garbriel and Frank Hermann | 83 |
Ulrike Golas, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, Germany,
Thomas Soboll, Universität Salzburg, Austria,
Category Theory is a well-known powerful mathematical modeling language with a wide area of applications in mathematics and computer science, including especially the semantical foundations of topics in software science and development. Categorical methods are already well established for the semantical foundation of type theory (cartesian closed categories), data type specification frameworks (institutions) and graph transformation (adhesive high level replacement categories).
It is the intention of the ACCAT Workshops on Applied and Computational Category Theory to bring together leading researchers in these areas with those in software science and development in order to transfer categorical concepts and theories in both directions. The workshops aims to represent a forum for researchers and practitioners who are interested in an exchange of ideas, notions, and techniques for different applications of category theory.
The originators of the ACCAT workshops were Hartmut Ehrig (Berlin) and Jochen Pfalzgraf (Salzburg); they started with the 1st ACCAT workshop as a satellite event of ETAPS 2006, the European Joint Con- ferences on Theory and Practice of Software. Since then, the workshop has been a yearly meeting at the ETAPS conferences.
The seventh ACCAT workshop on Applied and Computational Category Theory 2012 was held in Tallinn, Estonia on the 1st of April 2012 as a satellite event of ETAPS 2012. Topics relevant to the scope of the workshop included (but were not restricted to)
In contrast to previous ones, this workshop consisted of three invited talks as well as four peer-reviewed presentations. This issue contains the full version of one of the invited talks as well as the submitted papers, which cover a wide range of applications of category theory, from model-driven engineering over transition systems in stochastic processes to transformations in M-adhesive categories.
We are grateful to the external referees for their excellent work in reviewing and selecting the submit- ted papers. Moreover, we would like to thank the Organizing Committee of the ETAPS conference, and in particular the general chair, Tarmo Uustalu, and the workshop chair, Keiko Nakata, for their successful organization.
24th of July, 2012
Ulrike Golas
Thomas Soboll