Please fill in this application form to organise a workshop affiliated with ETAPS 2026. Acronym of event: Please use the same style as the filled-in example. Identifier for this application: (Same as above but using only letters and numbers. If for any reason you return here to modify your application, please use a different identifier, e.g. AR2015a.) Full name of event (with the optional prefix on the first line): Your website: (if already available) Organizers of this workshop: (in case of more organisers, click here) Name <email>: Name <email>: Your contact details including telephone and address: Please indicate the acceptable scheduling options (including duration of the event): This 1-day workshop may be scheduled on Saturday, before ETAPS. This 1-day workshop may be scheduled on Sunday, before ETAPS. This is a 2-day workshop that must be scheduled on Saturday and Sunday before ETAPS. In case you prefer (to avoid) an overlap with another ETAPS workshop, please explain here: Anticipated number of attendants: . Please supply a brief description (120 words approximately) of the event topic for the website and publicity material of ETAPS: Please upload a file (text or pdf) with full information about the event. It should contain • a brief explanation of the event topic and its relevance to ETAPS, • a detailed description of your selection procedure for contributions to this event, • the PC chairs and membership of the programme committee, if known already, • information on previous editions of this event, if any, • and any other relevant information, like a special event format, invited speakers, demo sessions, special space requirements, etc. List the tentative important dates: Paper submission: Notification: Final versions for (informal pre-)proceedings: Do you intend to publish a formal proceedings of this workshop? Yes, in EPTCS Yes, somewhere else No. Namely in . In case this workshop will be accepted by ETAPS, this form will be forwarded to the EPTCS editorial board as an application to publish the workshop proceedings in EPTCS. EPTCS expects the workshop organisers listed above, collectively and individually, to take responsibility for the quality of the proceedings they will generate: They will arrange a thorough check of the scientific quality of the included papers, a check for correct English (spelling, style and grammar), and a check for good formatting and adherence to the EPTCS style file. For EPTCS proceedings it is expected that a proceedings volume contains at least four papers of scientific weight (not counting abstracts and short communications up to 3 pages). The EPTCS editorial board may withdraw the acceptance of a volume for publication if the actual submission does not meet this standard. In the information file requested above, you may also wish to provide historical information on the numbers of submissions and acceptance rates of earlier occurrences of this event, if applicable. Your application will be granted only if the board trusts your event to invariably select scientific papers of quality. This trust may be instilled through the organisers of the event, the program committee members, and (if applicable) the quality of earlier editions. Do you want your proceedings to be online by the time your event starts, or do you plan on post-proceedings? (See the EPTCS webpage for the combination of pre- and post-proceedings.) The proceedings should be ready at the event. Post-proceedings after the event. Pre-proceedings at the event and post-proceedings afterwards. When do you intend the proceedings to be ready? Please select a few EPTCS editorial board members to start the evaluation of your application. Lane A. Hemaspaandra Aart Middeldorp Benjamin Pierce Shay Kutten Evangelos Kranakis Luca Aceto Robert H. Sloan Irek Ulidowski Rob van Glabbeek Martin Wirsing Gordon Plotkin Nancy Lynch Luca Cardelli Lijun Zhang Bartek Klin Rocco De Nicola Ran Canetti Vladimiro Sassone Matthew Hennessy Moti Yung Eric Monfroy Ana Sokolova Wan Fokkink Wolfgang Thomas