Please fill in this application form to organise a workshop affiliated with ETAPS 2026.

Acronym of event: Please use the same style as the filled-in example.

Identifier for this application: (Same as above but using only letters and numbers. If for any reason you return here to modify your application, please use a different identifier, e.g. AR2015a.)

Full name of event (with the optional prefix on the first line):

Your website:
(if already available)

Organizers of this workshop:              (in case of more organisers, click here)
Name <email>:
Name <email>:
Your contact details including telephone and address:

Please indicate the acceptable scheduling options (including duration of the event):
This 1-day workshop may be scheduled on Saturday, before ETAPS.
This 1-day workshop may be scheduled on Sunday, before ETAPS.
This is a 2-day workshop that must be scheduled on Saturday and Sunday before ETAPS.
In case you prefer (to avoid) an overlap with another ETAPS workshop, please explain here:

Anticipated number of attendants: .

Please supply a brief description (120 words approximately) of the event topic for the website and publicity material of ETAPS:

Please upload a file (text or pdf) with full information about the event. It should contain
• a brief explanation of the event topic and its relevance to ETAPS,
• a detailed description of your selection procedure for contributions to this event,
• the PC chairs and membership of the programme committee, if known already,
• information on previous editions of this event, if any,
• and any other relevant information, like a special event format, invited speakers, demo sessions, special space requirements, etc.

List the tentative important dates:
Paper submission:
Final versions for (informal pre-)proceedings:

Do you intend to publish a formal proceedings of this workshop?
Yes, in EPTCS        Yes, somewhere else        No.