These steps are expanded in details below.

Step 1: Creating a Mathworks account and activating it

  1. Go to the Mathworks website: Click on Create Account near the top right corner of the page.
  2. You will be prompted to fill in a form and you must use your UNSW email address (e.g. in the form.
  3. For the question "How will you use MathWorks software?", select "Student use of MATLAB and Simulink Student Version"
  4. Fill out the rest of the form (at least the compulsory part indicated by *) and click continue. Continue to fill out the next page, at least the compulsory part, then click continue.
  5. An email will be sent to your UNSW email address. Follow the instructions in the email to have email address verified.

Step 2: Obtaining the serial number from the UNSW IT 

  1. Go to the following web address:
  2. Please take some time to read the licensing conditions at the bottom of the page.
  3. After that, return to the top of the page and click on "Download product and view licensing information" (the text block that has a light yellow background).
  4. You will be asked to authenticate using your zID and zPass. You will reach a page where the top of the page is shown below:
  5. You do not need to follow the instructions there as we have expanded the instructions in this document. If you look at the middle of the page, there is a long serial number and you will need that later on. Keep this page open as you will need to come back to get the long serial number.