- Step 1: Obtaining a Mathworks account and activate it
- Step 2: Obtaining the serial number from the UNSW IT website
These steps are expanded in details below.
Step 1: Creating a Mathworks account and activating it
- Go to the Mathworks website:
Click on Create Account near
the top right corner of the page.
- You will be prompted to fill in a form and you must
use your UNSW email address (e.g. z1234567@student.unsw.edu.au)
in the form.
- For the question "How will you use MathWorks software?", select
"Student use of MATLAB and Simulink Student Version"
- Fill out the rest of the form (at least the
compulsory part indicated by *) and click continue. Continue to fill out
the next page, at least the compulsory part, then click continue.
- An email will be sent to your UNSW email address. Follow the
instructions in the email to have email address verified.
Step 2: Obtaining the serial number from the UNSW IT
- Go to the following web address:
- Please take some time to read the licensing
conditions at the bottom of the page.
- After that, return to the top of the page and click on "Download
product and view licensing information" (the text block that has a light
yellow background).
- You will be asked to authenticate using your zID and zPass. You will
reach a page where the top of the page is shown below:
- You do not need to follow the
instructions there as we have expanded the instructions in this
document. If you look at the middle of the page, there is a long serial
number and you will need that later on. Keep this page open as you will
need to come back to get the long serial number.