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File System Operations (cont)

The st_mode is a bit-string containing some of:

S_IFLNK    0120000   symbolic link
S_IFREG    0100000   regular file
S_IFBLK    0060000   block device
S_IFDIR    0040000   directory
S_IFCHR    0020000   character device
S_IFIFO    0010000   FIFO

S_IRUSR    0000400   owner has read permission
S_IWUSR    0000200   owner has write permission
S_IXUSR    0000100   owner has execute permission

S_IRGRP    0000040   group has read permission
S_IWGRP    0000020   group has write permission
S_IXGRP    0000010   group has execute permission

S_IROTH    0000004   others have read permission
S_IWOTH    0000002   others have write permission
S_IXOTH    0000001   others have execute permission