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Exercise 6: Operand Sizes

Consider the following memory contents and MIPS instructions

Label Size     Content      Address       Instructions
w:    .word    0x00010101   0x10000000    * la  $t0, w
x:    .word    0x00008000   0x10000004    * lw  $t0, w
y:    .byte    0x00000061   0x10000008    * lh  $t0, w
z:    .byte    0x00000062   0x10000009    * lh  $t0, x
                                          * lhu $t0, x
                                          * lbu $t0, x
                                          * lb  $t0, z
                                          * lw  $t0, z
                                          * lw  $t0, y

What will be the value (in hexadecimal) of the destination register after each of the starred MIPS instructions is executed?