COMP9315 24T1 Prac Exercise 02
The PostgreSQL Catalog
DBMS Implementation


This simple exercise aims to get you to:

Pre-requisite: you have installed your PostgreSQL server following P01.


PostgreSQL uses its catalog tables to maintain a large amount of information that is used by the various components of the DB engine. As well as defining the user-level meta-data (names, types, constraints), the catalog tables also include information to assist the storage manager (e.g., size of attribute values), information to assist the query optimiser (e.g. size of table in pages), and so on. Some tables are global — shared by all databases on a PostgreSQL server — while others contain values local to a particular database.

Some of the more important tables (and some of their parameters are given below). Details on the other tables, and complete details of the given tables, are available in the PostgreSQL documentation

pg_authid(rolname, rolsuper, rolinherit, rolcreaterole, rolcreatedb, rolcatupdate,
        rolcanlogin, rolreplication, rolconnlimit, rolpassword, rolvaliduntil)

pg_database(datname, datdba, encoding, datcollate, datctype, datistemplate,
        datallowconn, datconnlimit, datlastsysoid, datfrozenxid, datminmxid,
        dattablespace, datacl)

pg_namespace(nspname, nspowner, nspacl)

pg_class(relname, relnamespace, reltype, reloftype, relowner, relam,
        relfilenode, reltablespace, relpages, reltuples, relallvisible,
        reltoastrelid, reltoastidxid, relhasindex, relisshared, relpersistence,
        relkind, relnatts, relchecks, relhasoids, relhaspkey, relhasrules,
        relhastriggers, relhassubclass, relfrozenxid, relminmxid, relacl, reloptions)

pg_attribute(attrelid, attname, atttypid, attstattarget, attlen, attnum, attndims,
        attcacheoff, atttypmod, attbyval, attstorage, attalign, attnotnull,
        atthasdef, attisdropped, attislocal, attinhcount, attcollation, attacl,
        attoptions, attfdwoptions)

pg_type(typname, typnamespace, typowner, typlen, typbyval, typtype, typcategory,
        typispreferred, typisdefined, typdelim, typrelid, typelem, typarray,
        typinput, typoutput, typreceive, typsend, typmodin, typmodout, typanalyze,
        typalign, typstorage, typnotnull, typbasetype, typtypmod, typndims,
        typcollation, typdefaultbin, typdefault, typacl)


In the online sessions, I mentioned a PL/pgSQL function schema() that could use the PostgreSQL catalog tables to produce a list of tables/attributes for the public schema, in a format similar to that shown above. In fact, the above format was actually produced by an extension to the schema() function, which wraps lines before they become too long and hard to read.

The first thing to do is to make a copy of the schema() function:

mkdir some/directory/for/prac/p02
cd some/directory/for/prac/p02
cp /web/cs9315/24T1/pracs/p02/schema.sql .
# don't forget the dot, which means "current directory"

Create the beer database from Prac P01 (if it's not still there), and then do the following:

psql beer
psql (15.6)
Type "help" for help.

\i schema.sql ... loads contents of the file schema.sql ...
select * from schema(); ... invokes the schema() function ...
 bars(name, addr, license)
 beers(name, manf)
 drinkers(name, addr, phone)
 frequents(drinker, bar)
 likes(drinker, beer)
 sells(bar, beer, price)
(6 rows)

Read the code for the function and make sure you understand how it works. You will most likely need to look at the documentation on PL/pgSQL for this. Once you understand how it works, make the following changes:

Your new schema1 function should produce output something like the following:

select * from schema1();
   table   |                     attributes
 bars      | name:barname, addr:varchar(20), license:integer
 beers     | name:barname, manf:varchar(20)
 drinkers  | name:drinkername, addr:varchar(30), phone:char(10)
 frequents | drinker:drinkername, bar:barname
 likes     | drinker:drinkername, beer:beername
 sells     | bar:barname, beer:beername, price:float

if tested on the beer database from Prac P01.

Hint: you'll need to look at the PostgreSQL manual, especially the chapters on PL/pgSQL and System Catalog.

[Example Solution]

End of Prac

Let me know via the forums, or come to a consultation if you have any problems with this exercise ... jas