COMP9315: Storage: Devices, Files, Pages, Tuples, Buffers, Catalogs

Storage Management

Storage Management2/247

Aims of storage management in DBMS:

... Storage Management3/247

The storage manager provides mechanisms for:

... Storage Management4/247

Examples of references (addresses) used in DBMSs:

... Storage Management5/247

Levels of DBMS related to storage management:


... Storage Management6/247

Topics to be considered:

Each topic will be illustrated by its implementation in PostgreSQL.

Views of Data7/247

Users and top-level query evaluator see data as


... Views of Data8/247

Relational operators and access methods see data as


... Views of Data9/247

File manager sees both DB objects and file store


... Views of Data10/247

Disk manager sees data as


On typical modern databases, handled by operating system filesystem.

Storage Manager Interface11/247

The storage manager provides higher levels of system

Example: simple scan of a relation:

select name from Employee

is implemented as something like

DB db = openDatabase("myDB");
Rel r = openRel(db,"Employee");
Scan s = startScan(r);
Tuple t;
while ((t = nextTuple(s)) != NULL)
   char *name = getField(t,"name");
   printf("%s\n", name);

... Storage Manager Interface12/247

The above shows several kinds of operations/mappings:

The DBMS storage manager provides all of these, broken down across several modules.

Data Flow in Query Evaluation13/247


... Data Flow in Query Evaluation14/247

Notes on typical implementation strategies:

Files in DBMSs15/247

Data sets can be viewed at several levels of abstraction in DBMSs.

Logical view: a file is a named collection of data items   (e.g. a table of tuples)

Abstract physical view: a file is a sequence of fixed-size data blocks.

Physical realisation: a collection of sectors scattered over ≥1 disks.

The abstraction used for managing this: PageId.

... Files in DBMSs16/247


... Files in DBMSs17/247

Two possibilities for DBMS disk managers to handle data:

File System Interface18/247

Most access to data on disks in DBMSs is via a file system.

Typical operations provided by the operating system:

fd = open(fileName,mode)
  // open a named file for reading/writing/appending
  // close an open file, via its descriptor 
nread = read(fd, buf, nbytes)
  // attempt to read data from file into buffer 
nwritten = write(fd, buf, nbytes)
  // attempt to write data from buffer to file
lseek(fd, offset, seek_type)
  // move file pointer to relative/absolute file offset
  // flush contents of file buffers to disk

Storage Technology19/247

At this point in memory technology development:

New technologies may eventually change this picture entirely But expect spinning disk technology to dominate for at least 5 more years.

Computational Storage20/247

Characteristics of main memory (RAM):

Accessing memory:

load   reg,byte_address
store  reg,byte_address

Cache memory has similar characteristics to RAM, but is

Typical capacities: RAM (256MB..64GB), Cache (64MB..2GB)

Bulk Data Storage21/247

Requirements for bulk data storage:

... Bulk Data Storage22/247

Several kinds of bulk data storage technology currently exist:

Characteristics of bulk data storage technologies:

Magnetic Disks23/247

Classical/dominant bulk storage technology.


Capacity increase over last decade:   4MB 1GB 1TB

Modest increase in speed; good reduction in cost.

Optical Disks24/247

Optical disks provides an alternative spinning disk storage technology.

Several varieties: CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-RW

Compared to magnetic disks, CD's have

More suited to write-once, read-many applications (static DBs).

Flash Memory (SSD)25/247

Flash memory is a non-mechanical alternative to disk storage.

Compared to disks, flash memory has

... Flash Memory (SSD)26/247

Properties of flash memory require specialised file system

Example: updating data in flash storage

Limitations on updating reduce potential DB applications. Overall, not yet a serious contender as a DBMS substrate.

Comparing HDD and SSD27/247

Comparison of HDD and SSD properties:

Cost/byte ~ 4c / GB ~ 13c / GB
Read latency ~ 10ms ~ 50µs
Write latency ~ 10ms ~ 900µs
Read unit block (e.g. 1KB) byte
Writing write a block write on empty block

Will SSDs ever replace HDDs?

Disk Management

Disk Manager29/247


... Disk Manager30/247

Basic disk management interface is simple:

void get_page(PageId p, Page buf)

void put_page(PageId p, Page buf)

PageId allocate_pages(int n) void deallocate_page(PageId p, int n)

Disk Technology31/247

Disk architecture:


... Disk Technology32/247

Characteristics of disks:

Accessing disk:

read  block at address (p,t,s)
write block at address (p,t,s)

Disk Access Costs33/247

Access time includes:

Cost to write a block is similar to cost of reading But if we need to verify data on disk

... Disk Access Costs34/247

Example disk #1 characteristics:


Note that this analysis is simplified because #bytes/track and #sectors/track varies between outer and inner tracks (same storage density, reduced track length.

... Disk Access Costs35/247

Time Tr to read one random block on disk #1:

Tr = seek + rotation + transfer

Minimum Tr = 0 + 0 + 0.13 = 0.13 ms

Maximum Tr = 50 + 16.7 + 0.13 = 66.8 ms

Average Tr = 25 + (16.7/2) + 0.13 = 33.5 ms

... Disk Access Costs36/247

If operating system deals in 4KB blocks:


Tr(4-blocks) = 25 + (16.7/2) + 4×0.13 + 3×0.01 = 33.9 ms

Tr(1-block) = 25 + (16.7/2) + 0.13 = 33.5 ms

Note that the cost of reading 4KB is comparable to reading 1KB.

Sequential access reduces average block read cost significantly, but

... Disk Access Costs37/247

Example disk #2 characteristics:

Addressing = 3 bits (surface) + 13 bits (cylinder) + 8 bits (sector)

If using 32-bit addresses, this leaves 8 bits (28=256 items/block).

Disk Characteristics38/247

Three important characteristics of disk subsystems:

Mean time to (complete) failure: 3-10 years.

... Disk Characteristics39/247

Increasing capacity:

Improving access time: Improving reliability:

Increasing Disk Capacity40/247

Compress data (e.g. LZ encoding)

+ more data fits on disk

- compression/expansion overhead

For large compressible data (e.g. text), significant savings.

For most relational data (e.g. int, char(8)), no significant saving.

For high-performance memory caching, may never want to expand
(there is current research working on "computable" compressed data formats).

Improving Disk Access Costs41/247

Approach #1: Use knowledge of data access patterns.

E.g. two records frequently accessed together
put them in the same block (clustering)

E.g. records scanned sequentially
place them in "staggered" blocks, double-buffer

Arranging data to match access patterns can improve throughput by 10-20 times.


Approach #2: Avoid reading blocks for each item access.

E.g. buffer blocks in memory, assume likely re-use

Scheduled Disk Access42/247

Low-level disk manager (driver, controller):

Example head movement scheduler: elevator algorithm

Disk Layout43/247

If data sets are going to be frequently accessed in a pre-determined manner, arrange data on disk to minimise access time.

E.g. sequential scan

Older operating systems provided fine-grained control of disk layout.

Modern systems generally don't, because of programmer complexity.

Unix has raw disk partitions: no file system, you write driver to manage disk.

Improving Writes44/247

Nonvolatile write buffers

Log disk

Double Buffering45/247

Double-buffering exploits potential concurrency between disk and memory.

While reads/writes to disk are underway, other processing can be done.


With at least two buffers, can keep disk working full-time.

... Double Buffering46/247

Example: select sum(salary) from Employee

read A into buffer then process buffer content
read B into buffer then process buffer content
read C into buffer then process buffer content


Typically,   Tp < Tr   (depends on kind of processing)

... Double Buffering47/247

Double-buffering approach:

read A into buffer1
process A in buffer1
  and concurrently read B into buffer2
process B in buffer2
  and concurrently read C into buffer1


General observation: use of multiple buffers can lead to substantial cost savings.
We will see numerous examples where multiple memory buffers are exploited.

Multiple Disk Systems48/247

Various strategies can be employed to improve capacity, performance and reliability when multiple disks are available.

RAID (redundant arrays on independent disks) defines a standard set of such techniques.

Essentially, multiple disks allow

Capacity increases naturally by adding multiple disks

(although there is obviously a trade-off between increased capacity and increased reliability via redundancy)

RAID Level 049/247

Uses striping to partition data for one file over several disks

E.g. for n disks, block i in the file is written to disk (i mod n)

Example: file with 6 data blocks striped onto 4 disks using (pid mod 4)


Increases capacity, improves data transfer rates, reduces reliability.

... RAID Level 050/247

The disk manager and RAID controller have to perform a mapping something like:



    disk = diskOf(PageId,ndisks)
    cyln = cylinderOf(PageId)
    plat = platterOf(PageId)
    sect = sectorOf(PageId)
    writeDiskPage(disk, cyln, plat, sect)

(We discuss later how the pid might be represented and mapped)

RAID Level 151/247

Uses mirroring (or shadowing) to store multiple copies of each block.

Since disks can be read/written in parallel, transfer cost unchanged.

Multiple copies allows for single-disk failure with no data loss.

Example: file with 4 data blocks mirrored on two 2-disk partitions


Reduces capacity, improves reliability, no effect on data transfer rates.

... RAID Level 152/247

The disk manager and RAID controller have to perform a mapping something like:



    n = ndisksInPartition
    disk = diskOf(PageId,n)
    cyln = cylinderOf(PageId)
    plat = platterOf(PageId)
    sect = sectorOf(PageId)
    writeDiskPage(disk, cyln, plat, sect)
    writeDiskPage(disk+n, cyln, plat, sect)

RAID levels 2-653/247

The higher levels of raid incorporate various combinations of:

The differences are primarily in:

RAID levels 2-5 can recover from failure in a single disk.

RAID level 6 can recover from smultaneous failures in two disks.

Disk Media Failure54/247

Rarely, a bit will be transferred to/from the disk incorrectly.

Error-correcting codes can check for and recover from this.

If recovery is not possible, the operation can simply be repeated.

If repeated reads/writes on the same block fail:

Database Objects55/247

DBMSs maintain various kinds of objects/information:

databasecan be viewed as an super-object for all others
parametersglobal configuration information
cataloguemeta-information describing database contents
tablesnamed collections of tuples
tuplescollections of typed field values
indexesaccess methods for efficient searching
update logsfor handling rollback/recovery
proceduresactive elements

... Database Objects56/247

The disk manager implements how DB objects are mapped to file system.

References to data objects typically reduce to e.g.

The disk manager needs to convert buffer access to

Single-file DBMS57/247

One possible storage organisation is a single file for the entire database.

All objects are allocated to regions of this file.


Objects are allocated to regions (segments) of the file.

If an object grows too large for allocated segment, allocate an extension.

What happens to allocated space when objects are removed?

... Single-file DBMS58/247

Allocating space in Unix files is easy:

If the seek goes way beyond the end of the file: Under these circumstances, a disk manager is easy to implement.

Single-file Storage Manager59/247

Consider the following simple single-file DBMS layout:



SpaceMap = [ (0,10,U), (10,10,U), (20,600,U), (620,100,U), (720,20,F) ]

TableMap = [ ("employee",20,500), ("project",620,40) ]

... Single-file Storage Manager60/247

Each file segment consists of a number fixed-size blocks

The following data/constant definitions are useful

#define PAGESIZE 2048   // bytes per page

typedef long PageId;    // PageId is block index
                        // pageOffset=PageId*PAGESIZE

typedef char *Page;     // pointer to page/block buffer

Typical PAGESIZE values:  1024,  2048,  4096,  8192

... Single-file Storage Manager61/247

Storage Manager data structures for opened DBs & Tables

typedef struct DBrec {
   char *dbname;    // copy of database name
   int fd;          // the database file
   SpaceMap map;    // map of free/used areas 
   NameTable names; // map names to areas + sizes
} *DB;

typedef struct Relrec {
   char *relname;   // copy of table name
   int   start;     // page index of start of table data
   int   npages;    // number of pages of table data
} *Rel;

Example: Scanning a Relation62/247

With the above disk manager, our example:

select name from Employee

might be implemented as something like

DB db = openDatabase("myDB");
Rel r = openRelation(db,"Employee");
Page buffer = malloc(PAGESIZE*sizeof(char));
for (int i = 0; i < r->npages; i++) {
   PageId pid = r->start+i;
   get_page(db, pid, buffer);
   for each tuple in buffer {
      get tuple data and extract name
      add (name) to result tuples

Single-File Storage Manager63/247

// start using DB, buffer meta-data
DB openDatabase(char *name) { 
   DB db = new(struct DBrec);
   db->dbname = strdup(name);
   db->fd = open(name,O_RDWR);
   db->map = readSpaceTable(db->fd);
   db->names = readNameTable(db->fd);
   return db;
// stop using DB and update all meta-data
void closeDatabase(DB db) {

... Single-File Storage Manager64/247

// set up struct describing relation
Rel openRelation(DB db, char *rname) {
   Rel r = new(struct Relrec);
   r->relname = strdup(rname);
   // get relation data from map tables
   r->start = ...;
   r->npages = ...;
   return r;

// stop using a relation
void closeRelation(Rel r) {

... Single-File Storage Manager65/247

// assume that Page = byte[PageSize]
// assume that PageId = block number in file

// read page from file into memory buffer
void get_page(DB db, PageId p, Page buf) {
   lseek(db->fd, p*PAGESIZE, SEEK_SET);
   read(db->fd, buf, PAGESIZE);

// write page from memory buffer to file
void put_page(Db db, PageId p, Page buf) {
   lseek(db->fd, p*PAGESIZE, SEEK_SET);
   write(db->fd, buf, PAGESIZE);

... Single-File Storage Manager66/247

Managing contents of space mapping table can be complex:

// assume an array of (offset,length,status) records

// allocate n new pages
PageId allocate_pages(int n) {
   if (no existing free chunks are large enough) {
      int endfile = lseek(db->fd, 0, SEEK_END);
      addNewEntry(db->map, endfile, n);
   } else {
      grab "worst fit" chunk
      split off unused section as new chunk
   // note that file itself is not changed

... Single-File Storage Manager67/247

Similar complexity for freeing chunks

// drop n pages starting from p
void deallocate_pages(PageId p, int n) {
   if (no adjacent free chunks) {
      markUnused(db->map, p, n);
   } else {
      merge adjacent free chunks
      compress mapping table
   // note that file itself is not changed

Changes take effect when closeDatabase() executed.

Multiple-file Disk Manager68/247

Most DBMSs don't use a single large file for all data.

They typically provide:

Precise file structure varies between individual DBMSs.

... Multiple-file Disk Manager69/247

Using multiple files (one file per relation) can be easier

E.g. extending the size of a relation


... Multiple-file Disk Manager70/247

Structure of PageId for data pages in such systems ...

If system uses one file per table, PageId contains:

If system uses several files per table, PageId contains:

Oracle File Structures71/247

Oracle uses five different kinds of files:

data files catalogue, tables, procedures
redo log files update logs
alert log files record system events
control files configuration info
archive files off-line collected updates

... Oracle File Structures72/247

There may be multiple instances of each kind of file:

Data files are

... Oracle File Structures73/247

Tablespaces are logical units of storage (cf directories).

Every database object resides in exactly one tablespace.

Units of storage within a tablespace:

data block fixed size unit of storage (cf 2KB page)
extent specific number of contiguous data blocks
segment set of extents allocated to a single database object

Segments can span multiple data files; extents cannot.

To be confusing, tables are called datafiles internally in Oracle.

... Oracle File Structures74/247

Layout of data within Oracle file storage:


PostgreSQL Storage Manager75/247

PostgreSQL uses the following file organisation ...


... PostgreSQL Storage Manager76/247

Components of storage subsystem:

PostgreSQL has two basic kinds of files: Note: smgr designed for many storage devices; only disk handler provided

Relations as Files77/247

PostgreSQL identifies relation files via their OIDs.

The core data structure for this is RelFileNode:

typedef struct RelFileNode
    Oid  spcNode;  // tablespace
    Oid  dbNode;   // database
    Oid  relNode;  // relation
} RelFileNode;

Global (shared) tables (e.g. pg_database) have

... Relations as Files78/247

The relpath function maps RelFileNode to file:

char *relpath(RelFileNode rnode)  // simplified
    char *path = malloc(ENOUGH_SPACE);

    if (rnode.spcNode == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID) {
        /* Shared system relations live in PGDATA/global */
        Assert(rnode.dbNode == 0);
        sprintf(path, "%s/global/%u",
                DataDir, rnode.relNode);
    else if (rnode.spcNode == DEFAULTTABLESPACE_OID) {
        /* The default tablespace is PGDATA/base */
        sprintf(path, "%s/base/%u/%u",
                DataDir, rnode.dbNode, rnode.relNode);
    else {
        /* All other tablespaces accessed via symlinks */
        sprintf(path, "%s/pg_tblspc/%u/%u/%u", DataDir
                rnode.spcNode, rnode.dbNode, rnode.relNode);
    return path;

File Descriptor Pool79/247

Unix has limits on the number of concurrently open files.

PostgreSQL maintains a pool of open file descriptors:

File names are simply strings: typedef char *FileName

Open files are referenced via: typedef int File

A File is an index into a table of "virtual file descriptors".

Source: include/storage/fd.h, backend/storage/file/fd.c

... File Descriptor Pool80/247

Interface to file descriptor (pool):

File PathNameOpenFilePerm(char *fileName,
                      int fileFlags, int fileMode);
     // open a file in the database directory ($PGDATA/base/...)
File OpenTemporaryFile(bool interXact);
     // open temp file; flag: close at end of transaction?
void FileClose(File file);
void FileUnlink(File file);
int  FileRead(File file, char *buffer, int amount);
int  FileWrite(File file, char *buffer, int amount);
int  FileSync(File file);
long FileSeek(File file, long offset, int whence);
int  FileTruncate(File file, long offset);

... File Descriptor Pool81/247

Virtual file descriptors (Vfd)

VfdCache[0] holds list head/tail pointers.

... File Descriptor Pool82/247

Virtual file descriptor records (simplified):

typedef struct vfd
    s_short  fd;              // current FD, or VFD_CLOSED if none
    u_short  fdstate;         // bitflags for VFD's state
    File     nextFree;        // link to next free VFD, if in freelist
    File     lruMoreRecently; // doubly linked recency-of-use list
    File     lruLessRecently;
    long     seekPos;         // current logical file position
    char     *fileName;       // name of file, or NULL for unused VFD
    // NB: fileName is malloc'd, and must be free'd when closing the VFD
    int      fileFlags;       // open(2) flags for (re)opening the file
    int      fileMode;        // mode to pass to open(2)
} Vfd;

File Manager83/247

The "magnetic disk storage manager"

PostgreSQL PageId values are structured:

typedef struct
    RelFileNode rnode;    // which relation
    ForkNumber  forkNum;  // which fork
    BlockNumber blockNum; // which block 
} BufferTag;

... File Manager84/247

PostgreSQL stores each table


... File Manager85/247

Data files   (Oid, Oid.1, ...):


... File Manager86/247

Free space map   (Oid_fsm):

Visibility map   (Oid_vm):

... File Manager87/247

Access to a block of data proceeds (roughly) as follows:

// pageID set from pg_catalog tables
// buffer obtained from Buffer pool
getBlock(BufferTag pageID, Buffer buf)
   File fid;  off_t offset;  int fd;
   (fid, offset) = findBlock(pageID)
   fd = VfdCache[fid].fd;
   lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET)
   VfdCache[fid].seekPos = offset;
   nread = read(fd, buf, BLOCKSIZE)
   if (nread < BLOCKSIZE) ... we have a problem

BLOCKSIZE is a global configurable constant (default: 8192)

... File Manager88/247

findBlock(BufferTag pageID) returns (Vfd, off_t)
   offset = pageID.blockNum * BLOCKSIZE
   fileName = relpath(pageID.rnode)
   if (pageID.forkNum > 0)
      fileName = fileName+"."+pageID.forkNum
   fid = PathNameOpenFIle(fileName, O_READ);
   fSize = VfdCache[fid].fileSize;
   if (offset > fSize) {
      fid = allocate new Vfd for next fork
      offset = offset - fd.fileSize
   return (fd, offset)

Buffer Pool

Buffer Manager90/247


Buffer pool

... Buffer Manager91/247

Buffer pool interposed between access methods and disk manager


Access methods/page manager normally work via get_page() calls;
now work via calls to get_page_via_buffer_pool() (aka request_page())

... Buffer Manager92/247

Basic buffer pool interface

Page request_page(PageId p);

void release_page(PageId p); void mark_page(PageId p); void flush_page(PageId p); void hold_page(PageId p); Buffer pool typically provides interface to allocate_page and deallocate_page as well.

Buffer Pool Usage93/247

How scans are performed without Buffer Pool:

Buffer buf;
int N = numberOfBlocks(Rel);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
   pageID = makePageID(db,Rel,i);
   getBlock(pageID, buf);
   for (j = 0; j < nTuples(buf); j++)
      process(buf, j)

Requires N page reads.

If we read it again, N page reads.

... Buffer Pool Usage94/247

How scans are performed with Buffer Pool:

Buffer buf;
int N = numberOfBlocks(Rel);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
   pageID = makePageID(db,Rel,i);
   bufID = request_page(pageID);
   buf = frames[bufID]
   for (j = 0; j < nTuples(buf); j++)
      process(buf, j)

Requires N page reads on the first pass.

If we read it again, 0 ≤ page reads ≤ N

Buffer Pool Data95/247


... Buffer Pool Data96/247

Buffer pool data structures:

For each frame, we need to know:

... Buffer Pool Data97/247


... Buffer Pool Data98/247

In subsequent discussion, we assume:

Requesting Pages99/247

Call from client: request_page(pid)

If page pid is already in buffer pool:

If page pid is not already in buffer pool:

... Requesting Pages100/247



Releasing Pages101/247

The release_page function indicates that a page

If the page hasn't been modified, simply overwritten when replaced.

If the page has been modified, must be written to disk before replaced.

Possible problem: changes not immediately reflected on disk

... Releasing Pages102/247


Disadvantages: If a page remains in pool over multiple transactions (This is generally handled by some kind of logging mechanism (e.g. Oracle redo log files).

Buffer Manager Example #1103/247

Self join: an example where buffer pool achieves major efficiency gains.

Consider a query to find pairs of employees with the same birthday:

from   Employee e1, Employee e2
where < and e1.birthday = e2.birthday

This might be implemented inside the DBMS via nested loops:

for each tuple t1 in Employee e1 {
    for each tuple t2 in Employee e2 {
        if ( < &&
                t1.birthday == t2.birthday)
            append (, to result set

... Buffer Manager Example #1104/247

In terms of page-level operations, the algorithm looks like:

DB db = openDatabase("myDB");
Rel emp = openRel(db,"Employee");
int npages = nPages(emp);

for (int i = 0; i < npages; i++) {
    PageId pid1 = makePageId(emp,i);
    Page p1 = request_page(pid1);
    for (int j = 0; j < npages; i++) {
        PageId pid2 = makePageId(emp,j);
        Page p2 = request_page(pid2);
        // compare all pairs of tuples from p1,p2
        // construct solution set from matching pairs

... Buffer Manager Example #1105/247

Consider a buffer pool with 200 frames and a relation with b ≤ 200 pages:

Total number of page reads = b   (entire relation is read exactly once)

... Buffer Manager Example #1106/247

Now consider a buffer pool with 2 frames (the minimum required for the join):

(continued ...)

... Buffer Manager Example #1107/247

(... continued)

Total number of page reads = b * (b-1)

Cf. 200-frame buffer vs 2-frame buffer ... if b=100, 100 reads vs 10000 reads.

Buffer Pool Implementation108/247

Buffer pool data structures:

typedef char Page[PAGESIZE];
typedef ... PageID;  // defined earlier

typedef struct _FrameData {
   PageID  pid;        // which page is in frame
   int     pin_count;  // how many processes using page
   int     dirty;      // page modified since loaded?
   Time    last_used;  // when page was last accessed
} FrameData;

Page frames[NBUFS];    // actual buffers
FrameData directory[NBUFS];

... Buffer Pool Implementation109/247

Implementation of request_page()

int request_page(PageID pid)
   bufID = findInPool(pid)
   if (pid == NOT_FOUND) {
      if (no free frames in Pool) {
         bufID = findFrameToReplace()
         if (directory[bufID].dirty)
            old = directory[bufID].page
            put_page(old, frames[bufID]);
      bufID = index of freed frame
      directory[bufID].page = pid
      directory[bufID].pin_count = 0
      directory[bufID].dirty = 0
      get_page(pid, frames[bufID]);
   return bufID

Other Buffer Operations110/247

The release_page operation:

Note: no effect on disk or buffer contents until replacement required.

The mark_page operation:

Note: doesn't actually write to disk; indicates that frame needs to be written if used for replacement;

The flush_page operation:

Note: not generally used by higher levels of DBMS; they rely on request/release protocol.

Page Replacement Policies111/247

Several schemes are commonly in use:

LRU works for VM because of working set model
(recent past accesses determines future accesses)

For DBMS, we can predict patterns of page access better
(from our knowledge of how the relational operations are implemented)

... Page Replacement Policies112/247

The cost benefits from a buffer pool (with n frames) is determined by:

Example (a): sequential scan, LRU or MRU, n ≥ b, no competition

First scan costs b reads; subsequent scans are ``free''.

Example (b): sequential scan, MRU, n < b, no competition

First scan costs b reads; subsequent scans cost b - n reads.

Example (c): sequential scan, LRU, n < b, no competition

All scans cost b reads; known as sequential flooding.

Page Access Times113/247

How to determine when a page in the buffer was last accessed?

Could simply use the time of the last request_page for that PageId.

But this doesn't reflect real accesses to page.

For more realism, could use last request_page or release_page time.

Or could introduce operations for examining and modifying pages in pool:

Buffer Manager Example #2114/247

Standard join: an example where replacement policy can have large impact.

Consider a query to find customers who are also employees:

from   Customer c, Employee e
where  c.ssn = e.ssn;

This might be implemented inside the DBMS via nested loops:

for each tuple t1 in Customer {
    for each tuple t2 in Employee {
        if (t1.ssn == t2.ssn)
            append ( to result set

... Buffer Manager Example #2115/247

Assume that:

... Buffer Manager Example #2116/247

Works well with MRU strategy:

Total page reads = bC + bE + (bC-1) × (bE - (n-3)) = 20 + 10 + 19*(10-3) = 163

Note: assumes that both request_page and release_page set the last usage timestamp.

... Buffer Manager Example #2117/247

Works less well with LRU strategy:

Total page reads = bC + bC × bE = 20 + 20*10 = 220

PostgreSQL Buffer Manager118/247

PostgreSQL buffer manager:

Same code used by backends which need a local buffer pool.

Buffers are located in a large region of shared memory.

Functions:  src/backend/storage/buffer/*.c

Definitions:  src/include/storage/buf*.h

... PostgreSQL Buffer Manager119/247

Buffer pool consists of:

... PostgreSQL Buffer Manager120/247


... PostgreSQL Buffer Manager121/247

Definitions related to buffer manager:


include/storage/bufmgr.h include/storage/buf_internals.h Code in: backend/storage/buffer/

Buffer Pool Data Objects122/247

BufferDescriptors: array of structures describing buffers

Buffer: index into BufferDescriptors BufMgrLock: global lock on buffer pool BufferTag

... Buffer Pool Data Objects123/247

Buffer manager data types:


typedef struct buftag {
   RelFileNode rnode;     /* physical relation identifier */
   ForkNumber  forkNum;
   BlockNumber blockNum;  /* relative to start of reln */
} BufferTag;

typedef struct BufferDesc {  (simplified)
   BufferTag   tag;         /* ID of page contained in buffer */
   int       buf_id;     // buffer's index number (from 0)
   Bits32    state;      // dirty, refcount, usage
   int       freeNext;   // link in freelist chain
   ...                   // others related to concurrency
} BufferDesc;

Buffer Pool Functions124/247

Buffer manager interface:

Buffer ReadBuffer(Relation r, BlockNumber n)

Actually a special case of ReadBuffer_Common, which also handles variations like different replacement strategy, forks, temp buffers, ...

... Buffer Pool Functions125/247

Buffer manager interface (cont):

void ReleaseBuffer(Buffer buf)

void MarkBufferDirty(Buffer buf)

... Buffer Pool Functions126/247

Additional buffer manager functions:

Page BufferGetPage(Buffer buf)

BufferIsPinned(Buffer buf) CheckPointBuffers etc. etc. etc.

... Buffer Pool Functions127/247

Important internal buffer manager function:

BufferDesc *BufferAlloc(
                        Relation r, ForkNumber f,
                        BlockNumber n, bool *found)

Clock-sweep Replacement Strategy128/247

PostgreSQL page replacement strategy: clock-sweep

For specialised kinds of access (e.g. sequential scan), can allocate a private "buffer ring" with different replacement strategy.

Record/Tuple Management

Views of Data130/247

The disk and buffer manager provide the following view:

Database applications view data as: Standard terminology: records are also called tuples, items, rows, ...

... Views of Data131/247

The abstract view of a relation:

The physical representation of a relation:

... Views of Data132/247

We use the following low-level abstractions:



... Views of Data133/247

We use the following high-level abstractions:



Records vs Tuples134/247

A table is defined by a collection of attributes (schema), e.g.

create table Employee (
   id#  integer primary key,
   name varchar(20),   -- or char(20)
   job  varchar(10),   -- or char(10)
   dept number(4)

A tuple is a collection of attribute values for such a schema, e.g.

    (33357462, 'Neil Young', 'Musician', 0277)

A record is a sequence of bytes, containing data for one tuple.

Record Management135/247


In other words, the record manager reconciles the views of a block: Assumptions   (neither of which are essential):

Page-level Operations136/247

Operations to access records from a page ...

Record get_record(RecordId rid)

Record first_record() Record next_record()

... Page-level Operations137/247

Operations to make changes to records in a page ...

void update_record(RecordId rid, Record rec)

RecordId insert_record(Record rec) void delete_record(RecordId rid)

Tuple-level Operations138/247

Typ   getTypField(int fno)

Examples:   getIntField(1),   getStringField(2)

void   setTypField(int fno, Typ val)

Examples:   setIntField(1,42),   setStringField(2,"abc")

Also need operations to convert between Record and Tuple formats.

Relation-level Operations139/247

Tuple get_tuple(RecordId rid)

Tuple first_tuple() Tuple next_tuple() Plus operations to insert, delete and modify Tuples  (analogous to Records)

Example Query140/247

Recall previous example of simple scan of a relation:

select name from Employee

implemented as:

DB db = openDatabase("myDB");
Rel r = openRel(db,"Employee");
Scan s = startScan(r);
Tuple t;
while ((t = nextTuple(s)) != NULL)
   char *name = getField(t,"name");
   printf("%s\n", name);

... Example Query141/247

Conceptually, the scanning implementation is simple:

// maintain "current" state of scan
struct ScanRec { Rel curRel; RecId curRec };
typedef struct ScanRec *Scan;

Scan startScan(Rel r) {
   Scan s = malloc(sizeof(struct ScanRec));
   s->curRec = firstRecId(r);
   return s;

Tuple nextTuple(Scan s) {
   Tuple t = fetchTuple(s->curRec);
   s->curRec = nextRecId(r,s->curRec);
   return t;

... Example Query142/247

The real implementation relies on the buffer manager:

struct ScanRec {
   Rel curRel; PageId curPID; RecPage curPage;
typedef struct ScanRec *Scan;

Scan startScan(Rel r)
   Scan s = malloc(sizeof(struct ScanRec));
   s->curPID = firstPageId(r);
   Buffer page = request_page(s->curPage);
   s->curPage = start_page_scan(page);
   return s;

... Example Query143/247

And similarly the nextTuple() function:

Tuple nextTuple(Scan s)
   // if more records in the current page
   Tuple t;
   if (t = next_rec_in_page(s->curPage)) != NULL)
      return t;
   while (t == null) {   // current page finished
      release_page(s->curPID);   // release current page
      s->curPID = next_page_id(s->curRel, s->curPID);
      // ... and if no more pages, then finished
      if (s->curPID == NULL) return NULL;
      Buffer page = request_page(s->curPID);
      s->curPage = start_page_scan(page);
      t = next_rec_in_page(s->curPage);
   return t;

Record Identifiers144/247

The implementation of RecordIDs is determined by the physical storage structure of the DBMS.

A RecordId always has at least two components:

If multiple files for a relation, then also need: (Or, more likely, use a PageId which combines both the file number and page number)

Some DBMSs provide ROWIDs in SQL to permit efficient tuple access.

PostgreSQL provides a unique OID for every row in the database.

... Record Identifiers145/247

RecordID components are

E.g. with 4KB pages and 16 bits available for page addressing E.g. using indexes into a slot table to identify records within a page

Example RecordId Structure146/247

Consider a DBMS like Oracle which uses a small number of large files.

Suitable RecordIds for such a system, using 32-bits, might be built as:



(Note: however you partition the bits, you can address at most 4 billion records)

... Example RecordId Structure147/247

Consider a DBMS like MiniSQL, which uses one data file per relation.

One possibility is a variation on the Oracle approach:

Another possibility is (Under this scheme, there will be multiple records in the DB with the same rid)

Manipulating RecordIds148/247

Functions for constructing/interrogating RecordIds:

typedef unsigned int RecordId;

RecordId makeRecordId(int file, int page, int slot) {
   return (file << 28) | (page << 8) | (slot);
int fileNo(RecordId rid) { return (rid >> 28) & 0xF; }

int pageNo(RecordId rid) { return (rid >> 8) & 0xFFFFF; }

int slotNo(RecordId rid) { return rid & 0xFF; }

... Manipulating RecordIds149/247

Alternative implementation if details of file/page are hidden within PageId:

typedef unsigned int PageId; //only uses 24-bits
typedef unsigned int RecordId;

RecordId makeRecordId(PageId pid, int slot) {
    return (pid << 8) | (slot);

int pageId(RecordId rid) { return (rid >> 8) & 0xFFFFFF; }

int slotNo(RecordId rid) { return rid & 0xFF; }

Record Formats150/247

Records are stored within fixed-length pages.

Records may be fixed-length:

Records may be variable-length:

Fixed-length Records151/247

Encoding scheme for fixed-length records:


Since record format is frequently consulted at query time, it should be memory-resident.

... Fixed-length Records152/247

Advantages of fixed-length records:

Disadvantages of fixed-length records: Note: if all records were close to specified maximum size, this would be the most compact format.

... Fixed-length Records153/247

Handling attempts to insert values larger than available fields:

Alignment considerations (for numeric fields) may require:

Variable-length Records154/247

Some encoding schemes for variable-length records:

... Variable-length Records155/247

More encoding schemes for variable-length records:

... Variable-length Records156/247

Advantages of variable-length records:

Disadvantages of variable-length records:

Spanned Records157/247

How to handle record that does not fit into free space in page?

Two approaches:

... Spanned Records158/247

Advantages of spanned records:

Disadvantages of spanned records: More common strategy than spanning:

Converting Records to Tuples159/247

A Record

The information on how to interpret the bytes For variable-length records, further formatting information is stored in the record itself.

... Converting Records to Tuples160/247

DBMSs typically define a fixed set of field types for use in schema.


This determines the primitive types to be handled in the implementation:

DATE time_t
FLOAT float,double
INTEGER int,long
NUMBER(n) int[]
VARCHAR(n) char[]

Defining Tuples161/247

To convert a Record to a Tuple we need to know:

This leads to two structs: FieldDesc and RelnDesc

typedef struct {
    short offset;  // index of starting byte
    short length;  // number of bytes
    Types type;    // reference to Type data
} FieldDesc;
typedef struct {
    char     *relname;  // relation name
    ushort    nfields;  // # of fields
    FieldDesc fields[]; // field descriptors
} RelnDesc;

... Defining Tuples162/247

For the example relation:

FieldDesc fields[] = malloc(4*sizeof(FieldDesc);
fields[0] = FieldDesc(0,4,INTEGER);
fields[1] = FieldDesc(4,20,VARCHAR);
fields[2] = FieldDesc(24,10,CHAR);
fields[3] = FieldDesc(34,4,NUMBER);

This defines the schema

... Defining Tuples163/247

A Tuple can be defined as

typedef struct {
    Record    data;     // pointer to data
    ushort    nfields;  // # fields
    FieldDesc fields[]; // field descriptions
} Tuple;

... Defining Tuples164/247

A Tuple is produced from a Record in the context of a RelnDesc.

It also necessary to know how the Record byte-string is structured.

Assume the following Record structure:


Assume also that lengths are 1-byte quantities   (no field longer than 256-bytes).

... Defining Tuples165/247

How the Record Tuple mapping might occur:

Tuple mkTuple(RelnDesc schema, Record record)
    int i, pos = 0;
    int size = sizeof(Tuple) +
    Tuple *t = malloc(size);
    t->data = record;
    t->nfields = schema.nfields;
    for (i=0; i < schema.nfields; i++) {
        int len = record[pos++];
        t->fields[i].offset = pos;
        t->fields[i].length = len;
        // could add checking for over-length fields, etc.
        t->fields[i].type = schema.fields[i].type;
        pos += length;
    return t;

PostgreSQL Tuples166/247

Definitions: src/include/access/*tup*.h

Functions: src/backend/access/common/*tup*.c

PostgreSQL defines tuples via:

... PostgreSQL Tuples167/247

Tuple structure:


... PostgreSQL Tuples168/247

Tuple-related data types:

// representation of a data value
// may be the actual value, or may be a pointer to it
typedef unitptr_t Datum;

The actual data value:

... PostgreSQL Tuples169/247

Tuple-related data types: (cont)

typedef struct HeapTupleFields  // simplified
    TransactionId   t_xmin;       // inserting xact ID
    TransactionId   t_xmax;       // deleting or locking xact ID
    CommandId       t_cid;        // inserting/deleting command ID, or both
} HeapTupleFields;
typedef struct HeapTupleHeaderData // simplified
    HeapTupleFields t_heap;
    ItemPointerData t_ctid;       // current TID of this or newer tuple
    uint16          t_infomask2;  // number of attributes + flags
    uint16          t_infomask;   // flags e.g. has_null, has_varwidth
    uint8           t_hoff;       // sizeof header incl. bitmap+padding
    // above is fixed size (23 bytes) for all heap tuples
    bits8           t_bits[1];    // bitmap of NULLs, variable length
    // actual data follows at end of struct
} HeapTupleHeaderData;

... PostgreSQL Tuples170/247

typedef struct tupleDesc
    int                natts;      // number of attributes in the tuple
    Form_pg_attribute *attrs;      // array of pointers to attr descriptors
    TupleConstr       *constr;     // constraints, or NULL if none
    Oid                tdtypeid;   // composite type ID for tuple type
    int32              tdtypmod;   // typmod for tuple type
    bool               tdhasoid;   // tuple has oid attribute in its header
    int                tdrefcount; // reference count, -1 if not counting
} *TupleDesc;

... PostgreSQL Tuples171/247

Operations on Tuples:

// create Tuple from values
heap_form_tuple(TupleDesc tupDesc, Datum *values, bool *isnull)

// return Datum given Tuple, attr and descriptor
//   sets isnull to true if value is NULL
#define heap_getattr(tup, attnum, tupleDesc, isnull) ...

// returns true if attribute has no value
bool heap_attisnull(HeapTuple tup, int attnum) ...

// produce a modified tuple from an existing one
heap_modify_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupleDesc,
                  Datum *replValues, bool *replIsnull,
                  bool *doReplace)

Page Formats172/247

Ultimately, a Page is simply an array of bytes (byte[]).

We want to interpret/manipulate it as a collection of Records.

Typical operations on Pages:

... Page Formats173/247

Factors affecting Page formats:

Implementation of Page operations critically depends on format.

... Page Formats174/247

For fixed-length records, use record slots.

Insertion: place new record in first available slot.

Deletion: two possibilities for handling free record slots:


... Page Formats175/247

Problem with packed format and no slot directory

Could add a slot directory to overcome this, but wastes space.

Problem with unpacked/bitmap format

... Page Formats176/247

For variable-length records, use slot directory.

Possibilities for handling free-space within block:

In practice, a combination is useful:

... Page Formats177/247

Compacted free space:  


Note: "pointers" are implemented as word offsets within block.

... Page Formats178/247

Fragmented free space:  


Storage Utilisation179/247

How many records can fit in a page?    (How long is a piece of string?)

Depends on:   page size, (avg) record size, slot directory, ...

For a typical DBMS application

... Storage Utilisation180/247

Example of determining space utilisation ...


... Storage Utilisation181/247

Max record size = 4(offsets) + 4 + 20 + 12 + 4 = 44 bytes

Minimum number of records = 1024/44 = 23   (assume all max size and no directory)

Average number of records = 1024/40 = 25   (assume no directory)

So, allow 32 directory slots (5-bit slot indexes), and 32 bytes for directory.

Number of records = Nr,   where   44 × Nr + 32+4 ≤ 1024

Aim to maximise Nr, so Nr = 22

Notes: because there are 32 slots, could have up to 32 (small) records

... Storage Utilisation182/247

If we switched to 8KB pages, then

Minimum number of records = 8192/44 = 186   (assume all max size and no directory)

So, allow 256 slots (8-bit slot indexes), and 352 bytes for directory (256*11bits)

Number of records = Nr,   where   44 × Nr + 352 ≤ 8192

Aim to maximise Nr, so Nr = 178

Could reduce size of directory to allow more records ... but only so far.

Note: 11-bit directory entries also means that it's costly to access them.


Sometimes, it may not be possible to insert a record into a page:

  1. no free-space fragment large enough
  2. overall free-space is not large enough
  3. the record is larger than the page
  4. no more free directory slots in page
The first case can initially be handled by compacting the free-space.

If there is still insufficient space, we have one of the other cases.

... Overflows184/247

How the other cases are handled depends on the file organisation:

... Overflows185/247

Overflow files for very large records and BLOBs:


... Overflows186/247

Page-based handling of overflows:


Useful for scan-all-records type operations.

... Overflows187/247

Record-based handling of overflows:


Useful for locating specific record via rid.

PostgreSQL Page Representation188/247

Functions: src/backend/storage/page/*.c

Definitions: src/include/storage/bufpage.h

Each page is 8KB (default BLCKSZ) and contains:

Large data items are stored in separate (TOAST) files.

... PostgreSQL Page Representation189/247

PostgreSQL tuple page layout:


... PostgreSQL Page Representation190/247

Page-related data types:

// a Page is simply a pointer to start of buffer
typedef Pointer Page;

// indexes into the tuple directory
typedef unit16  LocationIndex;

// entries in tuple directory (line pointer array)
typedef struct ItemIdData
   unsigned   lp_off:15,    // tuple offset from start of page
              lp_flags:2,   // state of item pointer
              lp_len:15;    // byte length of tuple
} ItemIdData;

... PostgreSQL Page Representation191/247

Page-related data types: (cont)

typedef struct PageHeaderData
   uint16        pd_flags;    // flag bits (e.g. free, full, ...
   LocationIndex pd_lower;    // offset to start of free space
   LocationIndex pd_upper;    // offset to end of free space
   LocationIndex pd_special;  // offset to start of special space
   uint16        pd_pagesize_version;
   ItemIdData    pd_linp[1];  // beginning of line pointer array
} PageHeaderData;

typedef PageHeaderData *PageHeader;

... PostgreSQL Page Representation192/247

Operations on Pages:

void PageInit(Page page, Size pageSize, ...)

 PageAddItem(Page page, Item item, Size size, ...)
void PageRepairFragmentation(Page page)

... PostgreSQL Page Representation193/247

PostgreSQL has two kinds of pages:

Both kinds of page have the same page layout.

One important difference:

Representing Database Objects

Database Objects195/247

RDBMSs manage different kinds of objects

Many objects have names (and, in PostgreSQL, all have OIDs).

How are the different types of objects represented?

How do we go from a name (or OID) to bytes stored on disk?

... Database Objects196/247

Top-level "objects" in typical SQL standard databases:

catalog ... SQL terminology for a database

schema ... collection of DB object definitions tablespace ... collection of DB files PostgreSQL also has cluster: a server managing a set of DBs.

... Database Objects197/247

Consider what information the RDBMS needs about relations:

Similarly for other DBMS objects (e.g. views, functions, triggers, ...)

All of this information is stored in the system catalog.

(The "system catalog" is also called "data dictionary" or "system view")

In most RDBMSs, the catalog itself is also stored as tables.

... Database Objects198/247

Standard for catalogs in SQL:2003: INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

Schemata(catalog_name, schema_name, schema_owner, ...)

Tables(table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, table_type, ...)

Columns(table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, column_name,
        ordinal_position, column_default, is_nullable, data_type, ...)

Views(table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, view_definition,
                       check_option, is_updatable, is_insertable_into)

Role_table_grants(grantor, grantee, privilege_type, is_grantable,
                         table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, ...)
etc. etc.

For complete details, see Section 37 of the PostgreSQL 11.3 documentation.

System Catalog199/247

Most DBMSs also have their own internal catalog structure.

Would typically contain information such as:

Users(id:int, name:string, ...)

Databases(id:int, name:string, owner:ref(User), ...)

Schemas(id:int, name:string, owner:ref(User), ...)

Types(id:int, name:string, defn:string, size:int, ...)

Tables(id:int, name:string, owner:ref(User),
                                inSchema:ref(Schema), ...)

Attributes(id, name:string, table:ref(Table),
                           type:ref(Type), pkey:bool, ...)
etc. etc.

Standard SQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA is provided as a set of views on these tables.

... System Catalog200/247

The catalog is manipulated by a range of SQL operations:

where Object is one of table, view, function, trigger, schema, ...

E.g. consider an SQL DDL operation such as:

create table ABC (
    x integer primary key,
    y integer

... System Catalog201/247

This would produce a set of catalog changes something like ...

userID := current_user();
schemaID := current_schema();
tabID := nextval('tab_id_seq');
select into intID id
from Types where name='integer';
insert into Tables(id,name,owner,inSchema,...)
  values (tabID, 'abc', userID, schema, ...)
attrID := nextval('attr_id_seq');
insert into Attributes(id,name,table,type,pkey,...)
    values (attrID, 'x', tabID, intID, true, ...)
attrID := nextval('attr_id_seq');
insert into Attributes(id,name,table,type,pkey,...)
    values (attrID, 'y', tabID, intID, false, ...)

... System Catalog202/247

In PostgreSQL, the system catalog is available to users via:

The low-level representation is available to sysadmins via:

PostgreSQL Catalog203/247

The \d? special commands in psql are just wrappers around queries on the low-level catalog tables, e.g.

\dt list information about tables
\dv list information about views
\df list information about functions
\dp list table access privileges
\dT list information about data types
\dd shows comments attached to DB objects

... PostgreSQL Catalog204/247

A PostgreSQL installation typically has several databases.

Some catalog information is global, e.g.

Other catalog information is local to each database, e.g

... PostgreSQL Catalog205/247

Global installation data is recorded in shared tables

Each kind of DB object has table(s) to describe it, e.g.

... PostgreSQL Catalog206/247

PostgreSQL tuples contain

OIDs are used as primary keys in many of the catalog tables.

Representing Users/Groups207/247

In version 8, PostgreSQL merged notions of users/groups into roles.

Represented by two base tables:   pg_authid,   pg_auth_members

View pg_shadow gives a more symbolic view of pg_authid.

View pg_user gives a copy of pg_shadow with passwords "hidden".

CREATE|ALTER|DROP USER statements modify pg_authid table.

CREATE|ALTER|DROP GROUP statements modify pg_auth_members table.

Both tables are global (shared across all DBs in a cluster).

... Representing Users/Groups208/247

pg_authid table contains information about roles:

oid unique integer key for this role
rolname symbolic name for role (PostgreSQL identifier)
rolpassword plain or md5-encrypted password
rolcreatedb can create new databases
rolsuper is a superuser (owns server process)
rolcatupdate can update system catalogs

etc. etc.

... Representing Users/Groups209/247

pg_shadow view contains information about users:

usename symbolic user name (e.g. 'jas')
usesysid integer key to reference user (pg_authid.oid)
passwd plain or md5-encrypted password
usecreatdb can create new databases
usesuper is a superuser (owns server process)
usecatupd can update system catalogs

etc. etc.

... Representing Users/Groups210/247

pg_group view contains information about user groups:

groname group name (e.g. 'developers')
grosysid integer key to reference group
grolist[] array containing group members
(vector of refs to pg_authid.oid)

Note the use of multi-valued attribute (PostgreSQL extension)

Representing High-level Objects211/247

Above the level of individual DB schemata, we have:

These tables are global to each PostgreSQL cluster.

Keys are names (strings) and must be unique within cluster.

... Representing High-level Objects212/247

pg_database contains information about databases:

datname database name (e.g. 'mydb')
datdba database owner (refs pg_authid.oid)
datpath where files for database are stored
(if not in the PGDATA directory)
datacl[] access permissions
datistemplate can be used to clone new databases
(e.g. template0, template1)

etc. etc.

... Representing High-level Objects213/247

Digression: access control lists (acl)

PostgreSQL represents access via an array of access elements.

Each access element contains:

group GroupName=Privileges/Grantor

where Privileges is a string enumerating privileges, e.g.


... Representing High-level Objects214/247

pg_namespace contains information about schemata:

nspname namespace name (e.g. 'public')
nspowner namespace owner (refs pg_authid.oid)
nspacl[] access permissions

Note that nspname is a key and must be unique across cluster.

... Representing High-level Objects215/247

pg_tablespace contains information about tablespaces:

spcname tablespace name (e.g. 'disk5')
spcowner tablespace owner (refs pg_authid.oid)
spclocation full filepath to tablespace directory
spcacl[] access permissions

Two pre-defined tablespaces:

Representing Tables216/247

Entries in multiple catalog tables are required for each user-level table.

Due to O-O heritage, base table for tables is called pg_class.

The pg_class table also handles other "table-like" objects:

pg_class also handles sequences, indexes, and other "special" objects.

Tuples in pg_class have an OID, used as primary key.

... Representing Tables217/247

pg_class contains information about tables:

relname name of table (e.g. employee)
relnamespace schema in which table defined
(refs pg_namespace.oid)
reltype data type corresponding to table
(refs pg_type.oid)
relowner owner (refs pg_authid.oid)
reltuples # tuples in table
relacl access permissions

... Representing Tables218/247

pg_class also holds various flags/counters for each table:

relkind what kind of object
'r' = ordinary table, 'i' = index, 'v' = view
'c' = composite type, 'S' = sequence, 's' = special
relnatts # attributes in table
(how many entries in pg_attribute table)
relchecks # of constraints on table
(how many entries in pg_constraint table)
relhasindex table has/had an index?
relhaspkey table has/had a primary key?


... Representing Tables219/247

pg_type contains information about data types:

typname name of type (e.g. 'integer')
typnamespace schema in which type defined
(refs pg_namespace.oid)
typowner owner (refs pg_authid.oid)
typtype what kind of data type
'b' = base type, 'c' = complex (row) type, ...

Note: a complex type is automatically created for each table
(defines "type" for each tuple in table; also, type for functions returning SETOF)

... Representing Tables220/247

pg_type also contains storage-related information:

typlen how much storage used for values
(-1 for variable-length types, e.g. text)
typalign memory alignment for values
('c' = byte-boundary, 'i' = 4-byte-boundary, ...)
typrelid table associated with complex type
(refs pg_class.oid)
typstorage where/how values are stored
('p' = in-tuple, 'e' = in external table,   compressed?)

(We discuss more details of the pg_type table later ...)

... Representing Tables221/247

pg_attribute contains information about attributes:

attname name of attribute (e.g. 'empname')
attrelid table this attribute belongs to
(refs pg_class.oid)
attnum attribute position (1..n, sys attrs are -ve)
atttypid data type of this attribute
(refs pg_type.oid)

(attrelid,attnum) is unique, and used as primary key.

... Representing Tables222/247

pg_attribute also holds storage-related information:

attlen storage space required by attribute
(copy of pg_type.typlen for fixed-size values)
atttypmod storage space for var-length attributes
(e.g. 6+ATTR_HEADER_SIZE for char(6))
attalign memory-alignment info (copy of pg_type.typalign)
attndims number of dimensions if attr is an array

... Representing Tables223/247

pg_attribute also holds constraint/status information:

attnotnull attribute may not be null?
atthasdef attribute has a default values
(value is held in pg_attrdef table)
attisdropped attribute has been dropped from table

Also has notion of large data being stored in a separate table (so-called "TOAST" table).

... Representing Tables224/247

An SQL DDL statement like

create table MyTable (
   a int unique not null,
   b char(6)

will cause entries to be made in the following tables:

... Representing Tables225/247

The example leads to a series of database changes like

rel_oid := new_oid(); user_id = current_user();
insert into
   values (rel_oid, 'mytable', user_id, 'r', 0, 0, ...)
select oid,typlen into int_oid,int_len
from   pg_type where typname = 'int';
insert into
   values (rel_oid, 'a', int_oid, 1, int_len, -1, true, ...)
select oid,typlen into char_oid,char_len
from   pg_type where typname = 'char';
insert into
   values (rel_oid, 'b', char_oid, 2, -1, 6+4, false, ...)
insert into
   values ('mytable', user_id, 4, 'c', rel_oid, 'i', ...)

... Representing Tables226/247

pg_attrdef contains information about default values:

adrelid table that column belongs to
(refs pg_class.oid)
adnum which column in the table
(refs pg_attribute.attnum)
adsrc readable representation of default value
adbin internal representation of default value

... Representing Tables227/247

pg_constraint contains information about constraints:

conname name of constraint (not unique)
connamespace schema containing this constraint
contype kind of constraint
'c' = check, 'u' = unique,
'p' = primary key, 'f' = foreign key
conrelid which table (refs pg_class.oid)
conkey which attributes
(vector of values from pg_attribute.attnum)
consrc check constraint expression

(Names are automatically generated from context (fkey,check) if not supplied)

... Representing Tables228/247

For foreign-key constraints, pg_constraint also contains:

confrelid referenced table for foreign key
confkey key attributes in foreign table
conkey corresponding attributes in local table

Foreign keys also introduce triggers to perform checking.

For column-specific constraints:

consrc readable check constraint expression
conbin internal check constraint expression

... Representing Tables229/247

An SQL DDL statement like

create table MyOtherTable (
   x int check (x > 0),
   y int references MyTable(a),
   z int default -1

will cause similar entries as before in catalogs, plus

... Representing Tables230/247

The example leads to a series of database changes like

rel_oid := new_oid(); user_id = current_user();
insert into
   values (rel_oid, 'myothertable', user_id, 'r', 0, 0, ...)
select oid,typlen into int_oid,int_len
from   pg_type where typname = 'int';
select oid into old_oid
from   pg_class where relname='mytable';
-- pg_attribute entries for attributes x=1, y=2, z=3
insert into
   values (rel_oid, 3, -1, {CONST :...})
insert into
   values ('c', rel_oid, {1}, '(x > 0)', ...)
insert into
   values ('f', rel_oid, {2}, old_oid, {1}, ...)

Representing Functions231/247

Stored procedures (functions) are defined as

create function power(int x, int y) returns int
as $$
declare  i int;  product int := 1;
   for i in 1..y loop
      product := product * x;
   end loop;
   return product;
$$ language plpgsql;

Stored procedures are represented in the catalog via

... Representing Functions232/247

pg_proc contains information about functions:

proname name of function (e.g. substr)
pronamespace schema in which function defined
(refs pg_namespace.oid)
proowner owner (refs pg_authid.oid)
proacl[] access permissions


... Representing Functions233/247

pg_proc also contains argument/usage information:

pronargs how many arguments
prorettype return type (refs pg_type.oid)
proargtypes[] argument types (ref pg_type.oid vector)
proreset returns set of values of prorettype
proisagg is function an aggregate?
proisstrict returns null if any arg is null
provolatile return value depends on side-effects?
('i' = immutable, 's'= stable, 'v' = volatile)

... Representing Functions234/247

pg_proc also contains implementation information:

prolang what language function written in
prosrc source code if interpreted (e.g. PLpgSQL)
probin additional info on how to invoke function
(interpretation is language-specific)

... Representing Functions235/247

Consider two alternative ways of defining a x2 function.

sq.c  int square_in_c(int x) { return x * x; }

create function square(int) returns int
as '/path/to/sq.o', 'square_in_c' language 'C';


create function square(int) returns int
as $$
    return $1 * $1;
$$ language plpgsql;

... Representing Functions236/247

The above leads to a series of database changes like

user_id := current_user();
select oid,typlen into int_oid,int_len
from   pg_type where typname = 'int';
insert into
   values ('square', user_id, int_oid, 1, {int_oid},
           'square_in_c', '/path/to/sq.o', ...)
-- or
insert into
   values ('square', user_id, int_oid, 1, {int_oid},
           'begin return $1 * $1; end;', '-', ...)

... Representing Functions237/247

Users can define their own aggregate functions (like max()).

Requires definition of three components:

This information is stored in the pg_aggregate catalog.

The aggregate's name is stored in the pg_proc catalog.

... Representing Functions238/247

Consider defining your own average() function

Need to define a new aggregate:

create aggregate average (
   basetype   = integer,
   sfunc      = int_avg_accum,
   stype      = int[],
   finalfunc  = int_avg_result,
   initcond   = '{0,0}'

and need to define functions to support aggregate ...

... Representing Functions239/247

create function
       int_avg_accum(state int[], int) returns int[]
as $$
declare res int[2];
   res[1] := state[1] + $2; res[2] := res[2] + 1;
   return res;
$$ language plpgsql;

create function
       int_avg_result(state int[]) returns int
as $$
   if (state[2] = 0) then return null; end if;
   return (state[1] / state[2]);
$$ language plpgsql;

... Representing Functions240/247

Users can define their own operators to use in expressions.

Operators are syntactic sugar for unary/binary functions.

Consider defining an operator for the power(x,y) function:

create operator ** (
   procedure = power, leftarg = int, rightarg = int

-- which can be used as
select 4 ** 3;
-- giving a result of 64

Operator definitions are stored in pg_operator catalog.

Representing Types241/247

Users can also define new data types, which includes

Consider defining a 3-dimensional point type for spatial data:

create type point3d (
   input = point3d_in,    -- function to parse values
   output = point3d_out,  -- function to display values
   internallength = 24,   -- space for three float8's
   alignment = double     -- align tuples properly

... Representing Types242/247

pg_type additional fields for user-defined types:

typinput text input conversion function
typoutput text output conversion function
typreceive binary input conversion function
typsend binary output conversion function

All attributes are references to pg_proc.oid

... Representing Types243/247

All data types need access methods for querying.

The following catalogs tables are involved in this:

... Representing Types244/247

pg_am holds information about access methods:

amname name of access method (e.g. btree)
amowner owner (refs pg_authid.oid)
operator for determining sort order
(0 if unsorted)
amcanunique does AM support unique indexes?
ammulticol does AM support multicolumn indexes?
amindexnulls does AM support NULL index entries?
amconcurrent does AM support concurrent updates?

... Representing Types245/247

pg_am also contains links to access functions:

amgettuple "next valid tuple" function
ambeginscan "start new scan" function
amrescan "restart this scan" function
amendscan "end this scan" function
amcostestimate estimate cost of index scan

All attributes are references to pg_proc.oid

Functions drive the query evaluation process.

... Representing Types246/247

pg_am also contains links to update functions:

aminsert "insert this tuple" function
ambuild "build new index" function
ambulkdelete bulk delete function
post-vacuum cleanup function

All attributes are references to pg_proc.oid

Functions implement different aspects of updating data/index files.

... Representing Types247/247

Built-in access methods:

Some access methods introduce additional files (e.g. B-tree)

Produced: 22 Aug 2019