COMP9315 Introduction

COMP9315 DBMS Implementation1/129

( Data structures and algorithms inside relational DBMSs )


Lecturer:   John Shepherd

Web Site:

(If WebCMS unavailable, use


Name:John Shepherd
Office:K17-410 (turn right from lift)
Consults:still working out the details
Research: Information Extraction/Integration
Information Retrieval/Web Search
e-Learning Technologies
Multimedia Databases
Query Processing

Course Admin3/129

Reasons: Enrolment problems
Special consideration
Detailed assignment questions
Technical issues

What this Course is NOT4/129

Official course title: Database Systems Implementation

More accurate: Implementation of Database Engines

This is a course about

It is not a course about

Course Goals5/129

Introduce you to:

Develop skills in:

... Course Goals6/129

A major course goal is to give you exposure to:

Concepts will also be illustrated via their PostgreSQL implementation.

PostgreSQL is a good vehicle for this purpose, because:

... Course Goals7/129

At the end of this course you should understand:

At the end of this course you should be able to:


We assume that you are already familiar with

If you don't know this material very well, don't take this course.

... Pre-requisites9/129

How you might meet the pre-reqs ...


... via courses at CSE.

Syllabus Overview10/129

  1. Relational DBMS Architecture
  2. Storage Management
  3. Relation Alegbra Operations
  4. Query Processing
  5. Transaction Processing
  6. Parallel and Distributed Databases
  7. Object Data, Document Data, Graph Data


No official text book; several are suitable ...

but not all cover all topics in detail


What's available for you:

The onus is on you to use all of this material.

Note: Lecture slides, exercises and videos will be available only after the lecture.

... Teaching/Learning13/129

Things that you need to do:


... Teaching/Learning14/129

Scheduled classes?

What to do if you have problems understanding stuff? Debugging is most easily done "in person" (or using Zoom/Teams/...).

... Teaching/Learning15/129

The course web site site is where you can:


If WebCMS is ever down, most material is accessible via:

Prac Work16/129

Prac Work requires you to compile PostgreSQL from source code

Make sure you do the first Prac Exercise when it becomes available.

Sort out any problems ASAP (preferably at a consultation).

You can do prac work in groups, if you wish.


Schedule of assignment work:

Ass Description Due Marks
1 Storage Management Week 5 15%
2 Query Processing Week 9 20%

Assignments will be carried out individually

Ultimately, submission is via CSE's give system.

Will spend some time in lectures reviewing assignments.

Assignments will require up-front code-reading (see Pracs).

... Assignments18/129

More comments on assignments ...

You are responsible for managing your own time, and for committing enough time to complete your work in this course.

"Work pressure" is not an acceptable excuse for late assignments.

Plagiarism will be checked for and punished.

Slacking off and letting your partner do the work is unhelpful.

The exam will contain questions related to the assignment work.


Over the course of the semester ...

Quizzes are primarily a review tool to check progress.

But they contribute 15% of your overall mark for the course.


There will be a three-hour exam in the May exam period.

Exam is held in CSE Labs (learn the environment, VLab) ... I wish

Exam is held online, as for last few terms.

Things that we can't reasonably test in the exam:

Everything else is potentially examinable.

The exam will be a mixture of descriptive questions, quantitative analysis, and small programming exercises.

The exam contributes 50% of the overall mark for this course.

Supplementary Assessment Policy21/129

Everyone gets exactly one chance to pass the Exam.

If you attend the Exam

If you're sick just before or on the day of the Exam

... Supplementary Assessment Policy22/129

All Special Consideration requests:

Supplementary Exams are in mid-December (near Xmas) Excuses like "I have already bought a plane ticket home" are not acceptable.

Passing this Course23/129

There is only one way to pass this course:

You are assessed based on your demonstrated competence.

Pleading for a pass on compassionate grounds won't work.

Assessment Summary24/129

Your final mark/grade will be computed according to the following:

ass1   = mark for assignment 1      (out of 15)
ass2   = mark for assignment 2      (out of 20)
quiz   = mark for on-line quizzes   (out of 15)
exam   = mark for final exam        (out of 50)
okExam = exam > 20/50           (after scaling)

mark   = ass1 + ass2 + quiz + exam
grade  = HD|DN|CR|PS,  if mark ≥ 50 && okExam
       = FL,           if mark < 50 && okExam
       = UF,           if !okExam

Reading Material25/129

All of these textbooks have relevant material (to varying depths):

... Reading Material26/129

Useful material can also be found in:

These (and others) are available via the course web site.


In this course, we will be using PostgreSQL v14.1   (compulsory)

PostgreSQL tarball is available for copying from the course web site.
(Don't waste your IP quota downloading it from

Install/modify your own PostgreSQL server at CSE (from source code).

(This is not the same setup as for COMP3311; COMP3311 used a shared binary)

Working on a home PC is simple if you run Linux or Mac OSX.

Alternatively, use VLab to connect to CSE from home.

However, you can do it all on Windows (see Chap.17 PostgreSQL manual)

... PostgreSQL28/129

PostgreSQL is a large software system:

You won't be required to understand all of it :-)

You will need to learn to navigate this code effectively.

Will discuss relevant parts in lectures to help with this.

... PostgreSQL29/129

Some comments on PostgreSQL books:

There's no need to buy a PostgreSQL reference book ...

Relational Database Revision

Relational Databases31/129

Relational databases build on relational theory

Relational theory provides the foundation, plus ... leading to modern relational DBMSs.

... Relational Databases32/129

We begin by looking at relational databases top-down

For the remainder of the semster, we work bottom-up.

Database Management Systems33/129

Relational DBMSs provide critical infrastructure for modern computing

Nowadays, some very large web sites are developing their own large-scale distributed solutions But even they run relational DBMSs in their "back-office".

DBMS History34/129

1960sFiles, Hierachical and network databases
1970Relational data model (Ted Codd)
1975First RDBMS and SQL (IBM Almaden)
1979First version of Oracle
1980sRefinement of technology, distributed systems, new data types (objects, Prolog)
1990sObject-relational DBMSs, OLAP, data mining, data warehousing, multimedia data, SQL standards
2000sDatabases for XML, bioinformatics, telecomms, SQL3
2000salso, very-large, distributed, relaxed-consistency storage

DBMS Functionality35/129

DBMSs provide a variety of functionalities:

Common feature of all relational DBMSs: relational model, SQL.

DBMS for Data Definition36/129

Critical function of DBMS: defining relational data   (DDL sub-language)

Relational data: relations/tables, tuples, values, types, constraints.


create domain WAMvalue float
   check (value between 0.0 and 100.0);

create table Students (
   id          integer,  -- e.g. 3123456
   familyName  text,     -- e.g. 'Smith'
   givenName   text,     -- e.g. 'John'
   birthDate   date,     -- e.g. '1-Mar-1984'
   wam         WAMvalue, -- e.g. 85.4
   primary key (id)

Executing the above adds meta-data to the database.

DBMSs typically store meta-data as special tables (catalog).

... DBMS for Data Definition37/129

Input: DDL statements


Result: meta-data in catalog is modified

... DBMS for Data Definition38/129

Specifying constraints is an important aspect of data definition:


create table Employee (
   id      integer primary key,
   name    varchar(40),
   salary  real,
   age     integer check (age > 15),
   worksIn integer
              references Department(id),
   constraint PayOk check (salary > age*1000)

DBMS for Data Modification39/129

Critical function of DBMS: manipulating data   (DML sub-language)


insert into Enrolments(student,course,mark)
values (3312345, 5542, 75);

update Enrolments set mark = 77
where  student = 3354321 and course = 5542;

delete Enrolments where student = 331122333;

... DBMS for Data Modification40/129

Input: DML statements


Result: tuples are added, removed or modified

... DBMS for Data Modification41/129

Most DBMSs also provide bulk download/upload mechanisms:

For PostgreSQL:

DBMS as Query Evaluator42/129

Most common function of relational DBMSs


select, c.code, e.mark
from   Students s 
       join Enrolments e on = e.student
       join Courses c on e.course =;

... DBMS as Query Evaluator43/129

Input: SQL query


Output: table (displayed as text)

DBMS Architecture44/129

The aim of this course is to

Why should we care? (apart from passing the exam)

Practical reason:

Educational reason:

... DBMS Architecture45/129

Fundamental tenets of DBMS architecture:

Implications: In the past, DBMSs attempted to solve this by completely controlling disks themselves.

Modern DBMSs interact with storage via the O/S file-system.

** SSDs change things a little, but most high volume bulk storage still on disks

... DBMS Architecture46/129

Implementation of DBMS operations is complicated by

Locking helps with concurrency, but may degrade performance.

In practice, may need new "concurrency-tolerant" data structures.

Transactions/reliability require some form of logging.

... DBMS Architecture47/129

Path of a query through a typical DBMS:


... DBMS Architecture48/129

Accoring to Silberschatz/Korth/Sudarshan (SKS) ...


... DBMS Architecture49/129

Accoring to Elmasri/Navathe (EN) ...


... DBMS Architecture50/129

According to Ramakrishnan/Gerhke (RG) ...


... DBMS Architecture51/129

Query optimiser translates queries into efficient sequence of relational ops
Query executor controls execution of sequence of relational ops
Access methods basis for implementation of relational operations
Buffer manager manages data transfer between disk and main memory
Storage manager manages allocation of disk space and data structures
Concurrency manager controls concurrent access to database
Recovery manager ensures consistent database state after system failures
Integrity manager verifies integrity constraints and user privileges

Database Engine Operations52/129

DB engine = "relational algebra virtual machine":

selection (σ) projection (π) join ()
union () intersection () difference (-)
sort group aggregate

For each of these operations:

... Database Engine Operations53/129

Different implementations of Selection:

Relational Algebra54/129

Relational algebra (RA) can be viewed as ...

Relational algebra consists of: RA can be viewed as the "machine language" for RDBMSs

... Relational Algebra55/129

Select, project, join provide a powerful set of operations for constructing relations and extracting relevant data from them.


Adding set operations and renaming makes RA complete.


Standard treatments of relational algebra use Greek symbols.

We use the following notation (because it is easier to reproduce):

Operation Standard
Selection σexpr(Rel) Sel[expr](Rel)
Projection πA,B,C(Rel) Proj[A,B,C](Rel)
Join Rel1expr Rel2 Rel1  Join[expr]  Rel2
Rename schemaRel Rename[schema](Rel)

For other operations (e.g. set operations) we adopt the standard notation.

... Notation57/129

We define the semantics of RA operations using

... Notation58/129

All RA operators return a result relation (no DB updates).

For convenience, we can name a result and use it later.


Temp = R op1 S op2 T
Res  = Temp op3 Z
-- which is equivalent to
Res  = (R op1 S op2 T) op3 Z

Each "intermediate result" has a well-defined schema.

Sample Relations59/129

Example database #1 to demonstrate RA operators:


... Sample Relations60/129

Example database #2 to demonstrate RA operators:



Selection returns a subset of the tuples in a relation r that satisfy a specified condition C.

σC(r)   =   Sel[C](r)   =   { t  |  t ∈ r ∧ C(t) },     where r(R)

C is a boolean expression on attributes in R.

Result size:   |σC(r)| |r|

Result schema:   same as the schema of r   (i.e. R)

Computational view:

result = {}
for each tuple t in relation r
    if (C(t)) { result = result ∪ {t} }

... Selection62/129

Example selections:


... Selection63/129

Example queries:


Projection returns a set of tuples containing a subset of the attributes in the original relation.

πX(r)   =   Proj[X](r)   =   { t[X]  |  t ∈ r },     where r(R)

X specifies a subset of the attributes of R.

Note that removing key attributes can produce duplicates.

In RA, duplicates are removed from the result set.
(In many RDBMS's, duplicates are retained   (i.e. they use bag, not set, semantics))

Result size:   |πX(r)| |r|     Result schema:   R'(X)

Computational view:

result = {}
for each tuple t in relation r
    result = result ∪ {t[X]}

... Projection65/129

Example projections:


... Projection66/129

Example queries:


Union combines two compatible relations into a single relation via set union of sets of tuples.

r1 ∪ r2   =   { t  |  t ∈ r1 ∨ t ∈ r2 },     where r1(R), r2(R)

Compatibility = both relations have the same schema

Result size:   |r1 ∪ r2|     |r1| + |r2|     Result schema: R

Computational view:

result = r1
for each tuple t in relation r2
    result = result ∪ {t}

... Union68/129

Example queries:

The union operator is symmetric i.e.   R ∪ S   =   S ∪ R.


Intersection combines two compatible relations into a single relation via set intersection of sets of tuples.

r1 ∩ r2   =   { t  |  t ∈ r1 ∧ t ∈ r2 },     where r1(R), r2(R)

Uses same notion of relation compatibility as union.

Result size:   |r1 ∪ r2|     min(|r1|,|r2|)     Result schema: R

Computational view:

result = {}
for each tuple t in relation r1
    if (t ∈ r2) { result = result ∪ {t} }

... Intersection70/129

Example queries:

The intersection operator is symmetric i.e.   R ∩ S   =   S ∩ R.


Difference finds the set of tuples that exist in one relation but do not occur in a second compatible relation.

r1 - r2   =   { t  |  t ∈ r1 ∧ ¬ t ∈ r2 },     where r1(R), r2(R)

Uses same notion of relation compatibility as union.

Note: tuples in r2 but not r1 do not appear in the result

i.e. set difference != complement of set intersection

Computational view:

result = {}
for each tuple t in relation r1
    if (!(t ∈ r2)) { result = result ∪ {t} }

... Difference72/129

Example difference:


s1 = Sel [B = 1] (r1)

s2 = Sel [C = x] (r1)

s1 - s2

s2 - s1

... Difference73/129

Example queries:

Natural Join74/129

Natural join is a specialised product:

Consider relation schemas R(ABC..JKLM), S(KLMN..XYZ).

The natural join of relations r(R) and s(S) is defined as:

r ⋈ s   =   r Join s   =  
{ (t1[ABC..J] : t2[K..XYZ])  |  t1 ∈ r ∧ t2 ∈ s ∧ match }

where    match   =   t1[K] = t2[K] ∧ t1[L] = t2[L] ∧ t1[M] = t2[M]

Computational view:

result = {}
for each tuple t1 in relation r
   for each tuple t2 in relation s
      if (matches(t1,t2))
         result = result ∪ {combine(t1,t2)}

... Natural Join75/129

Natural join can also be defined in terms of other relational algebra operations:

r Join s   =   Proj[R ∪ S] ( Sel[match] ( r × s) )

We assume that the union on attributes eliminates duplicates.

If we wish to join relations, where the common attributes have different names, we rename the attributes first.

E.g. R(ABC) and S(DEF) can be joined by

R Join Rename[S(DCF)](S)

Note: |r ⋈ s| |r × s|, so join not implemented via product.

... Natural Join76/129

Example natural join:


... Natural Join77/129

Example queries:

Theta Join78/129

The theta join is a specialised product containing only pairs that match on a supplied condition C.

r ⋈C s   =   { (t1 : t2)  |  t1 ∈ r ∧ t2 ∈ s ∧ C(t1 : t2) },
where r(R),s(S)

Examples:   (r1 Join[B>E] r2) ... (r1 Join[E<D ∧ C=G] r2)

Can be defined in terms of other RA operations:

r ⋈C s   =   r Join[C] s   =   Sel[C] ( r × s )

Unlike natural join, "duplicate" attributes are not removed.

Note that   r ⋈true s   =   r × s.

... Theta Join79/129

Example theta join:


... Theta Join80/129

Comparison between join operations:

Equijoin is a specialised theta join; natural join is like theta join followed by projection.

Outer Join81/129

r Join s eliminates all s tuples that do not match some r tuple.

Sometimes, we wish to keep this information, so outer join

... Outer Join82/129

Example outer join:


Contrast this to the result for theta-join presented earlier.

... Outer Join83/129

There are three variations of outer join R OuterJoin S:

Which one to use depends on the application e.g.

If we want to know about all Branches, regardless of whether they have Customers as their homeBranch:

Branches LeftOuterJoin[branchName=homeBranch] Customer

... Outer Join84/129

Computational description of r(R) LeftOuterJoin s(S):

result = {}
for each tuple t1 in relation r
   nmatches = 0
   for each tuple t2 in relation s
      if (matches(t1,t2))
         result = result ∪ {combine(t1,t2)}
   if (nmatches == 0)
      result = result ∪

where Snull is a tuple from S with all atributes set to NULL.


Two types of aggregation are common in database queries:

Generalised Projection86/129

In standard projection, we select values of specified attributes.

In generalised projection we perform some computation on the attribute value before placing it in the result tuple.




PostgreSQL is a full-featured open-source (O)RDBMS.

Brief History of PostgreSQL89/129

1977-1985 Ingres (Stonebraker)
research prototype
Relational Technologies
bought by Computer Associates
1986-1994 Postgres (Stonebraker)
research prototype
Illustra bought by Informix
1994-1995 Postgres95 (Chen, Yu)
added SQL, spawned PostgreSQL
1996-... PostgreSQL (Momjian,Lane,...)
open-source DBMS with Oracle-level functionality, platform for experiments with new DBMS implementation ideas

PostgreSQL Online90/129

Web site:

Key developers: Bruce Momjian, Tom Lane, Marc Fournier, ...

Full list of developers:

Local copy of source code:


Documentation is available via WebCMS menu.

User View of PostgreSQL91/129

Users interact via SQL in a client process, e.g.

$ psql webcms
psql (11.3)
Type "help" for help.
webcms2=# select * from calendar;
 id | course |   evdate   |      event
  1 |      4 | 2001-08-09 | Project Proposals due
 10 |      3 | 2001-08-01 | Tute/Lab Enrolments Close
 12 |      3 | 2001-09-07 | Assignment #1 Due (10pm)


$dbconn = pg_connect("dbname=webcms");
$result = pg_query($dbconn,"select * from calendar");
while ($tuple = pg_fetch_array($result))
   { ... $tuple["event"] ... }

PostgreSQL Functionality92/129

PostgreSQL systems deal with various kinds of entities:

... PostgreSQL Functionality93/129

PostgreSQL's dialect of SQL is mostly standard (but with extensions).

Differences visible at the user-level:

Differences at the implementation level: Example:

create view myview as select * from mytab;
-- is implemented as
create type as myview (same fields as mytab);
create rule myview as on select to myview
            do instead select * from mytab;

... PostgreSQL Functionality94/129

PostgreSQL stored procedures differ from SQL standard:


create or replace function
    barsIn(suburb text) returns setof Bars
as $$ 
    r record;
    for r in
        select * from Bars where location = suburb
       return next r;
    end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;
used as e.g.
select * from barsIn('Randwick');

... PostgreSQL Functionality95/129

Concurrency is handled via multi-version concurrency control (MVCC)

Disadvantages of this approach:

... PostgreSQL Functionality96/129

Allows transactions to specify a consistency level for concurrency

Explicit locking is also available. Access methods need to implement their own concurrency control.

... PostgreSQL Functionality97/129

PostgreSQL has a well-defined and open extensibility model:

... PostgreSQL Functionality98/129

Because of its extensibility, PostgreSQL has extra data types:

Also has a wider-than-usual range of access methods: And provides a range of replication services.

Installing PostgreSQL99/129

PostgreSQL is available via the COMP9315 web site.

Provided as tarball and zip in ~cs9315/web/20T1/postgresql/

Brief summary of installation:

$ configure --prefix=~/your/pgsql/directory
$ make
$ make install
$ source ~/your/environment/file
   # set up environment variables
$ initdb
   # set up postgresql configuration
$ pg_ctl start
   # do some work with PostgreSQL databases
$ pg_ctl stop

... Installing PostgreSQL100/129

Simplified version of running the server:

$ source ~/your/environment/file
   # set up environment variables
$ pgs setup
   # runs initdb and fixes configuration
$ pgs start
   # do some work with PostgreSQL databases
$ pgs stop
   # stops server
$ pgs cleanup
   # removes all data files

pgs is a shell script in /home/cs9315/bin

PostgreSQL Configuration101/129

PostgreSQL configuration parameters (some important ones):

Note: if not using TCP/IP, PGHOST holds name of directory where Unix socket files reside.

... PostgreSQL Configuration102/129

A typical envrionment setup for COMP9315:

# Set up environment for running PostgreSQL
# Must be "source"d from sh, bash, ksh, ...

export PGDATA=$PGHOME/data
export PGPORT=5432
export PATH=$PGHOME/bin:$PATH

alias p0="$D/bin/pg_ctl stop"
alias p1="$D/bin/pg_ctl -l $PGDATA/log start"

... PostgreSQL Configuration103/129

Other configuration files live in $PGDATA.

postgresql.conf: server configuration

pg_hba.conf: authorisation/user access

Using PostgreSQL for Assignments104/129

You will need to modify then re-start the server:

# edit source code to make changes
$ pg_ctl stop
$ make
$ make install
# restore postgresql configuration
$ pg_ctl start
# run tests and analyse results

Assumes no changes that affect storage structures.

I.e. existing databases will continue to work ok.

... Using PostgreSQL for Assignments105/129

If you change storage structures ...

# edit source code to make changes
$ pg_dump testdb > testdb.dump
$ make
$ pg_ctl stop
$ rm -fr /your/pgsql/directory/data
$ make install
$ initdb
# restore postgresql configuration
$ pg_ctl start
$ createdb testdb
$ psql testdb -f testdb.dump
# run tests and analyse results

Need to save a copy of postgresql.conf before re-installing.

PostgreSQL Architecture106/129

Client/server architecture:


Note: nowadays the postmaster process is also called postgres.

... PostgreSQL Architecture107/129


... PostgreSQL Architecture108/129

Memory/storage architecture:


... PostgreSQL Architecture109/129


... PostgreSQL Architecture110/129

File-system architecture:


... PostgreSQL Architecture111/129

Interesting files in $PGDATA:

PG_VERSION which server version made this directory
pg_hba.conf who can access which databases from where
postgresql.conf server parameters   (e.g. max connections)
postmaster.opts how was current postmaster invoked process id of current postmaster

PostgreSQL Source Code

PostgreSQL Source Code113/129

Top-level of PostgreSQL distribution contains:

... PostgreSQL Source Code114/129

How to get started understanding the workings of PostgreSQL:

Some helpful information is available via:

... PostgreSQL Source Code115/129

The source code directory (src) contains:

along with Makefiles to build system and other directories not relevant for us Code for backend (DBMS engine)

... PostgreSQL Source Code116/129

We introduce the code

PostgreSQL manual has detailed description of internals: See also "How PostgreSQL Processes a Query"

Life-cycle of a PostgreSQL query117/129

How a PostgreSQL query is executed:

... Life-cycle of a PostgreSQL query118/129


PostgreSQL server119/129

PostgresMain(int argc, char *argv[], ...)

... PostgreSQL server120/129

As well as handling SQL queries, PostgresqlMain also

PostgreSQL Data Types121/129

Data types defined in *.h files under src/include/

Two important data types: Node and List

PostgreSQL Query Evaluation122/129

exec_simple_query(const char *query_string)

... PostgreSQL Query Evaluation123/129

pg_parse_query(char *sqlStatements)

pg_analyze_and_rewrite(Node *parsetree, ...)

... PostgreSQL Query Evaluation124/129

Each query is represented by a Query structure

... PostgreSQL Query Evaluation125/129

pg_plan_queries(querytree_list, ...)

... PostgreSQL Query Evaluation126/129

Each executable query is represented by a PlannedStmt node

Each Plan node represents one relational operation

... PostgreSQL Query Evaluation127/129

PlannedStmt *planner(Query *parse, ...)

... PostgreSQL Query Evaluation128/129

Queries run in a Portal environment containing

Portal defined in src/include/utils/portal.h

PortalRun() function also requires

... PostgreSQL Query Evaluation129/129

How query evaluation happens in exec_simple_query():

Produced: 5 Feb 2022