Weekly Previews

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [0/21]
❖ Week 02

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COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [1/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #1

The first in a series on famous database people ...

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [2/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #1 (cont)


  • Professor, UC Berkeley (1971-2000)
  • ACM Turing Award 2014
  • IEEE John von Neumann Medal 2005
  • Developed/commercialised several DBMSs:
    • Ingres: very early relational DBMS
    • Distributed Ingres: very early dDBMS
    • Postgres: object-relational DBMS (Illustra)
    • XPRS: Parallel Postgres
    • Mariposa: federated data system (Cohera)
    • Aurora: stream processing (StreamBase)
    • C-store: column-oriented DBMS (Vertica)
    • Morpheus: data integration system (Goby)
    • H-store: distributed XP system (VoltDB)
    • SciDB: DBMS for scientific apps (Paradigm4)
  • Currently Adjunct Professor at MIT

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [3/21]
❖ Week 03

Things to Note ...

This Week ...

Coming Up ...

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [4/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #2

The next in a series on famous database people ...

Don Chamberlin Jim Mehl Ray Lorie
COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [5/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #2 (cont)

  • IBM San Jose Research Centre
  • Members of System R Team
    • System R (1975) first prototype RDBMS
    • Pioneered architecture of modern RDBMSs
  • Chamberlin: Design of SQL (SEQUEL)
  • Lorie: Buffer manager, optimizer, SQL
  • Mehl: First SQL parser
  • to see a modern SQL parser:
    • postgresql-15.6/src/backend/parser

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [6/21]
❖ Week 04

Things to Note ...

This Week ...

Coming Up ...

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [7/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #3

The next in a series on famous database people ...

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [8/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #3 (cont)

Bruce Lindsay

  • PhD UC Berkeley 1976
  • Part of System R Team at IBM
    • buffer pool manager, ...
  • Since System R:
    • distributed databases (R*)
    • transactions/concurrency control
    • query optimisation
    • composite objects in RDBMS
    • database replication
  • IBM Research Fellow (Almaden Lab)
  • Chief Data Scientist, Paradata

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [9/21]
❖ Week 05

Things to Note ...

This Week ...

Coming Up ...

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [10/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #4

The next in a series on famous database people ...


COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [11/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #4 (cont)

Rudolf Bayer

Ed McCreight

  • Together, they invented the B-tree (1972)
  • Bayer
    • Extensive database research career
      • access methods (B-tree, UB-tree, ...)
      • deductive and XML databases
      • query processing in digital libraries
    • Now, Emeritus Prof, Technical U Berlin
  • McCreight
    • Unis: Washington, Stanford, TUM, ETH
    • Worked for Boeing, Xerox PARC, Adobe
    • Now, retired to Switzerland

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [12/21]
❖ Week 07

Things to Note ...

This Week ...

Coming Up ...

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [13/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #5

Next in a series on famous DB nerds

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [14/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #5 (cont)

Paul Larson

Witold Litwin

  • Together, invented linear hashing
  • Litwin: University Paris 9 Dauphine
    • Awarded ACM Fellowship 2001
    • Query processing, distributed databases
    • Recently: secure data in cloud databases
  • Larson: U Waterloo, Microsoft Research
    • Awarded ACM Fellowship 2004
    • Query processing/optimization
    • Recently: SQL server, main-memory databases

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [15/21]
❖ Week 09

Things to Note ...

This Week ...

Coming Up ...

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [16/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #6

The next in a series on famous database people ...

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [17/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #6 (cont)

Jim Gray

  • Pioneered transaction processing
  • 1969 PhD from UC Berkeley
  • 1970-1995 IBM, Tandem, DEC
  • 1999 Turing Award   (for tp research)
  • 1995-2007 Microsoft Research Lab (oh well)
  • Other work: scientific databases, sensor networks
  • Present whereabouts unknown ...
    • disappeared at sea, 27 Jan 2007

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [18/21]
❖ Week 10

Things to Note ...

This Week ...

Coming Up ...

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [19/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #7

A whole heap of DB nerds

You can find who each one is via the image map

Notable: Bruce Momjian, Tom Lane, Josh Berkus, Gavin Sherry

COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [20/21]
❖ Famous DB Nerds #8

The next in a series on (not so) famous database people ...

Ok ... so it's obvious who it is ... but where am I?
COMP9315 22T1 ♢ Weekly Previews ♢ [21/21]

Produced: 14 Apr 2024