COMP9315 Week 10 Thursday Lecture

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❖ Things To Note

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❖ Distributed Databases

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❖ Distributed Databases

A distributed database (DDB) is

A distributed database management system (DDBMS) is A DDBMS may involve
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❖ Distributed Databases (cont)

User view:


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❖ Distributed Databases (cont)



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❖ Distributed Databases (cont)

Two kinds of distributed databases

The latter are also called federated databases

Ultimately, the distributed database (DDB) provides

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❖ Distributed Databases (cont)

Advantages of distributed databases

Disadvatanges of distributed databases
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❖ Data Distribution

Partitioning/distributing data

Problem: maintaining consistency
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❖ Data Distribution (cont)

Consider table R  horizontally partitioned into R1, R2, ..., Rn

Fragmentation can be done in multiple ways, but need to ensure ...


Reconstruction Disjoint
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❖ Query Processing

Query processing typically involves shipping  data

Aim: minimise shipping cost   (since it is a networking cost)

Shipping cost becomes the "disk access cost" of DQOpt

Can still use cost-based query optimisation

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❖ Query Processing (cont)

Distributed query processing

Query optimisation in such contexts is complex ...
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❖ Transaction Processing

Distribution of data complicates tx processing ...

Distributed tx processing handled by two-phase commit
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❖ Non-classical DBMSs

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❖ Classical DBMSs

Assumptions made in conventional DBMSs:

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❖ Modern DBMSs

Aspects of modern applications:

Clearly, not all of these are relevant for every modern application.
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❖ Modern DBMSs (cont)

Some conclusions:

Some "modernists" claim that
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❖ Modern DBMSs (cont)

Some criticisms of the NoSQL approach:


Uses MySQL as the example relational database system ... think PostgreSQL

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❖ Scale, Distribution, Replication

Data for modern applications is very large (TB, PB, XB)

Some systems opt for massive networks of simple nodes Benefits:
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❖ Schema-free Data Models

Many new DBMSs provide (key,value)  stores

Tables can be simulated by a collection of "similar" objects.
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❖ Eventual Consistency

RDBMSs use a strong transactional/consistency model

Many new DBMSs applications do not need strong consistency Because of distribution/replication
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❖ Eventual Consistency (cont)

If different nodes have different versions of data

Levels of consistency (from Cassandra system)
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❖ Two Case Studies

Consider two variations on the DBMS theme ...

Column Stores

Graph Databases
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❖ Column Stores

(Based on material by Daniel Abadi et al.)
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❖ Column Stores

Column-oriented Databases (CoDbs):

Ideas for CoDbs have been around since the 1970's

Rose to prominence via Daniel Abadi's PhD thesis (MIT, 2008)

Commercial systems have now been developed (e.g. Vertica)

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❖ Column Stores (cont)

File structures for row-store vs column-store:


Values in individual columns are related by extra tuple id (cf. oid)

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❖ Column Stores (cont)

Stored representation of logical (relational) tables

Example:  Enrolment(course,student,term,mark,grade)
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❖ Rows vs Columns

Workload for different operations

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❖ Rows vs Columns (cont)

Which is more efficient depends on mix of queries/updates

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❖ Rows vs Columns (cont)

Storing sorted columns leads to

Only one column in each projection will be sorted
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❖ Query Evaluation in CoDbs

Projection is easy if one slice contains all required attributes.

If not ...

Example: select a,b,c from R(a,b,c,d,e)

Assume: each column contains N values
for i in 0 .. N-1 {
   x = a[i]   // i'th value in slice containing a
   y = b[i]   // i'th value in slice containing b
   z = c[i]   // i'th value in slice containing c
   add (x,y,z) to Results

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❖ Query Evaluation in CoDbs (cont)

If slices are sorted differently, more complicated

Example: select a,b,c from R(a,b,c,d,e)

Assume: each column contains N values
for tid in 0 .. N-1 {
   x = fetch(a,tid)  // entry with tid in slice containing a
   y = fetch(b,tid)  // entry with tid in slice containing b
   z = fetch(c,tid)  // entry with tid in slice containing c
   add (x,y,z) to Results

Potentially slow, depending on how fetch() works.

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❖ Query Evaluation in CoDbs (cont)

For remaining discussion, assume


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❖ Query Evaluation in CoDbs (cont)

Consider typical multi-attribute SQL query

select a,b,c from R where b > 10 and d < 7

Query operation on individual column is done in one slice

Mark index of each matching entry in a bit-vector

Combine (AND) bit-vectors to get indexes for result entries

For each index, merge result entry columns into result tuple

Known as late materialization.

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❖ Query Evaluation in CoDbs (cont)

Example: select a,b,c from R where b = 5

// Assume: each column contains N values
matches = all-zero bit-string of length N
for i in 0 .. N-1 {
   x = b[i]  // i'th value in b column
   if (x == 5)
       matches[i] = 1  // set bit i in matches
for i in 0 .. N-1 {
   if (matches[i] == 0) continue
   add (a[i], b[i], c[i]) to Results

Fast sequential scanning of small (compressed?) data

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❖ Query Evaluation in CoDbs (cont)

Example: select a,b,c from R where b>10 and d<7

// Assume: each column contains N values
matches1 = all-zero bit-string of length N
matches2 = all-zero bit-string of length N
for i in 0 .. N-1 {
   if (b[i] > 10) matches1[i] = 1
   if (d[i] < 7) matches2[i] = 1
matches = matches1 AND matches2
for i in 0 .. N-1 {
   if (matches[i] == 0) continue
   add (a[i], b[i], c[i]) to Results

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❖ Query Evaluation in CoDbs (cont)

Join on columns, set up for late materialization


Note: the left result column is always sorted

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❖ Query Evaluation in CoDbs (cont)

Example: select R.a, S.b
                from   R join S on R.a = S.x

// Assume: N tuples in R, M tuples in S
for i in 0 .. N-1 {
   for j in 0 .. M-1 {
      if (a[i] == x[j])
         append (i,j) to IndexList
for each (i,j) in IndexList {
   add (aR[i], bS[j]) to Results

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❖ Query Evaluation in CoDbs (cont)

Aggregation generally involves a single column


select avg(mark), count(student) from Enrolments

Operations involving groups of columns

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❖ Graph Databases

(Based on material by Markus Krotzsch, Renzo Angles, Claudio Gutierrez)
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❖ Graph Databases

Graph Databases (GDbs):

But what kind of "graphs"?
Two major GDb data models:   RDF,   Property Graph
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❖ Graph Databases (cont)

Typical graph modelled by a GDb


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❖ Graph Data Models

RDF  =  Resource Description Framework

Data as triples, e.g. <Person1,given,"John">,   <Person1,parent,Person3>

RDF is a W3C standard;  supported in many prog. languages

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❖ Graph Data Models (cont)

RDF model of part of earlier graph:


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❖ Graph Data Models (cont)

Property Graph

Not a standard like RDF, so variations exist
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❖ Graph Data Models (cont)

Property Graph model of part of earlier graph:


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❖ GDb Queries

Graph data models require a graph-oriented query framework

Types of queries in GDbs

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❖ GDb Queries (cont)

Graphs contain arbitrary-length paths

Need an expression mechanism for describing such paths

GDb query languages:
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❖ Example Graph Queries

Example: Persons whose first name is James


PREFIX p: <>
WHERE { ?X p:given "James" }


MATCH (person:Person)
WHERE person.given="James"
RETURN person

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❖ Example Graph Queries (cont)

Example: All of James' ancestors


PREFIX p: <>
WHERE { ?X p:type p:Person . ?X p:given "James" .
        ?Y p:parent* ?X }


MATCH (ancestor:Person)-[:parent*]->(james:Person)
WHERE james.given="James"

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❖ Course Review + Exam

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❖ Syllabus

View of DBMS internals from the bottom-up:

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❖ Exam

Thursday 9 May, morning and afternoon sessions

Held in CSE Labs (allocations posted in Week 11).

All answers are typed and submitted on-line.

Environment is similar to Vlab.

Before the exam, learn to use ...

And, yes, you have access to VScode.
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❖ Exam (cont)

Resources available during exam:

No access to any other material is allowed.

No network access is available (e.g. no web, no email, ...)

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❖ Exam (cont)

Tools available during the exam

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❖ What's on the Exam?

Potential topics to be examined ...

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❖ What's on the Exam? (cont)

Questions will have the following "flavours" ...

There will be no SQL/PLpgSQL code writing.

You will not have to modify PostgreSQL during the exam.

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❖ Exam Structure

There will be 8 questions

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❖ Special Consideration

Reminder: this is a one-chance exam.

If you're sick, get documentation and do not attend the exam.

Special consideration requests must clearly show

Other factors are not relevant   (e.g. "I can't afford to repeat")
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❖ Revision

Things you can use for revision:

Pre-exam consultations leading up to exam  (see course web site)
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❖ And that's all folks ...

End of COMP9315 19T2 Lectures.

Good luck with the exam ...

And keep on using PostgreSQL ...

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Produced: 18 Apr 2024