COMP9315 Week 10 Monday Lecture

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❖ Things To Note

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❖ GDB in one slide

To debug the program:

$ ./select R '?,?,shoes'

Run GDB as follows

$ gdb ./select
(gdb) run R '?,?,shoes'
... program crashes ...
(gdb) where
... look at the line numbers and function arguments ...
(gdb) print pid
... examine values of variables in current scope ...
(gdb) quit

Has many other functions, e.g. break   (program stops at a given point)

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❖ Transactions (reminder)

A transaction is

Transactions deal with three levels of storage Transactions ...
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❖ Exercise: Transaction Internals

Consider the following transaction:

-- implements A = A*2; B = B+1;
READ(A,v); v = v*2; WRITE(A,v);
READ(B,v); v = v+1; WRITE(B,v);

Show how the following items change values after each statement

What is the final state after the COMMIT completes?
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❖ Exercise: Transaction Failure

Consider the previous transaction.

(1) READ(A,v);
(2) v = v*2;
(3) WRITE(A,v);
(4) READ(B,v);
(5) v = v+1;
(6) WRITE(B,v);

What happens if ...

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❖ Logging

Three "styles" of logging

All approaches require: Known as write-ahead logging    (PostgreSQL uses WAL)
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❖ Undo Logging

Simple form of logging which ensures atomicity.

Log file consists of a sequence of small records:

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❖ Undo Logging (cont)

Data must be written to disk in the following order:

  1. <START> transaction log record
  2. <UPDATE> log records indicating changes
  3. the changed data elements themselves
  4. <COMMIT> log record
Note: sufficient to have <T,X,v> output before X, for each X
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❖ Undo Logging (cont)

For the example transaction, we would get:

t    Action        v  B(A)  B(B)  D(A)  D(B)  Log
(0)  BEGIN         .    .     .     8     5   <START T>
(1)  READ(A,v)     8    8     .     8     5
(2)  v = v*2      16    8     .     8     5
(3)  WRITE(A,v)   16   16     .     8     5   <T,A,8>
(4)  READ(B,v)     5   16     5     8     5
(5)  v = v+1       6   16     5     8     5
(6)  WRITE(B,v)    6   16     6     8     5   <T,B,5>
(7)  FlushLog
(8)  StartCommit
(9)  OUTPUT(A)     6   16     6    16     5
(10) OUTPUT(B)     6   16     6    16     6
(11) EndCommit                                <COMMIT T>
(12) FlushLog

Note that T is not regarded as committed until (12) completes.

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❖ UNDO Logging

❖ UNDO Logging (cont)

Simplified view of recovery using UNDO logging:

Assumes we scan entire log; use checkpoints to limit scan.
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❖ UNDO Logging (cont)

Algorithmic view of recovery using UNDO logging:

committedTrans = abortedTrans = startedTrans = {}
for each log record from most recent to oldest {
    switch (log record) {
    <COMMIT T> : add T to committedTrans
    <ABORT T>  : add T to abortedTrans
    <START T>  : add T to startedTrans
    <T,X,v>    : if (T in committedTrans)
                     // don't undo committed changes
                 else  // roll-back changes
                     { WRITE(X,v); OUTPUT(X) }
}   }
for each T in startedTrans {
    if (T in committedTrans) ignore
    else if (T in abortedTrans) ignore
    else write <ABORT T> to log
flush log

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❖ Exercise: Recovery with UNDO Log

Show how the UNDO log would be used if the previous tx

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❖ Checkpointing

Simple view of recovery implies reading entire log file.

Since log file grows without bound, this is infeasible.

Eventually we can delete "old" section of log.

This point is called a checkpoint. As described we need to wait for all active tx to complete
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❖ Checkpointing (cont)

Problem: many concurrent/overlapping transactions.

How to know that all have finished?

  1. periodically, write log record <CHKPT (T1,..,Tk)>
    (contains references to all active transactions active tx table)
  2. continue normal processing (e.g. new tx's can start)
  3. when all of T1,..,Tk have completed,
    write log record <END CHKPT> and flush log
Note: tx manager maintains chkpt and active tx information

These kinds of checkpoints are often written as <START CHKPT ...>

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❖ Checkpointing (cont)

Recovery: scan backwards through log file processing as before.

Determining where to stop depends on ...

If we encounter <END CHKPT> first:

If we encounter <CHKPT (T1,..,Tk)> first:
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❖ Redo Logging

Problem with UNDO logging:

Alternative approach is redo logging:
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❖ Redo Logging (cont)

Requirement for redo logging: write-ahead rule.

Data must be written to disk as follows:

  1. write start transaction <START T> log record
  2. write <UPDATE...> log records indicating changes
  3. then write <COMMIT> log record (and flush log)
  4. then OUTPUT changed data elements themselves
Note that update log records now contain <T,X,v'>,
where v' is the new value for X.
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❖ Redo Logging (cont)

For the example transaction, we would get:

t    Action        v  B(A)  B(B)  D(A)  D(B)  Log
(0)  BEGIN         .    .     .     8     5   <START T>
(1)  READ(A,v)     8    8     .     8     5
(2)  v = v*2      16    8     .     8     5
(3)  WRITE(A,v)   16   16     .     8     5   <T,A,16>
(4)  READ(B,v)     5   16     5     8     5
(5)  v = v+1       6   16     5     8     5
(6)  WRITE(B,v)    6   16     6     8     5   <T,B,6>
(7)  COMMIT                                   <COMMIT T>
(8)  FlushLog
(9)  OUTPUT(A)     6   16     6    16     5
(10) OUTPUT(B)     6   16     6    16     6

Note that T is regarded as committed as soon as (8) completes.

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❖ Redo Logging (cont)

Simplified view of recovery using REDO logging:

Use checkpoints (like UNDO log checkpoints) to limit scan.
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❖ Undo/Redo Logging

UNDO logging and REDO logging are incompatible in

Undo/Redo logging combines aspects of both As for previous cases, requires write-ahead of log records.

Undo/redo loging is common in practice; Aries algorithm.

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❖ Undo/Redo Logging (cont)

For the example transaction, we might get:

t    Action        v  B(A)  B(B)  D(A)  D(B)  Log
(0)  BEGIN         .    .     .     8     5   <START T>
(1)  READ(A,v)     8    8     .     8     5
(2)  v = v*2      16    8     .     8     5
(3)  WRITE(A,v)   16   16     .     8     5   <T,A,8,16>
(4)  READ(B,v)     5   16     5     8     5
(5)  v = v+1       6   16     5     8     5
(6)  WRITE(B,v)    6   16     6     8     5   <T,B,5,6>
(7)  FlushLog
(8)  StartCommit
(9)  OUTPUT(A)     6   16     6    16     5
(10)                                          <COMMIT T>
(11) OUTPUT(B)     6   16     6    16     6

Note that T is regarded as committed as soon as (10) completes.

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❖ Undo/Redo Logging (cont)

Simplified view of recovery using UNDO/REDO logging:

Note: undo/redo logging requires dirty buffers to be flushed at <CHKPT...>
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❖ Undo/Redo Logging (cont)

The above description simplifies details of undo/redo logging.

Aries is a complete algorithm for undo/redo logging.

Differences to what we have described:

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❖ Recovery in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL uses write-ahead undo/redo style logging.

It also uses multi-version concurrency control, which

MVCC simplifies some aspects of undo/redo, e.g.
Recall: WAL entries in postgresql.conf
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❖ Recovery in PostgreSQL (cont)

Transaction/logging code is distributed throughout backend.

Core transaction code is in src/backend/access/transam.

Transaction/logging data is written to files in PGDATA/pg_xlog

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❖ Database Trends (overview)

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❖ Future of Database

Core "database" goals:

At the moment (and for the last 30 years) RDBMSs dominate ... RDBMSs work well in domains with uniform, structured data.
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❖ Future of Database (cont)

Limitations/pitfalls of classical RDBMSs:

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❖ Future of Database (cont)

How to overcome (some) RDBMS limitations?

Extend the relational model ...

Replace the relational model ...
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❖ Future of Database (cont)

How to overcome (some) RDBMS limitations?

Performance ...

Scalability ...
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❖ Future of Database (cont)

An overview of the possibilities:

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❖ Future of Database (cont)

Historical perspective


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❖ Large Data

Some modern applications have massive data sets (e.g. Google)

Approach to dealing with such data Often this data does not need full relational selection
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❖ Large Data (cont)

Popular computational approach to such data: map/reduce

Some large data proponents see no future need for SQL/relational ... Humour: Parody of noSQL fans   (strong language warning)
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❖ Information Retrieval

DBMSs generally do precise matching (although like/regexps)

Information retrieval systems do approximate matching.

E.g. documents containing a set of keywords (Google, etc.)

Also introduces notion of "quality" of matching
(e.g. tuple T1 is a better match than tuple T2)

Quality also implies ranking of results.

Ongoing research in incorporating IR ideas into DBMS context.

Goal: support database exploration better.

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❖ Multimedia Data

Data which does not fit the "tabular model":

Research problems: Solutions to the first problem typically: Sample query: find other songs like this one?
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❖ Uncertainty

Multimedia/IR introduces approximate matching.

In some contexts, we have approximate/uncertain data.

E.g. witness statements in a crime-fighting database

"I think the getaway car was red ... or maybe orange ..."

"I am 75% sure that John carried out the crime"

Work by Jennifer Widom at Stanford on the Trio system

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❖ Stream Data Management Systems

Makes one addition to the relational model

Applications: news feeds, telecomms, monitoring web usage, ...

RDBMSs: run a variety of queries on (relatively) fixed data

StreamDBs: run fixed queries on changing data (stream)

One approach: window = "relation" formed from a stream via a rule

E.g. StreamSQL

select avg(price)
from examplestream [size 10 advance 1 tuples]

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❖ Graph Data

Uses graphs rather than tables as basic data structure tool.

Applications: social networks, ecommerce purchases, interests, ...

Many real-world problems are modelled naturally by graphs

Graph data models:  flexible,  "schema-free",  inter-linked

Typical modeling formalisms:  XML,  JSON,  RDF

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❖ Dispersed Databases

Characteristics of dispersed databases:

Applications: environmental monitoring devices, "intelligent dust", ...

Research issues:

Less extreme versions of this already exist:
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❖ Parallelism in Databases

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❖ Parallel DBMSs

RDBMS discussion so far has revolved around systems


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❖ Parallel DBMSs (cont)

Why parallelism? ... Throughput!


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❖ Parallel DBMSs (cont)

DBMSs are a success story in application of parallelism

Compare this with effort to do parallel programming.
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❖ Parallel Architectures

Types:   shared memory,   shared disk,   shared nothing

Example shared-nothing architecture:


Typically same room/LAN   (data transfer cost ~ 100's of μsecs .. msecs)

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❖ Distributed Architectures

Distributed architectures are ...


Typically on the Internet   (data transfer cost ~ secs)

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❖ Parallel Databases (PDBs)

Parallel databases provide various forms of parallelism ...

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❖ Parallel Databases (PDBs) (cont)

Types of parallelism

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❖ Data Storage in PDBs

Assume that each table/relation consists of pages in a file

Can distribute data across multiple storage devices

Replication example:


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❖ Data Storage in PDBs (cont)

Data-partitioning example:


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❖ Data Storage in PDBs (cont)

A table is a collection of pages (aka blocks).

Page addressing on single processor/disk: (Table, File, Page)

If multiple nodes, then addressing depends how data distributed
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❖ Data Storage in PDBs (cont)

Assume that partitioning is based on one attribute

Data-partitioning strategies for one table on n nodes:

Round-robin partitioning
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❖ Data Storage in PDBs (cont)

Hash partitioning

Range partitioning In both cases, data skew may lead to unbalanced load
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❖ Parallelism in DB Operations

Different types of parallelism in DBMS operations

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❖ Parallelism in DB Operations (cont)

Parallel scanning

Effectiveness depends on query type vs partitioning type


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❖ Parallelism in DB Operations (cont)

Parallel sorting

Potential problem:
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❖ Parallelism in DB Operations (cont)

Parallel sort:


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❖ Parallelism in DB Operations (cont)

Parallel nested loop join

Parallel sort-merge join
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❖ Parallelism in DB Operations (cont)

Parallel hash join

Fragment-and-replicate join
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❖ Parallelism in DB Operations (cont)

Parallel hash join:


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❖ PostgreSQL and Parallelism

PostgreSQL assumes

PostgreSQL allows So could run on ...
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❖ PostgreSQL and Parallelism (cont)

PostgreSQL can provide

Both need data synchronisation between servers

PostgreSQL uses notion of master and slave servers.

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❖ PostgreSQL and Parallelism (cont)

High availability ...

  • updates occur on master, recorded in tx log
  • tx logs shipped/streamed from master to slave(s)
  • slave uses tx logs to maintain current state
  • configuration controls frequency of log shipping
  • bringing slave up-to-date is "fast" (~1-2secs)

    Note: small window exists for data loss (committed tx log records not sent)

    Load balancing ...

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