COMP9315 Week 09 Thursday Lecture

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❖ Things To Note

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❖ Transactions: the story so far

Transactions should obey ACID properties

Isolation can be compromised by uncontrolled concurrency

Serializable schedules avoid potential update anomalies

Styles of concurrency control

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❖ Lock-based Concurrency control

Synchronise access to shared data items via following rules:

These rules alone do not guarantee serializability.

Need two-phase locking protocol for serializability.

Other issues with locking: starvation, deadlock

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❖ Deadlock

Deadlock occurs when two transactions are waiting for a lock on an item held by the other.


T1: Lw(A) R(A)            Lw(B) ......
T2:            Lw(B) R(B)       Lw(A) .....

How to deal with deadlock?

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❖ Deadlock (cont)

Handling deadlock involves forcing a transaction to "back off"

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❖ Deadlock (cont)

Methods for managing deadlock

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❖ Deadlock (cont)

Properties of deadlock handling methods:

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❖ Exercise: Deadlock Handling

Consider the following schedule on four transactions:

T1:  R(A)      W(C)                          W(D)
T2:       R(B)                     W(C)
T3:                 R(D)      W(B)
T4:                      R(E)           W(A)

Assume that:

Show how the wait-for graph for the locks evolves.

Show how any deadlocks might be resolved via this graph.

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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control

Locking is a pessimistic approach to concurrency control:

Costs: lock management, deadlock handling, contention.

In scenarios where there are far more reads than writes ...

Optimistic concurrency control (OCC) is a strategy to realise this.
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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Under OCC, transactions have three distinct phases:

Timestamps are recorded at points S, V, F :


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Data structures needed for validation:

Use the V  timestamps as ordering for transactions
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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Two-transaction example:

Case 0: serial execution ... no problem


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Case 1: reading overlaps validation/writing


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Case 2: reading/validation overlaps validation/writing


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Validation check for transaction T

If this check fails for any Ti, then T  is rolled back.
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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

OCC prevents:   T  reading dirty data,   T  overwriting Ti's  changes

Problems with OCC:

** "Roll back" is relatively cheap
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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control

Locking is a pessimistic approach to concurrency control:

Costs: lock management, deadlock handling, contention.

In scenarios where there are far more reads than writes ...

Optimistic concurrency control (OCC) is a strategy to realise this.
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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Under OCC, transactions have three distinct phases:

Timestamps are recorded at points S, V, F :


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Data structures needed for validation:

Use the V  timestamps as ordering for transactions
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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Two-transaction example:

Case 0: serial execution ... no problem


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Case 1: reading overlaps validation/writing


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Case 2: reading/validation overlaps validation/writing


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Validation check for transaction T

If this check fails for any Ti, then T is rolled back.
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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

OCC prevents: T reading dirty data, T overwriting Ti's changes

Problems with OCC:

** "Roll back" is relatively cheap
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❖ Multi-version Concurrency Control

Multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) aims to

Achieves this by Main difference between MVCC and standard locking:
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❖ Multi-version Concurrency Control (cont)

WTS = timestamp of tx that wrote this data item

Chained tuple versions:   tupoldest → tupolder → tupnewest

When a reader Ti  is accessing the database

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❖ Multi-version Concurrency Control (cont)

When a writer Ti  attempts to change a data item

Some MVCC versions also maintain RTS (TS of last reader)
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❖ Multi-version Concurrency Control (cont)

Advantage of MVCC

Disadvantages of MVCC Despite apparent disadvantages, MVCC is very effective.
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❖ Multi-version Concurrency Control (cont)

Removing old versions:

When to make this check? PostgreSQL uses the latter (vacuum).
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❖ Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL uses two styles of concurrency control:

From the SQL (PLpgSQL) level:
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❖ Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL (cont)

PostgreSQL provides read committed and serializable isolation levels.

Using the serializable isolation level, a select:

Using the serializable isolation level, an update fails: The transaction containing the update must then rollback and re-start.
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❖ Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL (cont)

Implementing MVCC in PostgreSQL requires:

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❖ Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL (cont)

Rules for a tuple to be visible to Ti :

For details, see: utils/time/tqual.c
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❖ Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL (cont)

Tx's always see a consistent version of the database.

But may not see the "current" version of the database.

E.g. T1 does select, then concurrent T2 deletes some of T1's selected tuples

This is OK unless tx's communicate outside the database system.

E.g. T1 counts tuples; T2 deletes then counts; then counts are compared

Use locks if application needs every tx to see same current version

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❖ Exercise: Locking in PostgreSQL

How could we solve this problem via locking?

create or replace function
    allocSeat(paxID int, fltID int, seat text)
    returns boolean
as $$
    pid int;
    select paxID into pid from SeatingAlloc
    where  flightID = fltID and seatNum = seat;
    if (pid is not null) then
        return false;  -- someone else already has seat
        update SeatingAlloc set pax = paxID
        where  flightID = fltID and seatNum = seat;
        return true;
    end if;
$$ langauge plpgsql;

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❖ Implementing Atomicity/Durability

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❖ Atomicity/Durability


Transactions are atomic

Transaction effects are durable
Implementation of atomicity/durability is intertwined.
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❖ Durability

What kinds of "system failures" do we need to deal with?

The last requires off-site backup; all others should be locally recoverable.

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❖ Durability (cont)

Consider following scenario:


Desired behaviour after system restart:

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❖ Durability (cont)

Durabilty begins with a stable disk storage subsystem

We can prevent/minimise loss/corruption of data due to:
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❖ Dealing with Transactions

The remaining "failure modes" that we need to consider:

Standard technique for managing these:
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❖ Architecture for Atomicity/Durability

How does a DBMS provide for atomicity/durability?


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❖ Execution of Transactions

Transactions deal with three address spaces:

Each of these may hold a different "version" of a DB object.

PostgreSQL processes make heavy use of shared buffer pool

⇒ transactions do not deal with much local data.

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❖ Execution of Transactions (cont)

Operations available for data transfer:

READ/WRITE are issued by transaction.

INPUT/OUTPUT are issued by buffer manager (and log manager).

INPUT/OUTPUT correspond to getPage()/putPage() mentioned above

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❖ Execution of Transactions (cont)

Example of transaction execution:

-- implements A = A*2; B = B+1;
READ(A,v); v = v*2; WRITE(A,v);
READ(B,v); v = v+1; WRITE(B,v);

READ accesses the buffer manager and may cause INPUT.

COMMIT needs to ensure that buffer contents go to disk.

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❖ Execution of Transactions (cont)

States as the transaction executes:

t   Action        v  Buf(A)  Buf(B)  Disk(A)  Disk(B)
(0) BEGIN         .      .       .        8        5
(1) READ(A,v)     8      8       .        8        5
(2) v = v*2      16      8       .        8        5
(3) WRITE(A,v)   16     16       .        8        5
(4) READ(B,v)     5     16       5        8        5
(5) v = v+1       6     16       5        8        5
(6) WRITE(B,v)    6     16       6        8        5
(7) OUTPUT(A)     6     16       6       16        5
(8) OUTPUT(B)     6     16       6       16        6

After tx completes, we must have either
Disk(A)=8, Disk(B)=5   or   Disk(A)=16, Disk(B)=6

If system crashes before (8), may need to undo disk changes.
If system crashes after (8), may need to redo disk changes.

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❖ Transactions and Buffer Pool

Two issues arise w.r.t. buffers:

Ideally, we want stealing and not forcing.
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❖ Transactions and Buffer Pool (cont)

Handling stealing:

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❖ Transactions and Buffer Pool (cont)

Handling no forcing:

Above scenario may be a problem, even if we are forcing
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Produced: 11 Apr 2024