COMP9315 Week 07 Thursday Lecture

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❖ Things To Note

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❖ Implementing Join

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❖ Join Methods

So far, we have looked at ...

Others to look at ...
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❖ Example Join Query

List names of students in all subjects, arranged by subject.

SQL query to provide this information:

select E.subj,
from   Student S, Enrolled E
where = E.stude
order  by E.subj,;

And its relational algebra equivalent:

Sort[subj] ( Project[subj,name] ( Join[id=stude](Student,Enrolled) ) )

To simplify formulae, we denote Student by S and Enrolled by E
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❖ Example Join Query (cont)

Some database statistics:

Sym Meaning Value
rS # student records 20,000
rE # enrollment records 80,000
cS Student records/page 20
cE Enrolled records/page 40
bS # data pages in Student 1,000
bE # data pages in Enrolled 2,000
rOut # tuples in result 80,000

Also, in cost analyses below, N = number of memory buffers.

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❖ Sort-Merge Join

Basic approach:

Advantages: Disadvantages:
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❖ Sort-Merge Join (cont)

Method requires several cursors to scan sorted relations:


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❖ Sort-Merge Join (cont)

Algorithm using query iterators/scanners:

Query ri, si;  Tuple r,s;

ri = startScan("SortedR");
si = startScan("SortedS");
while ((r = nextTuple(ri)) != NULL
       && (s = nextTuple(si)) != NULL) {
    // align cursors to start of next common run
    while (r != NULL && r.i < s.j)
           r = nextTuple(ri);
    if (r == NULL) break;
    while (s != NULL && r.i > s.j)
           s = nextTuple(si);
    if (s == NULL) break;
    // must have (r.i == s.j) here

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❖ Sort-Merge Join (cont)

    // remember start of current run in S
    TupleID startRun = scanCurrent(si)
    // scan common run, generating result tuples
    while (r != NULL && r.i == s.j) {
        while (s != NULL and s.j == r.i) {
            addTuple(outbuf, combine(r,s));
            if (isFull(outbuf)) {
                writePage(outf, outp++, outbuf);
            s = nextTuple(si);
        r = nextTuple(ri);
        setScan(si, startRun);

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❖ Sort-Merge Join (cont)

Buffer requirements:

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❖ Sort-Merge Join (cont)

Cost of sort-merge join.

Step 1: sort each relation   (if not already sorted):

Step 2: merge sorted relations:
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❖ Sort-Merge Join on Example

Case 1:   Join[id=stude](Student,Enrolled)

Cost = sort(S) + sort(E) + bS + bE
= 2bS(1+log31(bS/32)) + 2bE(1+log31(bE/32)) + bS + bE
= 2×1000×(1+2) + 2×2000×(1+2) + 1000 + 2000
= 6000 + 12000 + 1000 + 2000
= 21,000
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❖ Sort-Merge Join on Example (cont)

Case 2:   Join[id=stude](Student,Enrolled)

For the above, no re-scans of E runs are ever needed

Cost  =  2,000 + 1,000  =  3,000   (regardless of which relation is outer)

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❖ Exercise: Sort-merge Join Cost

Consider executing Join[i=j](S,T)  with the following parameters:

Calculate the cost for evaluating the above join
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❖ Hash Join

Basic idea:

Requires sufficent memory buffers Other issues: Variations:   simple,   grace,   hybrid.
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❖ Simple Hash Join

Basic approach:

No overflows allowed in in-memory hash table
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❖ Simple Hash Join (cont)

Data flow:


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❖ Simple Hash Join (cont)

Algorithm for simple hash join Join[R.i=S.j](R,S):

for each tuple r in relation R {
   if (buffer[h(R.i)] is full) {
      for each tuple s in relation S {
         for each tuple rr in buffer[h(S.j)] {
            if ((rr,s) satisfies join condition) {
               add (rr,s) to result
      }  }  }
      clear all hash table buffers
   insert r into buffer[h(R.i)]

Best case:  # join tests  ≤  rS.cR    (cf. nested-loop  rS.rR)

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❖ Simple Hash Join (cont)

Cost for simple hash join ...

Best case: all tuples of R fit in the hash table

Good case: refill hash table m times (where m ≥ ceil(bR / (N-2)) ) Worst case: everything hashes to same page
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❖ Exercise: Simple Hash Join Cost

Consider executing Join[i=j](R,S) with the following parameters:

Calculate the cost for evaluating the above join
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❖ Grace Hash Join

Basic approach (for R ⋈ S ):

For best-case cost (O(bR + bS) ): If < √bR buffers or poor hash distribution
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❖ Grace Hash Join (cont)

Partition phase (applied to both R and S):


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❖ Grace Hash Join (cont)

Probe/join phase:


The second hash function (h2) simply speeds up the matching process.
Without it, would need to scan entire R partition for each record in S partition.

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❖ Grace Hash Join (cont)

Cost of grace hash join:

Total Cost   =   2bR + 2bS + bR + bS   =   3 (bR + bS)
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❖ Exercise: Grace Hash Join Cost

Consider executing Join[i=j](R,S) with the following parameters:

Calculate the cost for evaluating the above join
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❖ Exercise: Grace Hash Join Cost

Consider executing Join[i=j](R,S) with the following parameters:

Calculate the cost for evaluating the above join
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❖ Hybrid Hash Join

A variant of grace join if we have √bR < N < bR+2

When we come to scan and partition S relation Final phase is same as grace join, but with only k partitions.


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❖ Hybrid Hash Join (cont)

First phase of hybrid hash join with m=1 (partitioning R):


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❖ Hybrid Hash Join (cont)

Next phase of hybrid hash join with m=1 (partitioning S):


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❖ Hybrid Hash Join (cont)

Final phase of hybrid hash join with m=1 (finishing join):


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❖ Hybrid Hash Join (cont)

Some observations:

Best-cost scenario: Other notes:
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❖ Exercise: Hybrid Hash Join Cost

Consider executing Join[i=j](R,S) with the following parameters:

Calculate the cost for evaluating the above join
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❖ Join Summary

No single join algorithm is superior in some overall sense.

Which algorithm is best for a given query depends on:

Choosing the "best" join algorithm is critical because the cost difference between best and worst case can be very large.

E.g.   Join[id=stude](Student,Enrolled):   3,000 ... 2,000,000

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❖ Join in PostgreSQL

Join implementations are under: src/backend/executor

PostgreSQL suports three kinds of join:

Query optimiser chooses appropriate join, by considering
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❖ Exercise: Outer Join?

Above discussion was all in terms of theta inner-join.

How would the algorithms above adapt to outer join?

Consider the following ...

select *
from   R left outer join S on (R.i = S.j)

select *
from   R right outer join S on (R.i = S.j)

select *
from   R full outer join S on (R.i = S.j)

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❖ Query Evaluation

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❖ Query Evaluation


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❖ Query Evaluation (cont)

A query in SQL:

A query evaluator/processor :
Some DBMSs can save query plans for later re-use.
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❖ Query Evaluation (cont)

Internals of the query evaluation "black-box":


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❖ Query Evaluation (cont)

DBMSs provide several "flavours" of each RA operation.

For example:

Similarly, π  and  have versions to match specific query types.

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❖ Query Evaluation (cont)

We call these specialised version of RA operations RelOps.

One major task of the query processor:

Requires the query translator/optimiser to consider RelOps are realised at execution time
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❖ Terminology Variations

Relational algebra expression of SQL query

Execution plan as collection of RelOps Representation of RA operators and expressions
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❖ Query Translation

Query translation:   SQL statement text RA expression


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❖ Query Translation

Translation step:   SQL text → RA expression


SQL: select name from Students where id=7654321;
-- is translated to
RA:  Proj[name](Sel[id=7654321]Students)

Processes:  lexer/parser,  mapping rules,  rewriting rules.

Mapping from SQL to RA may include some optimisations, e.g.

select * from Students where id = 54321 and age > 50;
-- is translated to
-- rather than ... because of index on id

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❖ Parsing SQL

Parsing task is similar to that for programming languages.

Language elements:

PostgreSQL parser ...

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❖ SQL → RA

Remaining steps in processing an SQL statement

Cost-based optimisation:
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❖ Expression Rewriting Rules

Since RA is a well-defined formal system

Expression transformation based on such rules can be used
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❖ Relational Algebra Laws

Commutative and Associative Laws:

Selection splitting (where c and d are conditions):
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❖ Relational Algebra Laws (cont)

Selection pushing   ( σc(R ∪ S) and σc(R ∪ S) ):

Selection pushing with join ... If condition contains attributes from both R and S:
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❖ Relational Algebra Laws (cont)

Rewrite rules for projection ...

All but last projection can be ignored:

Projections can be pushed into joins:

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❖ Relational Algebra Laws (cont)

Subqueries ⇒ convert to a join

Example:   (on schema Courses(id,code,...), Enrolments(cid,sid,...), Students(id,name,...)

select c.code, count(*)
from   Courses c
where in (select cid from Enrolments)
group  by c.code


select c.code, count(*)
from   Courses c join Enrolments e on = e.cid
group  by c.code

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❖ Relational Algebra Laws (cont)

But not all subqueries can be converted to join, e.g.

select e.sid as student_id, e.cid as course_id
from   Enrolments e
where  e.sid = (select max(id) from Students)

has to be evaluated as

Val = max[id]Students

Res = π(sid,cid)(σsid=ValEnrolments)

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❖ Query Optimisation

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❖ Query Optimisation

Query optimiser:   RA expression efficient evaluation plan


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❖ Query Optimisation (cont)

Query optimisation is a critical step in query evaluation.

The query optimiser

"Optimisation" is a misnomer since query optimisers
Observed Query Time = Planning time + Evaluation time
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❖ Query Optimisation (cont)

Why do we not generate optimal query execution plans?

Finding an optimal query plan ...

Even for relatively small query, search space is very large.


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❖ Approaches to Optimisation

Three main classes of techniques developed:

All driven by aim of minimising (or at least reducing) "cost".

Real query optimisers use a combination of algrebraic+physical.

Semantic QO is good idea, but expensive/difficult to implement.

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❖ Approaches to Optimisation (cont)

Example of optimisation transformations:


For join, may also consider sort/merge join and hash join.

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❖ Cost-based Query Optimiser

Approximate algorithm for cost-based optimisation:

translate SQL query to RAexp
for enough transformations RA' of RAexp {
   while (more choices for RelOps) {
      Plan = {};  i = 0;  cost = 0
      for each node e of RA' (recursively) {
         ROp = select RelOp method for e
         Plan = Plan ∪ ROp
         cost += Cost(ROp) // using child info
      if (cost < MinCost)
         { MinCost = cost;  BestPlan = Plan }

Heuristics: push selections down, consider only left-deep join trees.

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❖ Exercise: Alternative Join Plans

Consider the schema

Students(id,name,....)   Enrol(student,course,mark)
Staff(id,name,...)    Courses(id,code,term,lic,...)

the following query on this schema

select c.code,,
from   Students s, Enrol e, Courses c, Staff f
where and
       and and c.term='11s2'
       and'John Shepherd'

Show some possible evaluation orders for this query.

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❖ Cost Models and Analysis

The cost of evaluating a query is determined by:

Analysis of costs involves estimating:
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