COMP9315 24T1 |
Exercises 01 DBMSs, PostgreSQL, Catalogs |
DBMS Implementation |
Some of these questions require you to look beyond the Week 01 lecture material for answers. Some of the questions preempt material that we'll be looking at over the next few weeks. To answer some questions, you may need to look at the PostgreSQL documentation or at the texts for the course ... or, of course, you could simply reveal the answers, but where's the fun in that?
List some of the major issues that a relational database management system needs to concern itself with.
Give an overview of the major stages in answering an SQL query in a relational database management system. For each step, describe its inputs and outputs and give a brief description of what it does.
PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system
What are the differences between PostgreSQL and a conventional
relational database management system (such as Oracle)?
A PostgreSQL installation includes a number of different scopes
databases (or catalogs), schemas (or namespaces),
and tablespaces.
The scopes correspond to notions from the SQL standard.
Explain the difference between these and give examples of each.
For each of the following command-line arguments to the psql
command, explain what it does, when it might be useful, and how you might
achieve the same effect from within psql
PostgreSQL has two main mechanisms for adding data into a database:
the SQL standard INSERT
statement and the PostgreSQL-specific
Describe the differences in how these two statement operate.
Use the following examples, which insert the same set of tuples,
to motivate your explanation:`
insert into Enrolment(course,student,mark,grade) values ('COMP9315', 3312345, 75, 'DN'); insert into Enrolment(course,student,mark,grade) values ('COMP9322', 3312345, 80, 'DN'); insert into Enrolment(course,student,mark,grade) values ('COMP9315', 3354321, 55, 'PS'); copy Enrolment(course,student,mark,grade) from stdin; COMP9315 3312345 75 DN COMP9322 3312345 80 DN COMP9315 3354321 55 PS \.
In psql
, the \timing
command turns on a timer
that indicates how long each SQL command takes to execute. Consider the
following trace of a session asking the several different queries
multiple times:
\timing Timing is on. select max(id) from students; max --------- 9904944 Time: 112.173 ms select max(id) from students; max --------- 9904944 Time: 0.533 ms select max(id) from students; max --------- 9904944 Time: 0.484 ms select count(*) from courses; count ------- 80319 Time: 132.416 ms select count(*) from courses; count ------- 80319 Time: 30.438 ms select count(*) from courses; count ------- 80319 Time: 34.034 ms select max(id) from students; max --------- 9904944 Time: 0.765 ms select count(*) from enrolments; count --------- 2816649 Time: 2006.707 ms select count(*) from enrolments; count --------- 2816649 Time: 1099.993 ms select count(*) from enrolments; count --------- 2816649 Time: 1109.552 ms
Based on the above, suggest answers to the following:
Both the pg_catalog schema and the information_schema schema contain meta-data describing the content of a database. Why do we need two schemas to do essentially the same task, and how are they related?
Cross-table references (foreign keys) in the pg_catalog tables are defined in terms of oid attributes. However, examination of the the catalog table definitions (either via \d in psql or via the PostgreSQL documentation) doesn't show an oid in any of the lists of table attributes. To see this, try the following commands:
psql mydb ... \d pg_database ... \d pg_authid
Where does the oid attribute come from?
$page = pgURL('storage-page-layout.html'); showAnswer(<<select oid,xmin,xmax,* from pg_namespace;
In other words, the "hidden" attributes are not part of the SQL * which matches all attributes in the table.
xxAAxx );?>Write an SQL view to give a list of table names and table oid's from the public namespace in a PostgreSQL database.
Using the tables in the pg_catalog schema, write a function to determine the location of a table in the filesystem. In other words, provide your own implementation of the built-in function: pg_relation_filepath(TableName). The function should be defined and behave as follows:
create function tablePath(tableName text) returns text as $$ ... $$ language plpgsql; select tablePath('myTable'); tablepath ----------------------------- PGDATA/base/2895497/2895518 select tablePath('ImaginaryTable'); tablepath ------------------------------- No such table: imaginarytable
Start the path string with PGDATA/base if the pg_class.reltablespace value is 0, otherwise use the value of pg_tablespace.spclocation in the corresponding pg_tablespace tuple.
Write a PL/pgSQL function to give a list of table schemas for all of
the tables in the public namespace of a PostgreSQL database.
Each table schema is a text string giving the table name and the name
of all attributes, in their definition order (given by pg_attribute.attnum
You can ignore system attributes (those with attnum < 0
Tables should appear in alphabetical order.
The function should have following header:
create or replace function tableSchemas() returns setof text ...
and is used as follows:
select * from tableschemas(); tableschemas --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assessments(item, student, mark) courses(id, code, title, uoc, convenor) enrolments(course, student, mark, grade) items(id, course, name, maxmark) people(id, ptype, title, family, given, street, suburb, pcode, gender, birthday, country) (5 rows)
Extend the function from the previous question so that attaches a type name to each attribute name. Use the following function to produce the string for each attribute's type:
create or replace function typeString(typid oid, typmod integer) returns text as $$ declare typ text; begin typ := pg_catalog.format_type(typid,typmod); if (substr(typ,1,17) = 'character varying') then typ := replace(typ, 'character varying', 'varchar'); elsif (substr(typ,1,9) = 'character') then typ := replace(typ, 'character', 'char'); end if; return typ; end; $$ language plpgsql;
The first argument to this function is a pg_attribute.atttypid
value; the second argument is a pg_attribute.atttypmod
(Look up what these actually represent in the PostgreSQL documentation).
Use the same function header as above, but this time the output should look like (for the first three tables at least):
assessments(item:integer, student:integer, mark:integer) courses(id:integer, code:char(8), title:varchar(50), uoc:integer, convenor:integer) enrolments(course:integer, student:integer, mark:integer, grade:char(2))
The following SQL syntax can be used to modify the length of a varchar attribute.
alter table TableName alter column ColumnName set data type varchar(N);
where N is the new length.
If PostgreSQL did not support the above syntax, suggest how you might be able to achieve the same effect by manipulating the catalog data.