H: Transactions, Concurrency, Recovery

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❖ Transaction Processing

A transaction (tx) is ...

A transaction effects a state change on the DB


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❖ Transaction Processing (cont)

Transaction states:


COMMIT all changes preserved,   ABORT database unchanged

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❖ Transaction Processing (cont)

Concurrent transactions are

To ensure problem-free concurrent transactions:
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❖ Transaction Processing (cont)

Transaction processing:

Consistency is the property: Ensuring this must be left to application programmers.

Our discussion focusses on: Atomicity, Durability, Isolation

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❖ Transaction Processing (cont)

Atomicity is handled by the commit and abort mechanisms

Durability is handled by implementing stable storage, via

Isolation is handled by concurrency control mechanisms
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❖ Transaction Processing (cont)

Where transaction processing fits in the DBMS:


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❖ Transaction Terminology

To describe transaction effects, we consider:

Relationship between the above operations and SQL:
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❖ Transaction Terminology (cont)

More on transactions and SQL

In PostgreSQL, tx's cannot be defined inside functions (e.g. PLpgSQL)

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❖ Transaction Terminology (cont)

The READ, WRITE, ABORT, COMMIT operations:

The operations are typically denoted as:

RT(X) read item X in transaction T
WT(X) write item X in transaction T
AT abort transaction T
CT commit transaction T

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❖ Schedules

A schedule gives the sequence of operations from ≥ 1 tx

Serial schedule for a set of tx's T1 .. Tn

E.g.   RT1(A)   WT1(A)   RT2(B)   RT2(A)   WT3(C)   WT3(B)  

Concurrent schedule for a set of tx's T1 .. Tn

E.g.   RT1(A)   RT2(B)   WT1(A)   WT3(C)   WT3(B)   RT2(A)  
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❖ Schedules (cont)

Serial schedules guarantee database consistency

Concurrent schedules interleave tx operations arbitrarily
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❖ Transaction Anomalies

What problems can occur with (uncontrolled) concurrent tx's?

The set of phenomena can be characterised broadly under:

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❖ Schedule Properties

If a concurrent schedule on a set of tx's TT ...

Primary goal of isolation mechanisms (see later) is Serializability is one property of a schedule, focusing on isolation

Other properties of schedules focus on recovering from failures

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❖ Transaction Failure

So far, have implicitly assumed that all transactions commit.

Additional problems can arise when transactions abort.

Consider the following schedule where transaction T1 fails:

T1: R(X) W(X) A
T2:             R(X) W(X) C

Abort will rollback the changes to X, but ...

Consider three places where the rollback might occur:

T1: R(X) W(X) A [1]     [2]        [3]
T2:                 R(X)    W(X) C

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❖ Transaction Failure (cont)

Abort / rollback scenarios:

T1: R(X) W(X) A [1]     [2]        [3]
T2:                 R(X)    W(X) C

Case [1] is ok

Case [2] is problematic Case [3] is also problematic
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❖ Recoverability

Consider the serializable schedule:

T1:        R(X)  W(Y)  C
T2:  W(X)                 A

(where the final value of Y is dependent on the X value)


Produces an invalid database state, even though serializable.
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❖ Recoverability (cont)

Recoverable schedules avoid these kinds of problems.

For a schedule to be recoverable, we require additional constraints

and this property must hold for all transactions Tj

Note that recoverability does not prevent "dirty reads".

In order to make schedules recoverable in the presence of dirty reads and aborts, may need to abort multiple transactions.

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❖ Cascading Aborts

Recall the earlier non-recoverable schedule:

T1:        R(X)  W(Y)  C
T2:  W(X)                 A

To make it recoverable requires:

T1:        R(X)  W(Y) ...   C? A!
T2:  W(X)                 A

Known as cascading aborts (or cascading rollback).

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❖ Cascading Aborts (cont)

Example: T3 aborts, causing T2 to abort, causing T1 to abort

T1:                    R(Y)  W(Z)        A
T2:        R(X)  W(Y)                 A
T3:  W(X)                          A

Even though T1 has no direct connection with T3
(i.e. no shared data).

This kind of problem ...

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❖ Cascading Aborts (cont)

Cascading aborts can be avoided if

Effectively: eliminate the possibility of reading dirty data.

Downside: reduces opportunity for concurrency.

These are called ACR (avoid cascading rollback) schedules.

All ACR schedules are also recoverable.

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❖ Strictness

Strict schedules also eliminate the chance of writing  dirty data.

A schedule is strict if

Strict schedules simplify the task of rolling back after aborts.
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❖ Strictness (cont)

Example: non-strict schedule

T1:  W(X)        A
T2:        W(X)     A

Problems with handling rollback after aborts:

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❖ Classes of Schedules

Relationship between various classes of schedules:


Schedules ought to be serializable and strict.

But more serializable/strict less concurrency.

DBMSs allow users to trade off "safety" against performance.

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❖ Transaction Isolation

Simplest form of isolation: serial execution   (T1 ; T2 ; T3 ; ...)

Problem: serial execution yields poor throughput.

Concurrency control schemes (CCSs) aim for "safe" concurrency

Abstract view of DBMS concurrency mechanisms:


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❖ Serializability

Consider two schedules S1 and S2 produced by

S1  and S2  are equivalent if StateAfter(S1)  =  StateAfter(S2)
S  is a serializable schedule (for a set of concurrent tx's T1 ..Tn) if Under these circumstances, consistency is guaranteed
(assuming no aborted transactions and no system failures)
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❖ Serializability (cont)

Two formulations of serializability:

View serializability is strictly weaker than conflict serializability.
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❖ Transaction Isolation Levels

SQL programmers' concurrency control mechanism ...

set transaction
    read only  -- so weaker isolation may be ok
    read write -- suggests stronger isolation needed
isolation level
    -- weakest isolation, maximum concurrency
    read uncommitted
    read committed
    repeatable read
    -- strongest isolation, minimum concurrency

Applies to current tx only; affects how scheduler treats this tx.

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❖ Transaction Isolation Levels (cont)

Implication of transaction isolation levels:

Possible Possible Possible
Not Possible Possible Possible
Not Possible Not Possible Possible
Serializable Not Possible Not Possible Not Possible
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❖ Transaction Isolation Levels (cont)

For transaction isolation, PostgreSQL

Note: cannot implement read uncommitted because of MVCC

For more details, see PostgreSQL Documentation section 13.2

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❖ Transaction Isolation Levels (cont)

A PostgreSQL tx consists of a sequence of SQL statements:

BEGIN S1; S2; ... Sn; COMMIT;

Isolation levels affect view of DB provided to each Si:

Transactions fail if the system detects violation of isolation level.
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❖ Concurrency Control

Approaches to concurrency control:

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❖ Lock-based Concurrency Control

Locks introduce additional mechanisms in DBMS:


The Lock Manager

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❖ Lock-based Concurrency Control (cont)

Lock table entries contain:

Lock and unlock operations must be atomic.

Lock upgrade:

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❖ Lock-based Concurrency Control (cont)

Synchronise access to shared data items via following rules:

These rules alone do not guarantee serializability.
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❖ Lock-based Concurrency Control (cont)

Consider the following schedule, using locks:

T1(a): Lr(Y)     R(Y)           continued
T2(a):      Lr(X)    R(X) U(X)  continued

T1(b):      U(Y)         Lw(X) W(X) U(X)
T2(b): Lw(Y)....W(Y) U(Y)

(where Lr = read-lock, Lw = write-lock, U = unlock)

Locks correctly ensure controlled access to X and Y.

Despite this, the schedule is not serializable.  (Ex: prove this)

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❖ Two-Phase Locking

To guarantee serializability, we require an additional constraint:

Each transaction is then structured as:
Clearly, this reduces potential concurrency ...
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❖ Problems with Locking

Appropriate locking can guarantee correctness.

However, it also introduces potential undesirable effects:

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❖ Deadlock

Deadlock occurs when two transactions are waiting for a lock on an item held by the other.


T1: Lw(A) R(A)            Lw(B) ......
T2:            Lw(B) R(B)       Lw(A) .....

How to deal with deadlock?

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❖ Deadlock (cont)

Handling deadlock involves forcing a transaction to "back off"

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❖ Deadlock (cont)

Methods for managing deadlock

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❖ Deadlock (cont)

Properties of deadlock handling methods:

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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control

Locking is a pessimistic approach to concurrency control:

Costs: lock management, deadlock handling, contention.

In scenarios where there are far more reads than writes ...

Optimistic concurrency control (OCC) is a strategy to realise this.
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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Under OCC, transactions have three distinct phases:

Timestamps are recorded at points S, V, F :


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Data structures needed for validation:

Use the V  timestamps as ordering for transactions
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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Two-transaction example:

Case 0: serial execution ... no problem


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Case 1: reading overlaps validation/writing


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Case 2: reading/validation overlaps validation/writing


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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

Validation check for transaction T

If this check fails for any Ti, then T  is rolled back.
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❖ Optimistic Concurrency Control (cont)

OCC prevents:   T  reading dirty data,   T  overwriting Ti's  changes

Problems with OCC:

** "Roll back" is relatively cheap
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❖ Multi-version Concurrency Control

Multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) aims to

Achieves this by Main difference between MVCC and standard locking:
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❖ Multi-version Concurrency Control (cont)

WTS = timestamp of tx that wrote this data item

Chained tuple versions:   tupoldest → tupolder → tupnewest

When a reader Ti  is accessing the database

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❖ Multi-version Concurrency Control (cont)

When a writer Ti  attempts to change a data item

Some MVCC versions also maintain RTS (TS of last reader)
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❖ Multi-version Concurrency Control (cont)

Advantage of MVCC

Disadvantages of MVCC Despite apparent disadvantages, MVCC is very effective.
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❖ Multi-version Concurrency Control (cont)

Removing old versions:

When to make this check? PostgreSQL uses the latter (vacuum).
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❖ Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL uses two styles of concurrency control:

From the SQL (PLpgSQL) level:
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❖ Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL (cont)

PostgreSQL provides read committed and serializable isolation levels.

Using the serializable isolation level, a select:

Using the serializable isolation level, an update fails: The transaction containing the update must then rollback and re-start.
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❖ Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL (cont)

Implementing MVCC in PostgreSQL requires:

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❖ Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL (cont)

Rules for a tuple to be visible to Ti :

For details, see: utils/time/tqual.c
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❖ Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL (cont)

Tx's always see a consistent version of the database.

But may not see the "current" version of the database.

E.g. T1 does select, then concurrent T2 deletes some of T1's selected tuples

This is OK unless tx's communicate outside the database system.

E.g. T1 counts tuples; T2 deletes then counts; then counts are compared

Use locks if application needs every tx to see same current version

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❖ Atomicity/Durability


Transactions are atomic

Transaction effects are durable
Implementation of atomicity/durability is intertwined.
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❖ Durability

What kinds of "system failures" do we need to deal with?

The last requires off-site backup; all others should be locally recoverable.

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❖ Durability (cont)

Consider following scenario:


Desired behaviour after system restart:

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❖ Durability (cont)

Durabilty begins with a stable disk storage subsystem

We can prevent/minimise loss/corruption of data due to:
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❖ Dealing with Transactions

The remaining "failure modes" that we need to consider:

Standard technique for managing these:
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❖ Architecture for Atomicity/Durability

How does a DBMS provide for atomicity/durability?


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❖ Execution of Transactions

Transactions deal with three address spaces:

Each of these may hold a different "version" of a DB object.

PostgreSQL processes make heavy use of shared buffer pool

⇒ transactions do not deal with much local data.

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❖ Execution of Transactions (cont)

Operations available for data transfer:

READ/WRITE are issued by transaction.

INPUT/OUTPUT are issued by buffer manager (and log manager).

INPUT/OUTPUT correspond to getPage()/putPage() mentioned above

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❖ Execution of Transactions (cont)

Example of transaction execution:

-- implements A = A*2; B = B+1;
READ(A,v); v = v*2; WRITE(A,v);
READ(B,v); v = v+1; WRITE(B,v);

READ accesses the buffer manager and may cause INPUT.

COMMIT needs to ensure that buffer contents go to disk.

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❖ Execution of Transactions (cont)

States as the transaction executes:

t   Action        v  Buf(A)  Buf(B)  Disk(A)  Disk(B)
(0) BEGIN         .      .       .        8        5
(1) READ(A,v)     8      8       .        8        5
(2) v = v*2      16      8       .        8        5
(3) WRITE(A,v)   16     16       .        8        5
(4) READ(B,v)     5     16       5        8        5
(5) v = v+1       6     16       5        8        5
(6) WRITE(B,v)    6     16       6        8        5
(7) OUTPUT(A)     6     16       6       16        5
(8) OUTPUT(B)     6     16       6       16        6

After tx completes, we must have either
Disk(A)=8, Disk(B)=5   or   Disk(A)=16, Disk(B)=6

If system crashes before (8), may need to undo disk changes.
If system crashes after (8), may need to redo disk changes.

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❖ Transactions and Buffer Pool

Two issues arise w.r.t. buffers:

Ideally, we want stealing and not forcing.
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❖ Transactions and Buffer Pool (cont)

Handling stealing:

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❖ Transactions and Buffer Pool (cont)

Handling no forcing:

Above scenario may be a problem, even if we are forcing
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❖ Transactions (reminder)

A transaction is

Transactions deal with three levels of storage Transactions ...
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❖ Logging

Three "styles" of logging

All approaches require: Known as write-ahead logging    (PostgreSQL uses WAL)
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❖ Undo Logging

Simple form of logging which ensures atomicity.

Log file consists of a sequence of small records:

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❖ Undo Logging (cont)

Data must be written to disk in the following order:

  1. <START> transaction log record
  2. <UPDATE> log records indicating changes
  3. the changed data elements themselves
  4. <COMMIT> log record
Note: sufficient to have <T,X,v> output before X, for each X
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❖ Undo Logging (cont)

For the example transaction, we would get:

t    Action        v  B(A)  B(B)  D(A)  D(B)  Log
(0)  BEGIN         .    .     .     8     5   <START T>
(1)  READ(A,v)     8    8     .     8     5
(2)  v = v*2      16    8     .     8     5
(3)  WRITE(A,v)   16   16     .     8     5   <T,A,8>
(4)  READ(B,v)     5   16     5     8     5
(5)  v = v+1       6   16     5     8     5
(6)  WRITE(B,v)    6   16     6     8     5   <T,B,5>
(7)  FlushLog
(8)  StartCommit
(9)  OUTPUT(A)     6   16     6    16     5
(10) OUTPUT(B)     6   16     6    16     6
(11) EndCommit                                <COMMIT T>
(12) FlushLog

Note that T is not regarded as committed until (12) completes.

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❖ UNDO Logging

❖ UNDO Logging (cont)

Simplified view of recovery using UNDO logging:

Assumes we scan entire log; use checkpoints to limit scan.
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❖ UNDO Logging (cont)

Algorithmic view of recovery using UNDO logging:

committedTrans = abortedTrans = startedTrans = {}
for each log record from most recent to oldest {
    switch (log record) {
    <COMMIT T> : add T to committedTrans
    <ABORT T>  : add T to abortedTrans
    <START T>  : add T to startedTrans
    <T,X,v>    : if (T in committedTrans)
                     // don't undo committed changes
                 else  // roll-back changes
                     { WRITE(X,v); OUTPUT(X) }
}   }
for each T in startedTrans {
    if (T in committedTrans) ignore
    else if (T in abortedTrans) ignore
    else write <ABORT T> to log
flush log

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❖ Checkpointing

Simple view of recovery implies reading entire log file.

Since log file grows without bound, this is infeasible.

Eventually we can delete "old" section of log.

This point is called a checkpoint. As described we need to wait for all active tx to complete
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❖ Checkpointing (cont)

Problem: many concurrent/overlapping transactions.

How to know that all have finished?

  1. periodically, write log record <CHKPT (T1,..,Tk)>
    (contains references to all active transactions active tx table)
  2. continue normal processing (e.g. new tx's can start)
  3. when all of T1,..,Tk have completed,
    write log record <END CHKPT> and flush log
Note: tx manager maintains chkpt and active tx information

These kinds of checkpoints are often written as <START CHKPT ...>

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❖ Checkpointing (cont)

Recovery: scan backwards through log file processing as before.

Determining where to stop depends on ...

If we encounter <END CHKPT> first:

If we encounter <CHKPT (T1,..,Tk)> first:
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❖ Redo Logging

Problem with UNDO logging:

Alternative approach is redo logging:
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❖ Redo Logging (cont)

Requirement for redo logging: write-ahead rule.

Data must be written to disk as follows:

  1. write start transaction <START T> log record
  2. write <UPDATE...> log records indicating changes
  3. then write <COMMIT> log record (and flush log)
  4. then OUTPUT changed data elements themselves
Note that update log records now contain <T,X,v'>,
where v' is the new value for X.
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❖ Redo Logging (cont)

For the example transaction, we would get:

t    Action        v  B(A)  B(B)  D(A)  D(B)  Log
(0)  BEGIN         .    .     .     8     5   <START T>
(1)  READ(A,v)     8    8     .     8     5
(2)  v = v*2      16    8     .     8     5
(3)  WRITE(A,v)   16   16     .     8     5   <T,A,16>
(4)  READ(B,v)     5   16     5     8     5
(5)  v = v+1       6   16     5     8     5
(6)  WRITE(B,v)    6   16     6     8     5   <T,B,6>
(7)  COMMIT                                   <COMMIT T>
(8)  FlushLog
(9)  OUTPUT(A)     6   16     6    16     5
(10) OUTPUT(B)     6   16     6    16     6

Note that T is regarded as committed as soon as (8) completes.

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❖ Redo Logging (cont)

Simplified view of recovery using REDO logging:

Use checkpoints (like UNDO log checkpoints) to limit scan.
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❖ Undo/Redo Logging

UNDO logging and REDO logging are incompatible in

Undo/Redo logging combines aspects of both As for previous cases, requires write-ahead of log records.

Undo/redo loging is common in practice; Aries algorithm.

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❖ Undo/Redo Logging (cont)

For the example transaction, we might get:

t    Action        v  B(A)  B(B)  D(A)  D(B)  Log
(0)  BEGIN         .    .     .     8     5   <START T>
(1)  READ(A,v)     8    8     .     8     5
(2)  v = v*2      16    8     .     8     5
(3)  WRITE(A,v)   16   16     .     8     5   <T,A,8,16>
(4)  READ(B,v)     5   16     5     8     5
(5)  v = v+1       6   16     5     8     5
(6)  WRITE(B,v)    6   16     6     8     5   <T,B,5,6>
(7)  FlushLog
(8)  StartCommit
(9)  OUTPUT(A)     6   16     6    16     5
(10)                                          <COMMIT T>
(11) OUTPUT(B)     6   16     6    16     6

Note that T is regarded as committed as soon as (10) completes.

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❖ Undo/Redo Logging (cont)

Simplified view of recovery using UNDO/REDO logging:

Note: undo/redo logging requires dirty buffers to be flushed at <CHKPT...>
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❖ Undo/Redo Logging (cont)

The above description simplifies details of undo/redo logging.

Aries is a complete algorithm for undo/redo logging.

Differences to what we have described:

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❖ Recovery in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL uses write-ahead undo/redo style logging.

It also uses multi-version concurrency control, which

MVCC simplifies some aspects of undo/redo, e.g.
Recall: WAL entries in postgresql.conf
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❖ Recovery in PostgreSQL (cont)

Transaction/logging code is distributed throughout backend.

Core transaction code is in src/backend/access/transam.

Transaction/logging data is written to files in PGDATA/pg_xlog

COMP9315 24T1 ♢ Lectures Part H ♢ [92/92]

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