G: Query Translation, Optimisation, Execution

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❖ Query Evaluation


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❖ Query Evaluation (cont)

A query in SQL:

A query evaluator/processor :
Some DBMSs can save query plans for later re-use.
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❖ Query Evaluation (cont)

Internals of the query evaluation "black-box":


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❖ Query Evaluation (cont)

DBMSs provide several "flavours" of each RA operation.

For example:

Similarly, π  and  have versions to match specific query types.

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❖ Query Evaluation (cont)

We call these specialised version of RA operations RelOps.

One major task of the query processor:

Requires the query translator/optimiser to consider RelOps are realised at execution time
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❖ Terminology Variations

Relational algebra expression of SQL query

Execution plan as collection of RelOps Representation of RA operators and expressions
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❖ Query Translation

Query translation:   SQL statement text RA expression


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❖ Query Translation

Translation step:   SQL text → RA expression


SQL: select name from Students where id=7654321;
-- is translated to
RA:  Proj[name](Sel[id=7654321]Students)

Processes:  lexer/parser,  mapping rules,  rewriting rules.

Mapping from SQL to RA may include some optimisations, e.g.

select * from Students where id = 54321 and age > 50;
-- is translated to
-- rather than ... because of index on id

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❖ Parsing SQL

Parsing task is similar to that for programming languages.

Language elements:

PostgreSQL parser ...

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❖ SQL → RA

Remaining steps in processing an SQL statement

Cost-based optimisation:
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❖ Expression Rewriting Rules

Since RA is a well-defined formal system

Expression transformation based on such rules can be used
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❖ Relational Algebra Laws

Commutative and Associative Laws:

Selection splitting (where c and d are conditions):
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❖ Relational Algebra Laws (cont)

Selection pushing   ( σc(R ∪ S) and σc(R ∪ S) ):

Selection pushing with join ... If condition contains attributes from both R and S:
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❖ Relational Algebra Laws (cont)

Rewrite rules for projection ...

All but last projection can be ignored:

Projections can be pushed into joins:

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❖ Relational Algebra Laws (cont)

Subqueries ⇒ convert to a join

Example:   (on schema Courses(id,code,...), Enrolments(cid,sid,...), Students(id,name,...)

select c.code, count(*)
from   Courses c
where  c.id in (select cid from Enrolments)
group  by c.code


select c.code, count(*)
from   Courses c join Enrolments e on c.id = e.cid
group  by c.code

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❖ Relational Algebra Laws (cont)

But not all subqueries can be converted to join, e.g.

select e.sid as student_id, e.cid as course_id
from   Enrolments e
where  e.sid = (select max(id) from Students)

has to be evaluated as

Val = max[id]Students

Res = π(sid,cid)(σsid=ValEnrolments)

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❖ Query Optimisation

Query optimiser:   RA expression efficient evaluation plan


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❖ Query Optimisation (cont)

Query optimisation is a critical step in query evaluation.

The query optimiser

"Optimisation" is a misnomer since query optimisers
Observed Query Time = Planning time + Evaluation time
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❖ Query Optimisation (cont)

Why do we not generate optimal query execution plans?

Finding an optimal query plan ...

Even for relatively small query, search space is very large.


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❖ Approaches to Optimisation

Three main classes of techniques developed:

All driven by aim of minimising (or at least reducing) "cost".

Real query optimisers use a combination of algrebraic+physical.

Semantic QO is good idea, but expensive/difficult to implement.

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❖ Query Optimization

Input: relational algebra expression tree

Output: tree of instantiated relation operations


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❖ Query Optimization (cont)

Where query optimisation fits in query evaluation:


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❖ Query Optimization (cont)

Approximate algorithm for cost-based optimisation:

translate SQL query to RAexp
for enough transformations RA' of RAexp {
   while (more choices for RelOps in RA') {
      Plan = {}
      for each node N of RA' (recursively) {
         ROp = select RelOp method for N
         Plan = Plan ∪ ROp
      cost = 0
      for each node P of Plan (bottom-up) 
         { cost += Cost(P) // using child info }
      if (cost < MinCost)
         { MinCost = cost;  BestPlan = Plan }

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❖ Cost Models and Analysis

The cost of evaluating a query is determined by:

Analysis of costs involves estimating:
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❖ Choosing Access Methods (RelOps)

Performed for each node in RA expression tree ...


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❖ Choosing Access Methods (RelOps) (cont)



tmp[i]   := BtreeSearch[name='John'](Student)
tmp[i+1] := LinearSearch[age>21](tmp[i])

Where possible, use pipelining to avoid storing tmp[i] on disk.

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❖ Choosing Access Methods (RelOps) (cont)

Rules for choosing σ access methods:

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❖ Choosing Access Methods (RelOps) (cont)

Rules for choosing access methods:

(bnl = block nested loop;   inl = index nested loop;   sm = sort merge)
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❖ Cost Estimation

Without executing a plan, cannot always know its precise cost.

Thus, query optimisers estimate costs via:

Result size estimated by statistical measures on relations, e.g.
rS cardinality of relation S
RS avg size of tuple in relation S
V(A,S) # distinct values of attribute A
min(A,S) min value of attribute A
max(A,S) max value of attribute A
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❖ Estimating Projection Result Size

Straightforward, since we know:

Assume page size B,   bout = ceil(rT / cout),   where cout = floor(B/Rout)

If using select distinct ...

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❖ Estimating Selection Result Size

Selectivity = fraction of tuples expected to satisfy a condition.

Common assumption: attribute values uniformly distributed.

Example: Consider the query

select * from Parts where colour='Red'

If   V(colour,Parts)=4,   r=1000  ⇒  |σcolour=red(Parts)|=250

In general, | σA=c(R) |  ≅  rR / V(A,R)

Heuristic used by PostgreSQL: | σA=c(R) |  ≅  r/10    (unless primary key)

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❖ Estimating Selection Result Size (cont)

Estimating size of result for e.g.

select * from Enrolment where year > 2015;

Could estimate by using:

Assume: min(year)=2010, max(year)=2019, |Enrolment|=105
Heuristic used by some systems:   | σA>c(R) | ≅ r/3
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❖ Estimating Selection Result Size (cont)

Estimating size of result for e.g.

select * from Enrolment where course <> 'COMP9315';

Could estimate by using:

e.g. | V(course,Enrolment) | = 2000,   | σA<>c(E) | = r * 1999/2000

Heuristic used by some systems:   | σA<>c(R) | ≅ r

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❖ Selection Size Estimation

How to handle non-uniform attribute value distributions?

So, for part colour example, might have distribution like:

White: 35%   Red: 30%   Blue: 25%   Silver: 10%

Use histogram as basis for determining # selected tuples.

Disadvantage: cost of storing/maintaining histograms.

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❖ Selection Size Estimation (cont)

Summary: analysis relies on operation and data distribution:

E.g. select * from R where a = k;

Case 1:   uniq(R.a)   ⇒   0 or 1 result

Case 2:   rR  tuples && size(dom(R.a)) = n   ⇒   rR / n results

E.g. select * from R where a < k;

Case 1:   k ≤ min(R.a)   ⇒   0 results

Case 2:   k > max(R.a)   ⇒   ≅ rR results

Case 3:   size(dom(R.a)) = n   ⇒   ? min(R.a) ... k ... max(R.a) ?

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❖ Estimating Join Result Size

Analysis relies on semantic knowledge about data/relations.

Consider equijoin on common attr: R ⋈a S

Case 1:   values(R.a) ∩ values(S.a) = {}   ⇒   size(R ⋈a S) = 0

Case 2:   uniq(R.a) and uniq(S.a)   ⇒   size(R ⋈a S)  ≤  min(|R|, |S|)

Case 3:   pkey(R.a) and fkey(S.a)   ⇒   size(R ⋈a S)  ≤  |S|

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❖ Cost Estimation: Postscript

Inaccurate cost estimation can lead to poor evaluation plans.

Above methods can (sometimes) give inaccurate estimates.

To get more accurate cost estimates:

Either way, optimisation process costs more (more than query?)

Trade-off between optimiser performance and query performance.

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❖ Overview of PostgreSQL QOpt Process

Input: tree of Query nodes returned by parser

Output: tree of Plan nodes used by query executor

Intermediate data structures are trees of Path nodes All Node types are defined in include/nodes/*.h
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❖ Overview of PostgreSQL QOpt Process (cont)



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❖ QOpt Data Structures

Generic Path node structure:

typedef struct Path
   NodeTag     type;          // scan/join/...
   NodeTag     pathtype;      // specific method
   RelOptInfo *parent;        // output relation
   PathTarget *pathtarget;    // list of Vars/Exprs, width 
   // estimated execution costs for path ...
   Cost        startup_cost;  // setup cost
   Cost        total_cost;    // total cost
   List       *pathkeys;      // sort order
} Path;

PathKey = (opfamily:Oid, strategy:SortDir, nulls_first:bool)

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❖ QOpt Data Structures (cont)

Specialised Path nodes (simplified):

typedef struct IndexPath
   Path    path;
   IndexOptInfo *indexinfo; // index for scan 
   List   *indexclauses; // index select conditions 
   ScanDirection  indexscandir; // used by planner 
   Selectivity  indexselectivity; // estimated #results 
} IndexPath;

typedef struct JoinPath
   Path      path;
   JoinType  jointype;     // inner/outer/semi/anti 
   Path     *outerpath;    // outer part of the join 
   Path     *innerpath;    // inner part of the join 
   List     *restrictinfo; // join condition(s) 
} JoinPath;

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❖ Query Optimisation Process

Query optimisation proceeds in two stages (after parsing)...


Planning and optimisation: Then produces a Plan tree from the selected path.
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❖ Top-down Trace of QOpt

Top-level of query execution: backend/tcop/postgres.c

exec_simple_query(const char *query_string)
  // lots of setting up ... including starting xact
  parsetree_list = pg_parse_query(query_string);
  foreach(parsetree, parsetree_list) {
    // Query optimisation
    querytree_list = pg_analyze_and_rewrite(parsetree,...);
    plantree_list = pg_plan_queries(querytree_list,...);
    // Query execution
    portal = CreatePortal(...plantree_list...);
  // lots of cleaning up ... including close xact

Assumes that we are dealing with multiple queries (i.e. SQL statements)

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❖ Top-down Trace of QOpt (cont)

query_planner() produces plan for a select/join tree

  • invoke make_one_rel() to find best path/plan

    Code in: backend/optimizer/plan/planmain.c

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    ❖ Top-down Trace of QOpt (cont)

    make_one_rel() generates possible plans, selects best

    Code in: backend/optimizer/path/allpaths.c
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    ❖ Join-tree Generation

    make_rel_from_joinlist() arranges path generation

    Standard path tree generator (standard_join_search()): Code in:   backend/optimizer/path/{allpaths.c,joinrels.c}
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    ❖ Join-tree Generation (cont)

    Genetic query optimiser (geqo):

    Code in:   backend/optimizer/geqo/*.c
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    ❖ Join-tree Generation (cont)

    Basic idea of genetic algorithm:

       t = 0
       p = initialState(join)  // pool of (random) join orders
       for (t = 0; t < #generations; t++) {
          p' = recombination(p) // get parts of good join orders 
          p'' = mutation(p')    // generate new variations 
          p = selection(p'',p)  // choose best join orders 

    #generations determined by size of initial pool of join orders

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    ❖ Query Execution

    Query execution:   applies evaluation plan result tuples


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    ❖ Query Execution (cont)

    Example of query translation:

    select s.name, s.id, e.course, e.mark
    from   Student s, Enrolment e
    where  e.student = s.id and e.semester = '05s2';

    maps to

    πname,id,course,mark(Stu ⋈e.student=s.id (σsemester=05s2Enr))

    maps to

    Temp1  = BtreeSelect[semester=05s2](Enr)
    Temp2  = HashJoin[e.student=s.id](Stu,Temp1)
    Result = Project[name,id,course,mark](Temp2)

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    ❖ Query Execution (cont)

    A query execution plan:

    Results may be passed from one operator to the next:
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    ❖ Materialization

    Steps in materialization between two operators

    Advantage: Disadvantage:
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    ❖ Pipelining

    How pipelining is organised between two operators:

    Advantage: Disadvantage:
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    ❖ Iterators (reminder)

    Iterators provide a "stream" of results:

    Other possible operations: reset to specific point, restart, ...
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    ❖ Pipelining Example

    Consider the query:

    select s.id, e.course, e.mark
    from   Student s, Enrolment e
    where  e.student = s.id and
           e.semester = '05s2' and s.name = 'John';

    which maps to the RA expression

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    ❖ Pipelining Example (cont)

    Evaluated via communication between RA tree nodes:


    Note: likely that projection is combined with join in PostgreSQL

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    ❖ Disk Accesses

    Pipelining cannot avoid all disk accesses.

    Some operations use multiple passes (e.g. merge-sort, hash-join).

    Thus ...
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    ❖ PostgreSQL Query Execution

    Defs: src/include/executor and src/include/nodes

    Code: src/backend/executor

    PostgreSQL uses pipelining ...

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    ❖ PostgreSQL Executor

    Modules in src/backend/executor fall into two groups:

    execXXX (e.g. execMain, execProcnode, execScan)

    nodeXXX   (e.g. nodeSeqscan, nodeNestloop, nodeGroup)
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    ❖ Example PostgreSQL Execution

    Consider the query:

    -- get manager's age and # employees in Shoe department
    select e.age, d.nemps
    from   Departments d, Employees e
    where  e.name = d.manager and d.name ='Shoe'

    and its execution plan tree


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    ❖ Example PostgreSQL Execution (cont)

    The execution plan tree


    contains three nodes:

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    ❖ Example PostgreSQL Execution (cont)

    Initially InitPlan() invokes ExecInitNode() on plan tree root.

    ExecInitNode() sees a NestedLoop node ...
       so dispatches to ExecInitNestLoop() to set up iterator
       then invokes ExecInitNode() on left and right sub-plans
           in left subPlan, ExecInitNode() sees an IndexScan node
            so dispatches to ExecInitIndexScan() to set up iterator
           in right sub-plan, ExecInitNode() sees a SeqScan node
            so dispatches to ExecInitSeqScan() to set up iterator

    Result: a plan state tree with same structure as plan tree.

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    ❖ Example PostgreSQL Execution (cont)

    Then ExecutePlan() repeatedly invokes ExecProcNode().

    ExecProcNode() sees a NestedLoop node ...
       so dispatches to ExecNestedLoop() to get next tuple
       which invokes ExecProcNode() on its sub-plans
           in left sub-plan, ExecProcNode() sees an IndexScan node
                so dispatches to ExecIndexScan() to get next tuple
                if no more tuples, return END
                for this tuple, invoke ExecProcNode() on right sub-plan
                    ExecProcNode() sees a SeqScan node
                        so dispatches to ExecSeqScan() to get next tuple
                        check for match and return joined tuples if found
                        continue scan until end
                    reset right sub-plan iterator

    Result: stream of result tuples returned via ExecutePlan()

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    ❖ Performance Tuning

    How to make a database-backed system perform "better"?

    Improving performance may involve any/all of:

    Remembering that, to some extent ...
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    ❖ Performance Tuning (cont)

    Tuning requires us to consider the following:

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    ❖ Performance Tuning (cont)

    Performance can be considered at two times:

    Difficult to predict what query optimiser will do, so ...
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    ❖ PostgreSQL Query Tuning

    PostgreSQL provides the explain statement to



    Without ANALYZE, EXPLAIN shows plan with estimated costs.

    With ANALYZE, EXPLAIN executes query and prints real costs.

    Note that runtimes may show considerable variation due to buffering.

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    ❖ EXPLAIN Examples


    people(id, family, given, title, name, ..., birthday)
    courses(id, subject, semester, homepage) 
    course_enrolments(student, course, mark, grade, ...) 
    subjects(id, code, name, longname, uoc, offeredby, ...)


           table_name          | n_records 
     people                    |     55767
     courses                   |     73220
     course_enrolments         |    525688
     subjects                  |     18525

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    ❖ EXPLAIN Examples (cont)

    Example: Select on non-indexed attribute

    uni=# explain
    uni=# select * from Students where stype='local';
                         QUERY PLAN
     Seq Scan on students
                 (cost=0.00..562.01 rows=23543 width=9)
       Filter: ((stype)::text = 'local'::text)


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    ❖ EXPLAIN Examples (cont)

    More notes on explain output:

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    ❖ EXPLAIN Examples (cont)

    Example: Select on non-indexed attribute with actual costs

    uni=# explain analyze
    uni=# select * from Students where stype='local';
                           QUERY PLAN
     Seq Scan on students
                 (cost=0.00..562.01 rows=23543 width=9)
                 (actual time=0.011..4.704 rows=23551 loops=1)
       Filter: ((stype)::text = 'local'::text)
       Rows Removed by Filter: 7810
     Planning time: 0.054 ms
     Execution time: 5.875 ms

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    ❖ EXPLAIN Examples (cont)

    Example: Select on indexed, unique attribute

    uni=# explain analyze
    uni-# select * from Students where id=100250;
                           QUERY PLAN
     Index Scan using student_pkey on student
                (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=9)
                (actual time=0.049..0.049 rows=0 loops=1)
       Index Cond: (id = 100250)
     Planning Time: 0.088 ms
     Execution Time: 0.057 ms

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    ❖ EXPLAIN Examples (cont)

    Example: Select on indexed, unique attribute

    uni=# explain analyze
    uni-# select * from Students where id=1216988;
                           QUERY PLAN
     Index Scan using students_pkey on students
                      (cost=0.29..8.30 rows=1 width=9)
                      (actual time=0.011..0.012 rows=1 loops=1)
       Index Cond: (id = 1216988)
     Planning time: 0.066 ms
     Execution time: 0.062 ms

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    ❖ EXPLAIN Examples (cont)

    Example: Join on a primary key (indexed) attribute  (2016)

    uni=# explain analyze
    uni-# select s.id,p.name
    uni-# from Students s, People p where s.id=p.id;
                          QUERY PLAN
    Hash Join (cost=988.58..3112.76 rows=31048 width=19)
              (actual time=11.504..39.478 rows=31048 loops=1)
      Hash Cond: (p.id = s.id)
      -> Seq Scan on people p
             (cost=0.00..989.97 rows=36497 width=19)
             (actual time=0.016..8.312 rows=36497 loops=1)
      -> Hash (cost=478.48..478.48 rows=31048 width=4)
              (actual time=10.532..10.532 rows=31048 loops=1)
              Buckets: 4096  Batches: 2  Memory Usage: 548kB
          ->  Seq Scan on students s 
                  (cost=0.00..478.48 rows=31048 width=4)
                  (actual time=0.005..4.630 rows=31048 loops=1)
    Total runtime: 41.0 ms

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    ❖ EXPLAIN Examples (cont)

    Example: Join on a primary key (indexed) attribute  (2018)

    uni=# explain analyze
    uni-# select s.id,p.name
    uni-# from Students s, People p where s.id=p.id;
                          QUERY PLAN
    Merge Join  (cost=0.58..2829.25 rows=31361 width=18)
                (actual time=0.044..25.883 rows=31361 loops=1)
      Merge Cond: (s.id = p.id)
      ->  Index Only Scan using students_pkey on students s
                (cost=0.29..995.70 rows=31361 width=4)
                (actual time=0.033..6.195 rows=31361 loops=1)
            Heap Fetches: 31361
      ->  Index Scan using people_pkey on people p
                (cost=0.29..2434.49 rows=55767 width=18)
                (actual time=0.006..6.662 rows=31361 loops=1)
    Planning time: 0.259 ms
    Execution time: 27.327 ms

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    ❖ Using EXPLAIN

    For more information on reading plans from EXPLAIN

    Can get EXPLAIN output in different formats: General PostgreSQL performance tuning
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    Produced: 30 Apr 2024