F: Implementing Join

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❖ Join

DBMSs are engines to store, combine and filter information.

Join () is the primary means of combining information.

Join is important and potentially expensive

Most common join condition: equijoin, e.g. (R.pk = S.fk)

Join varieties (natural, inner, outer, semi, anti) all behave similarly.

We consider three strategies for implementing join

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❖ Join Example

Consider a university database with the schema:

create table Student(
   id     integer primary key,
   name   text,  ...
create table Enrolled(
   stude  integer references Student(id),
   subj   text references Subject(code),  ...
create table Subject(
   code   text primary key,
   title  text,  ...

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❖ Join Example (cont)

List names of students in all subjects, arranged by subject.

SQL query to provide this information:

select E.subj, S.name
from   Student S, Enrolled E
where  S.id = E.stude
order  by E.subj, S.name;

And its relational algebra equivalent:

Sort[subj] ( Project[subj,name] ( Join[id=stude](Student,Enrolled) ) )

To simplify formulae, we denote Student by S and Enrolled by E
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❖ Join Example (cont)

Some database statistics:

Sym Meaning Value
rS # student records 20,000
rE # enrollment records 80,000
cS Student records/page 20
cE Enrolled records/page 40
bS # data pages in Student 1,000
bE # data pages in Enrolled 2,000

Also, in cost analyses below, N = number of memory buffers.

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❖ Join Example (cont)

Out = Student ⋈ Enrolled relation statistics:

Sym Meaning Value
rOut # tuples in result 80,000
COut result records/page 80
bOut # data pages in result 1,000


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❖ Nested Loop Join

Basic strategy (R.a ⋈ S.b):

Result = {}
for each page i in R {
   pageR = getPage(R,i)
   for each page j in S {
      pageS = getPage(S,j)
      for each pair of tuples tR,tS
                       from pageR,pageS {
         if (tR.a == tS.b)
            Result = Result ∪ (tR:tS)
}  }  }

Needs input buffers for R and S, output buffer for "joined" tuples

Terminology: R is outer relation, S is inner relation

Cost = bR . bS   ...   ouch!

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❖ Block Nested Loop Join

Method (for N memory buffers):


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❖ Block Nested Loop Join (cont)

Best-case scenario: bR ≤ N-2

Cost   =   bR + bS

Typical-case scenario: bR > N-2

Cost   =   bR + bS . ceil(bR/N-2)

Note: always requires rR.rS checks of the join condition

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❖ BNJ in Practice

Why block nested loop join is actually useful in practice ...

Many queries have the form

select * from R,S where r.i=s.j and r.x=k

This would typically be evaluated as

Tmp = Sel[r.x=k](R)
Res = Tmp Join[i=j] S

If Tmp is small ⇒ may fit in memory (in small #buffers)

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❖ Index Nested Loop Join

A problem with nested-loop join:

If there is an index on S, we can avoid such repeated whole-of-S  scanning.

Consider Join[i=j](R,S):

for each tuple r in relation R {
    use index to select tuples
        from S where s.j = r.i
    for each selected tuple s from S {
        add (r,s) to result
}   }

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❖ Index Nested Loop Join (cont)

This method requires:

Cost   =   bR + rR.SelS    (SelS is the cost of performing a select on S).

Typical SelS  =  1-2 (hashing) .. bq (unclustered index)

Trade-off:   rR.SelS  vs  bR.bS,   where   bR ≪ rR and SelS ≪ bS

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❖ Sort-Merge Join

Basic approach:

Advantages: Disadvantages:
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❖ Sort-Merge Join (cont)

Method requires several cursors to scan sorted relations:


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❖ Sort-Merge Join (cont)

Algorithm using query iterators/scanners:

Query ri, si;  Tuple r,s;

ri = startScan("SortedR");
si = startScan("SortedS");
while ((r = nextTuple(ri)) != NULL
       && (s = nextTuple(si)) != NULL) {
    // align cursors to start of next common run
    while (r != NULL && r.i < s.j)
           r = nextTuple(ri);
    if (r == NULL) break;
    while (s != NULL && r.i > s.j)
           s = nextTuple(si);
    if (s == NULL) break;
    // must have (r.i == s.j) here

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❖ Sort-Merge Join (cont)

    // remember start of current run in S
    TupleID startRun = scanCurrent(si)
    // scan common run, generating result tuples
    while (r != NULL && r.i == s.j) {
        while (s != NULL and s.j == r.i) {
            addTuple(outbuf, combine(r,s));
            if (isFull(outbuf)) {
                writePage(outf, outp++, outbuf);
            s = nextTuple(si);
        r = nextTuple(ri);
        setScan(si, startRun);

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❖ Sort-Merge Join (cont)

Buffer requirements:

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❖ Sort-Merge Join (cont)

Cost of sort-merge join.

Step 1: sort each relation   (if not already sorted):

Step 2: merge sorted relations:
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❖ Sort-Merge Join on Example

Case 1:   Join[id=stude](Student,Enrolled)

Cost = sort(S) + sort(E) + bS + bE
= 2bS(1+log31(bS/32)) + 2bE(1+log31(bE/32)) + bS + bE
= 2×1000×(1+2) + 2×2000×(1+2) + 1000 + 2000
= 6000 + 12000 + 1000 + 2000
= 21,000
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❖ Sort-Merge Join on Example (cont)

Case 2:   Join[id=stude](Student,Enrolled)

For the above, no re-scans of E runs are ever needed

Cost  =  2,000 + 1,000  =  3,000   (regardless of which relation is outer)

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❖ Hash Join

Basic idea:

Requires sufficent memory buffers Other issues: Variations:   simple,   grace,   hybrid.
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❖ Simple Hash Join

Basic approach:

No overflows allowed in in-memory hash table
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❖ Simple Hash Join (cont)

Data flow:


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❖ Simple Hash Join (cont)

Algorithm for simple hash join Join[R.i=S.j](R,S):

for each tuple r in relation R {
   if (buffer[h(R.i)] is full) {
      for each tuple s in relation S {
         for each tuple rr in buffer[h(S.j)] {
            if ((rr,s) satisfies join condition) {
               add (rr,s) to result
      }  }  }
      clear all hash table buffers
   insert r into buffer[h(R.i)]

Best case:  # join tests  ≤  rS.cR    (cf. nested-loop  rS.rR)

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❖ Simple Hash Join (cont)

Cost for simple hash join ...

Best case: all tuples of R fit in the hash table

Good case: refill hash table m times (where m ≥ ceil(bR / (N-2)) ) Worst case: everything hashes to same page
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❖ Grace Hash Join

Basic approach (for R ⋈ S ):

For best-case cost (O(bR + bS) ): If < √bR buffers or poor hash distribution
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❖ Grace Hash Join (cont)

Partition phase (applied to both R and S):


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❖ Grace Hash Join (cont)

Probe/join phase:


The second hash function (h2) simply speeds up the matching process.
Without it, would need to scan entire R partition for each record in S partition.

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❖ Grace Hash Join (cont)

Cost of grace hash join:

Total Cost   =   2bR + 2bS + bR + bS   =   3 (bR + bS)
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❖ Hybrid Hash Join

A variant of grace join if we have √bR < N < bR+2

When we come to scan and partition S relation Final phase is same as grace join, but with only k partitions.


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❖ Hybrid Hash Join (cont)

First phase of hybrid hash join with m=1 (partitioning R):


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❖ Hybrid Hash Join (cont)

Next phase of hybrid hash join with m=1 (partitioning S):


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❖ Hybrid Hash Join (cont)

Final phase of hybrid hash join with m=1 (finishing join):


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❖ Hybrid Hash Join (cont)

Some observations:

Best-cost scenario: Other notes:
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❖ Join Summary

No single join algorithm is superior in some overall sense.

Which algorithm is best for a given query depends on:

Choosing the "best" join algorithm is critical because the cost difference between best and worst case can be very large.

E.g.   Join[id=stude](Student,Enrolled):   3,000 ... 2,000,000

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❖ Join in PostgreSQL

Join implementations are under: src/backend/executor

PostgreSQL suports three kinds of join:

Query optimiser chooses appropriate join, by considering
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