C: Costs, Implementing Scan, Sort, Projection

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❖ DBMS Architecture (revisited)

Implementation of relational operations in DBMS:


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❖ Relational Operations

DBMS core = relational engine, with implementations of

In this part of the course: Terminology reminder:
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❖ Cost Analyses

When showing the cost of operations, don't include Tr and Tw:

When comparing two methods for same query In counting reads and writes, assume minimal buffering
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❖ Cost Analyses (cont)

Two "dimensions of variation":

Each query method involves an operator and a file structure: As well as query costs, consider update costs (insert/delete).
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❖ Cost Analyses (cont)

SQL vs DBMS engine

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❖ Query Types

Type SQL RelAlg a.k.a.
Scan select * from R R -
Proj select x,y from R Proj[x,y]R -
Sort select * from R
order by x
Sort[x]R ord
Sel1 select * from R
where id = k
Sel[id=k]R one
Seln select * from R
where a = k
Sel[a=k]R -
Join1 select * from R,S
where R.id = S.r
R Join[id=r] S -

Different query classes exhibit different query processing behaviours.
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❖ File Structures

When describing file structures


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❖ File Structures (cont)

Consider three simple file structures:

All files are composed of b primary blocks/pages


Some records in each page may be marked as "deleted".

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❖ Operation Costs Example

Heap file with b = 4, c = 4:


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❖ Operation Costs Example (cont)

Sorted file with b = 4, c = 4:


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❖ Operation Costs Example (cont)

Hashed file with b = 3, c = 4, h(k) = k%3


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❖ Scanning

Consider the query:

select * from Rel;

Operational view:

for each page P in file of relation Rel {
   for each tuple t in page P {
      add tuple t to result set

Cost: read every data page once

Cost = b     (b page reads + ≤b page writes)

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❖ Scanning (cont)

Scan implementation when file has overflow pages, e.g.


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❖ Scanning (cont)

In this case, the implementation changes to:

for each page P in file of relation T {
    for each tuple t in page P {
        add tuple t to result set
    for each overflow page V of page P {
        for each tuple t in page V {
            add tuple t to result set
}   }   }

Cost: read each data and overflow page once

Cost = b + bOv

where bOv = total number of overflow pages

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❖ Selection via Scanning

Consider a one query like:

select * from Employee where id = 762288;

In an unordered file, search for matching tuple requires:


Guaranteed at most one answer; but could be in any page.

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❖ Selection via Scanning (cont)

Overview of scan process:

for each page P in relation Employee {
    for each tuple t in page P {
        if (t.id == 762288) return t
}   }

Cost analysis for one searching in unordered file

Page Costs:   Costavg = b/2     Costmin = 1     Costmax = b
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❖ Relation Copying

Consider an SQL statement like:

create table T as (select * from S);

Effectively, copies data from one table to another.


s = start scan of S
make empty relation T
while (t = next_tuple(s)) {
    insert tuple t into relation T

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❖ Relation Copying (cont)

Possible that T is smaller than S


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❖ Relation Copying (cont)

In terms of existing relation/page/tuple operations:

Relation in;       // relation handle (incl. files)
Relation out;      // relation handle (incl. files)
int ipid,opid,tid; // page and record indexes
Record rec;        // current record (tuple)
Page ibuf,obuf;    // input/output file buffers

in = openRelation("S", READ);
out = openRelation("T", NEW|WRITE);
clear(obuf);  opid = 0;
for (ipid = 0; ipid < nPages(in); ipid++) {
    get_page(in, ipid, ibuf);
    for (tid = 0; tid < nTuples(ibuf); tid++) {
        rec = get_record(ibuf, tid);
        if (!hasSpace(obuf,rec)) {
            put_page(out, opid++, obuf);
}   }
if (nTuples(obuf) > 0) put_page(out, opid, obuf);

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❖ Scanning Relations

Example: simple scan of a table ...

select name from Employee

implemented as:

DB db = openDatabase("myDB");
Relation r = openRel(db,"Employee");
Scan s = start_scan(r);
Tuple t;  // current tuple
while ((t = next_tuple(s)) != NULL)
   char *name = getStrField(t,2);
   printf("%s\n", name);

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❖ Scanning Relations (cont)

Consider the following simple Scan data structure

typedef struct {
   Relation rel;
   Page     *curPage;  // Page buffer
   int      curPID;    // current pid
   int      curTID;    // current tid
} ScanData;
typedef ScanData *Scan;

Scan start_scan(Relation rel)
	Scan new = malloc(ScanData);
	new->rel = rel;
	new->curPage = get_page(rel,0);
	new->curPID = 0;
	new->curTID = 0;
	return new;

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❖ Scanning Relations (cont)

Implementation of next_tuple() function:

Tuple next_tuple(Scan s)
	if (s->curTID == nTuples(s->curPage)) {
		// finished cur page, get next
		if (s->curPID == nPages(s->rel))
			return NULL;
		s->curPage = get_page(s->rel, s->curPID);
		s->curTID =0;
	Record r = get_record(s->curPage, s->curTID);
	return makeTuple(s->rel, r);

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❖ Scanning in PostgreSQL

Scanning defined in: backend/access/heap/heapam.c

Implements iterator data/operations:

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❖ Scanning in PostgreSQL (cont)

typedef HeapScanDescData *HeapScanDesc;

typedef struct HeapScanDescData
  // scan parameters 
  Relation      rs_rd;        // heap relation descriptor 
  Snapshot      rs_snapshot;  // snapshot ... tuple visibility 
  int           rs_nkeys;     // number of scan keys 
  ScanKey       rs_key;       // array of scan key descriptors 
  // state set up at initscan time 
  PageNumber    rs_npages;    // number of pages to scan 
  PageNumber    rs_startpage; // page # to start at 
  // scan current state, initally set to invalid 
  HeapTupleData rs_ctup;      // current tuple in scan
  PageNumber    rs_cpage;     // current page # in scan
  Buffer        rs_cbuf;      // current buffer in scan
} HeapScanDescData;

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❖ Scanning in other File Structures

Above examples are for heap files

Other access file structures in PostgreSQL:
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❖ The Sort Operation

Sorting is explicit in queries only in the order by clause

select * from Students order by name;

Sorting is used internally in other operations:

Sort methods such as quicksort are designed for in-memory data.

For large data on disks, need external sorts such as merge sort.

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❖ Two-way Merge Sort



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❖ Two-way Merge Sort (cont)

Requires three in-memory buffers:


Assumption: cost of Merge operation on two in-memory buffers ≅ 0.

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❖ Comparison for Sorting

Above assumes that we have a function to compare tuples.

Needs to understand ordering on different data types.

Need a function tupCompare(r1,r2,f) (cf. C's strcmp)

int tupCompare(r1,r2,f)
   if (r1.f < r2.f) return -1;
   if (r1.f > r2.f) return 1;
   return 0;

Assume =, <, > are available for all attribute types.

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❖ Comparison for Sorting (cont)

In reality, need to sort on multiple attributes and ASC/DESC, e.g.

-- example multi-attribute sort
select * from Students
order by age desc, year_enrolled

Sketch of multi-attribute sorting function

int tupCompare(r1,r2,criteria)
   foreach (f,ord) in criteria {
      if (ord == ASC) {
         if (r1.f < r2.f) return -1;
         if (r1.f > r2.f) return 1;
      else {
         if (r1.f > r2.f) return -1;
         if (r1.f < r2.f) return 1;
   return 0;

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❖ Cost of Two-way Merge Sort

For a file containing b data pages:

Gives total cost:   2.b.ceil(log2b)

Example: Relation with r=105 and c=50     b=2000 pages.

Number of passes for sort:   ceil(log22000)  =  11

Reads/writes entire file 11 times!    Can we do better?

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❖ n-Way Merge Sort

Initial pass uses: B total buffers


Reads B pages at a time, sorts in memory, writes out in order

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❖ n-Way Merge Sort (cont)

Merge passes use:   B-1 = n  input buffers,   1  output buffer


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❖ n-Way Merge Sort (cont)


// Produce B-page-long runs
for each group of B pages in Rel {
    read B pages into memory buffers
    sort group in memory
    write B pages out to Temp
// Merge runs until everything sorted
numberOfRuns = ⌈b/B⌉
while (numberOfRuns > 1) {
    // n-way merge, where n=B-1
    for each group of n runs in Temp {
        merge into a single run via input buffers
        write run to newTemp via output buffer
    numberOfRuns = ⌈numberOfRuns/n⌉
    Temp = newTemp // swap input/output files

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❖ Cost of n-Way Merge Sort

Consider file where b = 4096, B = 16 total buffers:

(cf. two-way merge sort which needs 11 passes)
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❖ Cost of n-Way Merge Sort (cont)

Generalising from previous example ...

For b data pages and B buffers

Cost = 2.b.(1 + ⌈lognb0⌉),   where b0 = ⌈b/B⌉ and n = B-1
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❖ Sorting in PostgreSQL

Sort uses a merge-sort (from Knuth) similar to above:

Tuples are mapped to SortTuple structs for sorting: If all data fits into memory, sort using qsort().

If memory fills while reading, form "runs" and do disk-based sort.

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❖ Sorting in PostgreSQL (cont)

Disk-based sort has phases:

Described in terms of "tapes" ("tape" sorted run)

Implementation of "tapes": backend/utils/sort/logtape.c

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❖ Sorting in PostgreSQL (cont)

Sorting comparison operators are obtained via catalog (in Type.o):

// gets pointer to function via pg_operator
struct Tuplesortstate { ... SortTupleComparator ... };

// returns negative, zero, positive
ApplySortComparator(Datum datum1, bool isnull1,
                    Datum datum2, bool isnull2,
                    SortSupport sort_helper);

Flags indicate: ascending/descending, nulls-first/last.

ApplySortComparator() is PostgreSQL's version of tupCompare()

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❖ The Projection Operation

Consider the query:

select distinct name,age from Employee;

If the Employee relation has four tuples such as:

(94002, John, Sales, Manager,   32)
(95212, Jane, Admin, Manager,   39)
(96341, John, Admin, Secretary, 32)
(91234, Jane, Admin, Secretary, 21)

then the result of the projection is:

(Jane, 21)   (Jane, 39)   (John, 32)

Note that duplicate tuples (e.g. (John,32)) are eliminated.

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❖ The Projection Operation (cont)

The projection operation needs to:

  1. scan the entire relation as input
    • already seen how to do scanning

  2. remove unwanted attributes in output tuples
    • implementation depends on tuple internal structure
    • essentially, make a new tuple with fewer attributes
      and where the values may be computed from existing attributes

  3. eliminate any duplicates produced   (if distinct)
    • two approaches: sorting or hashing
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❖ Sort-based Projection

Requires a temporary file/relation (Temp)

for each tuple T in Rel {
    T' = mkTuple([attrs],T)
    write T' to Temp

sort Temp on [attrs]

for each tuple T in Temp {
    if (T == Prev) continue
    write T to Result
    Prev = T

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❖ Cost of Sort-based Projection

The costs involved are (assuming B=n+1 buffers for sort):

Cost = sum of above = bR + bT + 2.bT.(1+ceil(lognb0)) + bT + bOut
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❖ Hash-based Projection

Partitioning phase:


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❖ Hash-based Projection (cont)

Duplicate elimination phase:


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❖ Hash-based Projection (cont)

Algorithm for both phases:

for each tuple T in relation Rel {
    T' = mkTuple([attrs],T)
    H = h1(T', n)
    B = buffer for partition[H]
    if (B full) write and clear B
    insert T' into B
for each partition P in 0..n-1 {
    for each tuple T in partition P {
        H = h2(T, n)
        B = buffer for hash value H
        if (T not in B) insert T into B
        // assumes B never gets full
    write and clear all buffers

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❖ Cost of Hash-based Projection

The total cost is the sum of the following:

Cost = bR + 2bP + bOut

To ensure that n is larger than the largest partition ...

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❖ Projection on Primary Key

No duplicates, so the above approaches are not required.


bR = nPages(Rel)
for i in 0 .. bR-1 {
   P = read page i
   for j in 0 .. nTuples(P) {
      T = getTuple(P,j)
      T' = mkTuple(pk, T)
      if (outBuf is full) write and clear
      append T' to outBuf
if (nTuples(outBuf) > 0) write

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❖ Index-only Projection

Can do projection without accessing data file iff ...

Basic idea:

Cost analysis ...
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❖ Comparison of Projection Methods

Difficult to compare, since they make different assumptions:

Best case scenario for each (assuming n+1 in-memory buffers):

We normally omit bOut, since each method produces the same result
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❖ Projection in PostgreSQL

Code for projection forms part of execution iterators:

Functions involved with projection: plus many many others ...
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