Tuple Representation

COMP9315 21T1 ♢ Tuple Representation ♢ [0/13]
❖ Tuples

Each page contains a collection of tuples


What do tuples contain? How are they structured internally?

COMP9315 21T1 ♢ Tuple Representation ♢ [1/13]
❖ Records vs Tuples

A table is defined by a schema, e.g.

create table Employee (
   id   integer primary key,
   name varchar(20) not null,
   job  varchar(10), 
   dept smallint references Dept(id)

where a schema is a collection of attributes  (name,type,constraints)

Reminder: schema information (meta-data) is also stored, in the DB catalog

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❖ Records vs Tuples (cont)

Tuple = collection of attribute values based on a schema, e.g.


Record = sequence of bytes, containing data for one tuple, e.g.


Bytes need to be interpreted relative to schema to get tuple

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❖ Converting Records to Tuples

A Record is an array of bytes (byte[])

A Tuple is a collection of named,typed values  (cf. C struct)


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❖ Converting Records to Tuples (cont)

Information on how to interpret bytes in a record ...

For variable-length records, some formatting info ...
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❖ Operations on Records

Common operation on records ... access record via RecordId:

Record get_record(Relation rel, RecordId rid) {
    (pid,tid) = rid;
    Page buf = get_page(rel, pid);
    return get_bytes(rel, buf, tid);

Cannot use a Record directly; need a Tuple:

Relation rel = ... // relation schema
Record rec = get_record(rel, rid)
Tuple t = mkTuple(rel, rec)

Once we have a Tuple, we can access individual attributes/fields

COMP9315 21T1 ♢ Tuple Representation ♢ [6/13]
❖ Operations on Tuples

Once we have a record, we need to interpret it as a tuple ...

Tuple t = mkTuple(rel, rec)

Once we have a tuple, we want to examines its contents ...

Typ   getTypField(Tuple t, int i)

E.g.   int x = getIntField(t,1),   char *s = getStrField(t,2)
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❖ Fixed-length Records

A possible encoding scheme for fixed-length records:


Since record format is frequently used at query time, cache in memory.

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❖ Variable-length Records

Possible encoding schemes for variable-length records:

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❖ Data Types

DBMSs typically define a fixed set of base types, e.g.


This determines implementation-level data types for field values:

DATE time_t
FLOAT float,double
INTEGER int,long
NUMBER(n) int[] (?)
VARCHAR(n) char[]

PostgreSQL allows new base types to be added

COMP9315 21T1 ♢ Tuple Representation ♢ [10/13]
❖ Field Descriptors

A Tuple could be implemented as

typedef struct {
  ushort    nfields;   // number of fields/attrs
  ushort    data_off;  // offset in struct for data
  FieldDesc fields[];  // field descriptions
  Record    data;      // pointer to record in buffer
} Tuple;

Fields are derived from relation descriptor + record instance data.

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❖ Field Descriptors (cont)

Tuple data could be


COMP9315 21T1 ♢ Tuple Representation ♢ [12/13]
❖ Field Descriptors (cont)

Or, tuple data could be ...


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Produced: 20 Feb 2023