COMP9315 Final Exam The University of New South Wales
COMP9315 DBMS Implementation
22T1 Final Exam Instructions
DBMS Implementation

Before continuing on with reading this, please read and acknowledge the following:

I acknowledge that all of the work I submit for this exam
will be completed by me without assistance from anyone else.

Warning: We will be running plagiarism-checking on your submissions.
Plagiarism, especially in exams, will be prosecuted as Student Misconduct.

This document has five sections:

You might want to keep this document open in a browser tab in case you need to refer to it.

You can work on the exam either on your laptop/workstation at home or by logging in to your CSE asccount on one of the CSE servers. However you choose to do it, you should

Setting up your on-screen workspace

We suggest that you open a browser with the following tabs:

COMP9315 Home Page

To keep track of any notices related to the exam; refresh this page every so often.

This Instruction Page

Just in case you need to check it again..

The Final Exam Submission page

If you plan to submit your answers through Webcms3.

The Final Exam Paper

To read the questions and instructions.

Also, open a terminal window for testing your programs. If you use an editor like vim, you can also use this window for editing. And open a window where you edit your answers.

You should also have a mail reader open to receive any updates on the exam (which will also be posted on the Webcms3 Notices), or to ask for clarification on any question (email

Note on Downloading

If you click on the links to exam-*.zip below, your browser will most likely put them in your downloads folder, and may even unzip them for you. Check the downloads folder and move the relevant directory (work or paper) into your exam directory. If the downloads folder contains the zip file, then move that to your exam directory.

You can generally force browsers to downlod the exam-*.zip file without unzip'ing it by using a right mouse-click on the link. Once you have the zip file in your exam directory, you can run the unzip command manually.

Reading the exam paper

If you want to put the exam paper on your laptop at home ...

If you want to view the exam paper via the CSE web server ...

Setting up your working directory

If you want to work on your laptop/workstation at home ...

If you want to work on the CSE servers ...

After doing either of the above, you will have a new directory called work. In this directory you will find:


A directory containing all of the files for completing the 1st programming question, including a script


A directory containing all of the files for completing the 2nd programming question, including a script


A directory containing all of the files for completing the 3rd programming question, including a script

q4.txt, ... q8.txt

Templates for answering the written questions. Edit these files using a text editor of your choosing, and submit the edited files.

Submitting your answers

You must submit all files containing your answers via give. You can give files either via Webcms3 or via the command-line. If you use the command line version of give the files will need to be loaded onto a CSE server (details below).

If you are working on your laptop/workstation at home ...

If you are working on the CSE servers ...