COMP9315 23T1 Assignment 1 Testing
More test cases will be used in marking
DBMS Implementation
Last updated: Friday 10th March 12:33pm
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[Mar 10th Update]: A problem in the test script, which might induce the test error if you put longitude before latitude when displaying the output, is corrected. Please download and test with the latest version.
This document describes a useful testing framework for determining whether your implementation of the GeoCoord data type is correct. This testing framework contains a subset of the tests that will be made in auto-marking. If you pass all the tests here, you ought to pass the majority of the auto-marking tests.

The first step in setting up the testing framework is to make a testing directory under your vxdb local storage:

$ ssh nw-syd-vxdb
$ source /localstorage/$USER/env
$ p1
... start your database server ...
$ mkdir /localstorage/$USER/testing

The next step is to copy main testing scripts. You can download the script for local usage by clicking the path.

$ cp -P /web/cs9315/23T1/assignment/1/testing/ /localstorage/$USER/testing/
$ cp -P /web/cs9315/23T1/assignment/1/testing/Makefile /localstorage/$USER/testing/Makefile

The testing script is written for the vxdb server. To use it in your local environment, you will need to edit and remove the check that you are on vxdb at the start of main().

There are two schemas provided with the testing framework, and each schema has corresponding data sets.

Locations(lid::int, coord::GeoCoord);
StoreInfo(sid::int, name::text, noproduct::int, coord::GeoCoord, opendate date);

The next step is to get the test files from the class directory.

$ cd /localstorage/$USER/testing
$ tar -xf /web/cs9315/23T1/assignment/1/testing/testing.tar

The above tar command creates a subdirectory called tests/ in your testing/ directory. This is a symlink to files under the COMP9315 account, so all of the tests are read-only unless you copy them manually to your testing/ directory. Under tests/, you will find three subdirectories:


Doesn't contain data to be stored. Assumes that you have an (empty) database with a GeoCoord data type loaded, and allows you to run a bunch of simple checks on values of type GeoCoord. Useful for testing your parsing function gcoord_in(), your output function gcoord_out and your operators.


Contains a schema and database for a table with just one attribute of type GeoCoord. There are two data files of differing sizes. You should create a new database, add the schema and then insert the data from one data file. There are a series of tests to check whether all of the data was loaded and can be manipulted correctly.


Contains a schema for a table of student data. There are three data files ranging in size from 100 tuples to 10000 tuples; each data file is a superset of the preceding data file. The queries test a wide range of GeoCoord functionality, including indexing. You should definitely check whether your code can deal with data3.sql; some bugs don't manifest themselves until you try with large amounts of data.

You can look at the tests in these directories and copy-paste them into a psql session if you want to perform individual tests. Or you can run a comprehensive set of tests using the Python script described below. Each directory contains an info.txt file giving more details about the files in the directory.

Next, you should move your gcoord.c and gcoord.source files into the new testing directory.

... this assume your files are in /localstorage/$USER/postgresql-15.1/src/tutorial/ ...
... if they are somewhere else copy from that location instead ...
$ cd /localstorage/$USER
$ cp postgresql-15.1/src/tutorial/gcoord.c testing/gcoord.c
$ cp postgresql-15.1/src/tutorial/gcoord.source testing/gcoord.source

From this point on, you can do your assignment development in the testing/ directory. The provided Makefile will do the same job as the one in the postgresql-15.1/src/tutorial/ directory. You can now run the tests.

$ cd /localstorage/$USER/testing 
... edit your .c and .source files ...
$ make
$ ./
... internal logs from postgresql are placed in pg.log ...
... external logs from the testing script are placed in test.log ...
... start by reading test.log after has finished ...


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