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Famous DB Nerds #1 (cont)

Charles Bachman

  • First to develop notion of "database"
  • Turing Award 1973, for this achievement
  • 1950 Michigan State College, Mech Eng
  • 1950-1960 Dow Chemical, process control
  • 1957 ... first business EDP department
  • 1964 ... MIACS (manufacturing control system)
    • Integrated Data Store (IDS)
    • Store, Retrieve, Modify, Delete
    • Transaction-oriented processing
    • Bachman diagrams (pre-cursor to ER)
    • Locking, deadlock-detection/recovery
  • 1971-1980 Honeywell, IDS development
  • 1980-1996 Bachman Info Sys, CASE tools