Week 07 Lecture
Dense Primary Index
Sparse Primary Index
Ex1: Index Storage Overheads
Selection with Prim.Index
Ex2: Selection with Prim.Index
Insertion with Prim.Index
Deletion with Prim.Index
Clustering Index
Secondary Index
Insertion/Deletion with Sec.Index
Multi-level Indexes
Select with ML.Index
B-Tree Depth
Insertion into B-Trees
Example: B-tree Insertion
B-Tree Insertion Cost
Selection with B-Trees
B-trees in PostgreSQL
N-dimensional Selection
N-dimensional Queries
Operations for Nd Select
N-d Selection via Heaps
N-d Selection via Multiple Indexes
N-d Queries and Indexes
Ex3: One vs Multiple Indices
Bitmap Indexes
Ex4: Bitmap Index
Hashing for N-d Selection
Hashing and
MA.Hashing Example
MA.Hashing Hash Functions
Ex5: Multi-attribute Hashing
Queries with MA.Hashing
MA.Hashing Query Algorithm
Ex6: Representing Stars
Ex7: MA.Hashing Query Cost
Query Cost for MA.Hashing
Produced: 12 Jun 2016