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n-Way Merge Sort (cont)

Method for merging n runs (n input buffers, 1 output buffer):

for i = 1..n {
   read first page of run[i] into a buffer[i]
   set current tuple cur[i] to first tuple in buffer[i]
while (more than 1 run still has tuples) {
   s = find buffer with smallest tuple as cur[i]
   copy tuple cur[i] to output buffer
   if (output buffer full) { write it and clear it}
   advance cur[i] to next tuple
   if (no more tuples in buffer[i]) {
      if (no more pages in run[i])
         mark run[i] as complete
      else {
         read next page of run[i] into buffer[i]
         set cur[i] to first tuple in buffer[i]
}  }  }
copy tuples in non-empty buffer to output