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COMP9242 Informal Survey 1998
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Informal Student Feedback 1998
The following is a verbatim (except for slightly fixing up some
non-English) transcript of feedback from studens enrolled in COMP9242 in
Session 2 of 1998. There is a total of 15 replies (of 42 students
enrolled). Student input is in red, my
comments are in blue. Every top-level bullet
point represents one student's comment (according to the handwriting).
- Good experience!
- difficult, time consuming, but good fun
- Intriguing!
- The project made the subject pretty challenging, also its load
pretty heavy. The persons who had other committments should be
strongly discouraged from the subject in the future.
- Should put MIPS boxes on the desk. Easier to hit reboot button.
- Too much time hacking C code. Th ecode writing doesn't aid in
understanding any OS issues that are not already covered in the 3rd
year OS course (e.g. 2-level page tables, virtual address space, PCBs,
file system implementation).
- I think actually implementing the 3rd year stuff does lead to a
deeper understanding than just reading about it.
A debugger that had more functionality would be great.
I agree, we're working on it.
- Definitively an interesting subject and successful in increasing
the understanding of how things work. I don't quite see the point of
writing a disk driver, apart form realising that you don't have a
clue what went wrong when something stuff up.
I agree that the disk interface was a bit
obscure, but, believe me, real devices are worse. However, these
problems should have been fixed with the provision of the
``debugging'' disk.
- A take-home emulator would have been helpful.
I agree, we're working on it.
- I think this subject should have more credit points, because the
work required is significantly a lot more than other subjects. Or that
the project should be divided into different parts where different
groups can work on the parts.
See below for a comment on this.
- The history in the U4600 window should be longer as well.
add ``xterm*savedlines: 1000'' to your .Xdefaults.
The second line was another student's
fix. Yes, it helps reading manuals. Anyway, I've now made 2000 saved
lines default for the U4600 window. (This could have easily been done
earier if anyone asked for it.)
- Fun and challenging subject. The group idea should be
re-thought. It does not follow that a group of 2 can do twice as much
as a group of one. Milestones are good, but they are in the wrong
order. There could be more test applications to test our OSes as
well. On second thought, actually, the sample code was so ugly that
this might do more harm than good.
This subject was easily ten times more work than any other
computing subject I have done.
See below for a comment on this.
- Challenging subject, and I sure as hell hope rewarding too! Found
milestones useful in promoting sustained effort, work was interesting,
learned a lot, ultimately feel a lot better feeling the collective
pain at this point. I may not necessarily burn the manuals after this.
- More research papers should have been ountlined and made
accessible from the web.
how about going to the library yourself? I've
referenced about 50 papers with full bibliography in the lecture
However, I take the point of looking at more papers in detail. A
reorganisation of the subject due in 2000 will see most (if not all)
of the distribution material move to a new subject, leaving more scope
to look at core OS issues in depth.
- Insufficient debugging environment for project.
I agree, we're working on it.
- Project milestone due dates are not related to difficulty (in practice)
See below for a comment on this.
- guest lecturers not adequately informed of what we knew (what we
have covered)
Point taken.
- project boring compared to meterial in lecture
Interesting, I'm sure the vast majority of
students would say the opposite..
- lecture material VERY stimulating
- material challenging (i.e. makes you think)
- Way too much (time wise) work for the amount of credit points. The
project should be something other than a bad implementation of DOS
(maybe put some interesting security in it). Group aspect of project
should have work segregated more to make effective use of groups,
since doing roup work didn't really help.
See below for a comment on this.
End of verbatim transcript.
General comments
- Difficulty/workload
- Yes, the subject is a lot of work, but it is ment to be
a challenge. This is the sort of stuff you'd be doing at MIT.
However, I accept that this year's project was a bit on the big
side, and will take steps to reduce it next time around.
Comment added July 1999: The credit
point value of the subject has now doubled so there is no longer
any reason to make the project easier. However, I'll spread it out
more by starting earlier.
- Make project better suitable for dividing
work between partners
- I intentionally did not prescribe much about the internals of
the system, to force you to find out by yourself how to best
structure the system. However, I'll try to give more guidance on
which internal interfaces could be defined to allow more
independent work of group partners.
- Milestones wrong?
- I think the milestones were in the right order, but the spacing
was indeed not correct, sorry for that.
- Testing
- Hmm, I'm not sure. I supplied a shell, which is exactly what
we're been using to test your code. The shell does contain all you
need. (It would also be fair to say that testing is not the job of
the customer but the supplier of the system, even though some
manufacturers seem to think otherwise.)
Final word
It was great fun teaching this, all students were highly motivated and
eager to learn. Many thanks for participating, and also thanks for your
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