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School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of New South Wales

 Advanced Operating Systems 
 COMP9242 2012/S2 
Course Noticeboard
(Messages are posted in reverse chronological order)
Survey results added   (Posted by gernot, Tue 8 Jan>
I've added the results of the CATEI and detailed on-line surveys. As in previoous years they show a high level of satisfaction. Thanks all who participated!
Sample exam solutions   (Posted by gernot, Thu 3 Jan)
I've put up sample solutions to the exam. As in previous years, these are actual student submissions, plus some comments on what else could have been said.
Status updated   (Posted by gernot, Sun, 16 Dec)
I've updated the enrolment and grade statistics for the course.
We won a teaching award!   (Posted by gernot, Fri, 14 Dec)
Kev and I won the Vice Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence, category “Initiatives that Enhance Learning”. The nomination was for teaching this course, and was done by about a dozen of former students of the course. Thanks all who helped!
Exam Date Set!   (Posted by kevine, 24th Oct, 2012)
As agreed to in class, the 24-hr take home exam will remain on the originally scheduled date.

The exam will start 12:00PM (midday) on Tuesday 6th of November, and run until 12:00PM on Wednesday 7th of November.
Exam Preparation   (Posted by Gernot, Fri 5 Oct)
During the week-12 lecture I will go through a sample paper and, together with the class, analyse and critique it. This should help you understand what I'm after in the exam.

You'll need to prepare for this! Read the paper, understand and analyse it as per exam spec. Take notes and take them to the class, and participate in the discussion actively. Expect to spend at least 4 hours on this. The more serious you do this, the more you'll get out of it!

Note that this is an actual paper from a previous exam. It will defeat the purpose of the exercise if you read the sample solution posted there before the class!
Web site live!   (Posted by gernot, 16 Jul, 2012)
The 2012 COMP9242 web site is now live. Please notify us if you find some information still left over from last year.
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