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Course Noticeboard |
(Messages are posted in reverse chronological order) |
Course survey released (Posted by gernot, Tue 22 Nov) |
The course survey has been released. It will close at midnight on Sun, 27/11.
Exam date set — Nov 22nd 17:00 (Posted by kevine, Fri 14 Oct) |
The date for the comp9242 24hr take-home exam has been set. It will run from Nov 22nd 17:00 to Nov 23rd 17:00.
L4 X.2 Manuals and Source Browser Available (Posted by danielp, Thu 04 Aug) |
L4 Pistachio reference manuals have been printed out and are available in the lab
for collection. You can now browse L4 Pistachio and SOS source code via the
LXR source browser links in the website menu.
Forums now Available (Posted by cgray, Tue 02 Aug) |
There is now a web forum available to use. Follow this link and use
your regular CSE login and email address to request an account activation
email. Please use the forums to post and discuss any questions about
the course.
All Milestones Available (Posted by cgray, Tue 02 Aug) |
The full project is now now released on the project
spec page.
Toolchain Available (Posted by cgray, Mon 01 Aug) |
The toolchain page is now set up. This should make it easier
to work from home since you won't have to compile your own
cross-compilers. |
Milestone 0 Released (Posted by cgray, Thu 28 Jul) |
Milestone 0 is now available to start setting up your AOS
environment. |
Welcome to Advanced Operating Systems! (Posted by gernot, Wed 27 Jul) |
Welcome to Advanced Operating Systems for 2005s2. Lectures will begin
in Week 1, in room CE101 (Civil Engineering Building) at 15:00
– 18:00.