COMP9024 22T3
Prof Michael Thielscher
Assignment FAQ

1. For stages 2 & 3, can I change my solution to stage 1?

Yes. You can change your implementations directly. The stage 1 tests for marking will only use input cases for which stages 2 and 3 give the same result.

Note: This means that you could begin direcly with stage 3. However, it is good and established practice to develop complex software in well-defined stages, each of which is thoroughly tested before moving to the next.

2. Can you give me a hint on how to determine the complexity of an entire program with multiple functions?

Take a look at the complexity analysis for some of the algorithms from the lecture that consist of different phases, for example Kruskal's algorithm for minimum spanning trees.

3. I'm curious, what were the test cases used for evaluating my program?

Assessment Tests

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