COMP9024 Practice Exercises
Linked Lists
Exercise 01 - listIsOrdered
Exercise 02 - numDupesInOrderedList
Exercise 03 - reverseList
Exercise 04 - reverseDLList
Exercise 05 - listDeleteLargest
Exercise 06 - listSetUnion
Exercise 07 - listSetIntersection
Exercise 08 - listIsPalindromic
Trees and BSTs
Exercise 01 - BSTreeInsert
Exercise 02 - BSTreePostfix
Exercise 03 - BSTreeGetSmallest
Exercise 04 - TreeHeight
Exercise 05 - BSTreeNodeDepth
Exercise 06 - TreeSumOdds
Exercise 07 - BSTreeGetKth
Exercise 08 - TreeIsPerfectlyBalanced
Exercise 01 - depthFirstSearch
Exercise 02 - breadthFirstSearch
Exercise 03 - numReachable
Exercise 04 - furthestReachable
Exercise 05 - hasCycle
Exercise 06 - numWithin
Only read the following solutions after you have made serious attempts to solve the problems.