Web Application Security & Testing - COMP6443

Extended Web Application Security & Testing - COMP6843

Course Outline 2023T1

These two courses run in an overlapping mode. Both share a set of common activities and assessments; however, 6843 students have additional extension activities and assessments related to penetration testing and professional security engineering in lieu of some of the core activities undertaken by 6443 students. The information below applies to both courses except where otherwise indicated.

Course Website

This course is hosted on Openlearning and that’s where we’ll all share information and communicate. In order to correctly link your Openlearning account to your zID the first time you access the Openlearning site must be via the link in Moodle.

  1. Find the Web Application Security & Testing course page on Moodle (it’s just a stub page); then
  2. Click on the link to Openlearning.

Course Staff


Lecturer in Charge: Kristian Mansfield

Convenor and Admin: Rahat Masood

Technical Admin: Hamish Cox

How to contact us

Summary of the course

Web applications are currently the predominant source of software vulnerabilities exploited in online attacks worldwide. Most of these attacks exploit simple and easily remedied classes of security vulnerabilities. There is a clear and vastly unmet need for all web programmers to be security literate. There is also a substantial worldwide shortage of security professionals capable of assessing the security of Web Applications.

These related courses cover the main types of web application vulnerabilities and introduce current professional best practices in Web design, coding and testing providing the knowledge and introductory skills needed to successfully develop and test secure web applications.

The core level course is an important course to take if you wish to develop or rely upon web applications, or will have risk, or governance responsibilities in any organisation which uses or develops web applications i.e. just about everyone.

The extended level course is for security professionals or professional web developers and covers a wider range of vulnerabilities and in greater depth than the core level courses.

Extended course content for COMP6843 students will be covered in the extended lecture. COMP6443 students are welcome to attend the extended lecture if you are interested.

Core Content

Extended Content

Course coverage is updated each year to reflect emerging vulnerabilities and practices.


Item About Marks
Self-assessment Quiz Distributed in week one to be done in your own time. It is designed to provide an insight into the expected knowledge for this course and is not accessible. If you have difficulty with the quiz, speak to your tutor. 0%
Fortnightly practical activities Applying practical skills learnt in lectures/tute-labs to a series of real-world practical examples. Often these are completed by ‘capturing a flag’. Students are encouraged to collaborate with other students, but all students must solve challenges and submit their work independently. 10%
Written assessments Penetration testing type reports that incorporate a description of the vulnerabilities found, overview of exploits used, and remediation recommendations. The written reports are submitted in teams formed from your tutorial class. 40%
Final Exam Held in the university exam period. This will be an online exam with more details closer to the date. The exam will include a practical component, which is best prepared for by doing fortnightly practical activities. 50%

Course weekly schedule

Week Topics
1 Topic 1 - Introduction and recon
2 Topic 2 - User Identity and Authentication
3 Topic 2 - User Identity and Authentication
4 Topic 3 - SQLi
5 Topic 3 - Server Side Attacks
6 Quiet Week
7 Topic 4 - XSS
8 Topic 4 - Client Side Attacks
9 Topic 5 - Infrastructure & Enterprise AppSec
10 Revision


On the basis of past suggestions from students this year we have put together set up activities for you to do BEFORE week 1 of the course. These will get you familiar with relevant tool sets and get your machine set up ready for the activities in week 1.

The week 0 activities can be found on Openlearning.

Go there and get started at once – it should be fun and give you a taste of the things to come.

How to successfully approach this course

To get the most from UNSW’s SECedu security courses you will need to engage in independent study and act as a self-directed learner. Attending lectures alone will not be sufficient to master the material or pass the course. You will need to devote considerable time to self-directed practice of the techniques we cover and also to read further on topics which interest you or which you do not fully understand. To achieve a credit level result, we expect you will spend 15 hours per week on this course.

Seek feedback from your friendly lab facilitator and class peers constantly over the semester and closely monitor yourself to make sure you are not falling behind. We treat you like adults and will not force you to do the self-directed work and practice - but experience has shown that students who do not work hard at the course do not do well, and often express disappointment and regret later on at the missed opportunity. (Since we have awesome lab facilitators and speakers here for you during the course - make sure you make full use of them and your time.)

Make sure you improve your time management skills if you do not feel you are strong in time management. That will also have benefits beyond this course in your future professional life. Seek advice and help from your tutor and/or from the university student services if you feel you need more development here.


This course requires you to Bring Your Own Device. Even if we return to labs during term 2 CSE lab computers won’t have the required software to perform exercises or assignments. Any laptop capable of running the software in the pre-course preparation activities (Week 0 Activity) should be sufficient, you do not need a super-fancy machine.

You should set up a linux box somewhere on the Internet. This should be free as GCP, AWS, DigitalOcean etc all offer free credit (some to all users, some to students via github education). Share how you did this on the linuxbox page on openlearning – or ask questions if you have any difficulties.

If you have difficulties in arranging any of the above discuss this with the course staff as soon as possible and ensure you have been able to arrange satisfactory workable solutions before the census date.

Assumed Knowledge

You need to have taken and passed COMP6441/6841.

We expect you to already have or be prepared to teach yourself basic web programming skills such as covered in Web Applications Engineering - COMP9321.

Specifically, prior to commencing the course, students should have an understanding of how the web works, and basic scripting principles including:

Familiarity with the unix command line, scripting and basic automation via bash/python etc. will be helpful through the course.

Learning Outcomes

After completing COMP6443, you will have the skills of a security aware web developer:

After completing COMP6843, you will have the web application skills of a security engineer:

This course contributes to the development of the following graduate capabilities:

Graduate Capability Acquired in
Scholars capable of independent and collaborative enquiry, rigorous in their analysis, critique and reflection, and able to innovate by applying their knowledge and skills to the solution of novel as well as routine problems Lectures, Tutorial-labs, Activities and Assessments
Entrepreneurial leaders capable of initiating and embracing innovation and change, as well as engaging and enabling others to contribute to change Lectures, Tutorial-Labs, team learning activities
Professionals capable of ethical, self-directed practice and independent lifelong learning Lectures, Written and practical activities
Global citizens who are culturally adept and capable of respecting diversity and acting in a socially just and responsible way Lectures, team learning activities

How the Course is Taught

6443 students enrol in the common lecture stream (3hr/wk), and one of the core stream tutorial-lab sessions (2hr/wk).

6843 students enrol in both the common lecture stream (3hr/wk), and the extended lecture stream (2hr/wk), and one of the extended stream tutorial-lab sessions (2hr/wk).


Are used to introduce students to theoretical and practical concepts and will include practical demonstrations. Most of the teaching is from industry experts who want to give back to the security community and are generously sharing their practical specialised experience with you.

Lectures and tutorial-lab sessions will be conducted live via Zoom. We will try hard to release class recordings afterwards where possible but do not rely on this. Former students strongly recommend attending all classes live - it’s more fun, it’s safe against recording failure, and you can ask questions.

We are extremely fortunate to have the experienced experts and industry practitioners contributing to lectures and other course activities, and that they speak freely and frankly about relevant experiences they have had. They have asked that this not be recorded (for confidentiality and so they can speak freely and not self censor). So in this course do not make your own recordings of any lectures or tutorials without the advance consent of the lecturers / other people being recorded, and please do not distribute the recordings we release to you.


Facilitated small group classes to allow students to further develop and understand lecture concepts through collaborative learning and experienced instruction. Part of the time will be devoted to solving problems and discussing solutions related to lecture topics and past weeks’ assessments and activities. The remaining time will be used to discuss topics relevant to the current assessment. Any assessment work not completed during the 2-hour tutorial-lab time you should (of course) complete in your own managed study time.

In-term assessments

Students are expected to apply and consolidate the knowledge they have gained by carrying out weekly practical exercises and written assessments.

COMP6843 has additional assignments on advanced exploitation skills and on more difficult web vulnerabilities.

Late submissions will be subject to a late penalty.

Supplementary Exams

Supplementary exams will only be awarded in well justified cases. They will not be awarded if your reason for not sitting the final exam was for holiday travel (!). Read the School policy for Special Consideration.

If you think you might be eligible for the supplementary exam hold yourself ready to sit it – sometimes people are awarded entry to the supplementary exam at the last minute and saying “I didn’t know if I would be awarded it so I didn’t study for it” is not a valid reason for special treatment.

Default late penalty

Unless otherwise specified for assessment submissions in this course, the late penalty will follow the standard uni guidelines of:

5% demerit per day, capped at five days (120 hours). After 5 days, the submission will not be marked.

Team Work

Where assessments are for materials produced by teams of more than one student all team members will receive the same mark. In cases where students can document outstanding teamwork additional bonus marks may be awarded to individual team members. An example of outstanding teamwork is if you notice a problem in your team and you make serious and thoughtful attempts to address and fix the problem (including effective approaches to try to re-include absent team members, finding out and trying to address any underlying issues which are leading to members not engaging, addressing and fixing concerns the team is having, and plan for contingencies when that seems needed) Note there are typically NOT any extra marks for doing it all yourself, that is rarely the best way to deal with team problems. Use your tutor and any mentors you respect as a source of advice about how best to fix team problems - and make sure you document your plans and strategies as part of your professional development as well as to support a case for teamwork marks.


Course results and exam marks will be scaled if necessary, to keep the standard of the different grade levels consistent from year to year and between the security engineering courses. In cases where the overall result for the teamwork assessment items significantly exceeds the individual (non-team) assessment items the teamwork results will be capped at the level of the individual results and you may be called in for an interview to explain the difference. In significant cases you may be offered further practical individual assessment activity to replace your team results and you will not be awarded a pass in the course unless you clearly demonstrate pass level ability in that work.

Identified Work

We use assessment feedback as a way of your facilitator getting to know you and the areas in which you need help. Hence assignment work is not marked anonymously. Contact the course administrator or lecturers if you have any individual concerns with this approach. Wherever possible we share student work as a way of developing the entire cohort, if you do not wish to be identified in any of your work which is shared contact the course administrator or lecturers and discuss it with them BEFORE submitting the work.

Student Conduct

UNSW has genuine and serious commitment to fostering a culture of learning informed by academic integrity. All UNSW staff and students have a responsibility to adhere to this principle of academic integrity.


Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of others and passing them off as your own. This includes something as simple as using a phrase copied from the internet in something you submit but not clearly acknowledging that it is a quote and where it came from. Be careful – rules at UNSW may well be different from what you learned at your high school or in other institutions or countries. For example, simply giving a list of references at the end of a piece of submitted work but not at the same time making it clear which phrases came from which work is not sufficient and would still constitute plagiarism.

Plagiarism undermines academic integrity and is not tolerated at UNSW. Punishment can be extremely severe so make sure you understand what constitutes plagiarism at UNSW by reading the linked materials:

Good Faith Policy

In all our security courses we expect an extremely high standard of scrupulous professionalism from our students. You must not do anything which could bring you, other students, tutors, staff, guest lecturers, SECedu, UNSW, Australia or the profession into disrepute. Otherwise this could endanger the existence of security engineering education at UNSW and perhaps damage the professional reputations of yourself and others. So for example:

Don’t break any laws or university rules (even stupid ones), encourage anyone to break any laws or university rules, hack anything or anyone, damage or try to access UNSW systems in any manner other than normally logging into things to which you already have legitimate access. Don’t brute force anything, pen test anything, socially engineer anyone, or divulge any private information or information about vulnerabilities without first obtaining written consent. Respect the property of others and the university. Always abide by the law and university regulations Be considerate of others to ensure everyone has an equal learning experience. Always ensure that you have appropriate written permission before performing a security test on a system.

These are just examples, we won’t give an exhaustive list as I bet you could figure out a way to satisfy the strict letter of the list but still do something which could put the course into jeopardy – so instead try to be as careful and ethical as you can and if you have any questions or even the slightest doubt about possible courses of actions ask and check first with the course staff before doing anything.

Failure to adhere to this policy may result in an academic penalty, automatic failure from the course, and/or a charge or Academic Misconduct on your transcript and being excluded from the university. So please take it very seriously.

Course Evaluation and Development

These courses are still relatively new, and we strongly encourage students to actively provide feedback about the course’s progress. Each tutorial-lab class will elect a student representative – give your feedback to them and they will pass it onto the course staff anonymously. We’ll also run some feedback sessions over the course where you can give feedback and suggestions. Many of the good things in the course now have come from students giving great suggestions in the past so do pass on your thoughts we take them seriously and they make a difference.

These courses will also be evaluated by UNSW’s myExperience survey and feedback program at the end of the trimester. It’s annoying but it actually helps us a lot if you fill it in as it’s pretty much the main feedback that the rest of the university administration looks at and good feedback helps us survive and grow.

Textbooks and Reference Books

Although there are no official textbooks for this course you may find the following books interesting and/or helpful to read / refer to. Let us know if there aren’t enough copies in the library and we’ll ask them to get more. It’s a new and growing field with lots of pretty average books to waste your time -so if you find any books or materials you find helpful, please do share them with the rest of the course.

Reference Books

Stuttard, Dafydd, and Marcus Pinto. The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws. John Wiley & Sons, 2012

Zalewski, Michal. The Tangled Web: a Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications. No Starch Press, 2012

You, The Future

We are proud of our former students, they are awesome, and go on to do good things and be good people. Indeed some of the industry guest lecturers in UNSW SECedu courses are former UNSW security students. So please stay in touch after you have gone and let us know your achievements and what you are doing. It makes us happy and we are proud to brag about you.

Please do thank the returning and new guest lecturers and let them know how much you appreciated their effort and care in giving up so much time to help you. They go to considerable trouble to do this and they do it because they think it is the right thing to do to grow the profession and to help those coming after them.

After you graduate please consider giving back (well paying forward really) and coming back to help future students once you are an industry practitioner. The help former students give future students is quite moving and changes lives.

Also, even sooner than that, after you have finished this course, if you enjoyed it, then let your tutor know and we will consider you as a staff member for the next offering of the course. Teaching others is very rewarding, gives you great professional skills, makes you more connected in the profession and, weirdly enough, helps you master the material of the course to a level far beyond the level you attained when you did it as a student. We don’t just look for results when selecting tutors and course staff. The lecturers are the domain experts, not the tutors. In selecting tutors we mainly look for communication ability, kindness, an interest in developing leadership skills, a sense of fun, and a love for the course material.