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S1 2008
COMP4411 Experimental Robotics - 08s1 Mid Session Demonstrations
Date and Time:TBA, 2008 (Week 5), 2 - 5pm
Location: K17, Level 1 Seminar Room (K17 113)
The mid session demonstration gives your group an opportunity to
describe your project and its goals as well as describing the issues
you plan to address and what you have achieved so far.
The demonstration is a compulsory part of the COMP4411 assessment
and worth 10% of the final mark.
Each group is required to hand in a single hard copy and electronic copy
of an interim report (maximum 2 pages), containing:
- name of group and group members
- title and definition of project goals
- relevant literature survey, with references at the end
- problem decomposition: the tasks or subgoals involved
- what has been achieved so far
- what is left to do
Each group will explain the above and demo progress during their allotted slot.
An electronic copy of the report and the presentation should be emailed
to cs4411@cse.unsw.edu.au.
Each group has 10 minutes to briefly describe the project and the project
aims as well as outlining the particular tasks/issues to be addressed,
literature survey and current progress.
An additional 5 minutes is available for questions.
All group members must participate in the group presentation.
If you would like to demonstrate any of your project progress,
this will take place after 4pm in the Level 3 lab.
All groups are expected to attend all demonstrations.
The schedule will be strictly adhered to.
It is each group's responsibility to have their equipment setup and
operational at the designated time.
Contact John Zaitseff (zaitseff@cse.unsw.edu.au)
as early as possible if there are technical problems that have to be resolved.
We will supply a data projector and screen. Please advise us if you need
any additional audio visual equipment.
COMP4411 Experimental Robotics
Session 1 2008
Mid-Session Demos
TBA - Week 5
Location: K17 Level 1 Seminar Room (K17 113)
Group Start Time Stop Time
CS4411 (cs4411@cse.unsw.edu.au)