[UNSW] COMP4411: Experimental Robotics Home Page [SCSE]

S1 2008

COMP4411 Experimental Robotics - 08s1 Final Demonstrations

Presentation and Demonstration

The final presentation and demonstration gives your group an opportunity to describe your project and its achievements. The demonstration is a compulsory part of the COMP4411 assessment.

Assessment: 45% of final mark assessed as follows:
Aims: /5
Survey/background: /5
Decomposition/problems: /10
Resolutiong/evaluation: /20
Future work: /5
TOTAL: /45


Each group is required to hand in two hard copies of an interim report. The report should be concise (approximately 20 pages as a rule of thumb but there is no minimum or maximum), containing:

Do not forget the project title and names and student numbers of all group members on the first page. The report must also contain a section on Contribution of Group members, where you will describe the subdivision of tasks amongst group members.

Due: TBA, 2008.
Assessment: 40% of final mark assessed as follows:
Aims: /5
Survey/background: /5
Decomposition/problems: /5
Algorithms/development: /5
Evaluation: /5
Conclusion/future work: /5
Wiki /10
TOTAL: /40

Submission of Files

Create a directory in your group account on robolab.cse.unsw.edu.au called CDROM and in it place all the source code, mid-session report, mid-session presentation, final report and final presentation for your project. You may include other files relating to your project if you wish (e.g., copies of papers that were used, etc.). Send an email to cs4411@cse.unsw.edu.au once this is completed to let us know that you have done so. Please do this by TBA


                       COMP4411 Experimental Robotics 
                               Session 1 2008
                              	Final Demos
                         2 - 5pm TBA - Week 12
		 Location: TBA

Group                                   Start Time      Stop Time


CS4411 (cs4411@cse.unsw.edu.au)