COMP4411: Experimental Robotics
Completed Projects
2007 Session 1
- Puzzle Arm: A robot arm/camera combination that can solve jigsaw puzzles.
- Volksbot Camera Laser: Navigation and obstacle avoidance using Omni-Directional Camera. Turns the omnidirectional camera on the Volksbot into a laser-like device.
- Urban Grand Challenge A: A mini version of the DARPA Urban Grand Challenge.
- Urban Grand Challenge B: A mini version of the DARPA Urban Grand Challenge.
2006 Session 2
2006 Session 1
- Using ZigBee for Localisation/Navigation: Robot localisation using trilateration techniques with a low-power wireless transmitter.
- The Barbie Segway: A self-balancing two-wheeled robot.
- 3D-SnakeBot: SnakeBot capable of turning, with wireless communication and vision.
- Co-operative SLAM: SLAM with multiple robots
- Volksbot Slalom: Control of a Volksbot through a slalom course, directed by using panospheric camera images.
2005 Session 2
- Autonomous Hovercraft: An RC hovercraft with mounted web cams that autonomously steered down corridors using different vision algorithms.
- Gesture Control of Pioneer: A pioneer whose behaviour could be controlled by hand gestures.
- Hexapod: A six legged walking robot.
- One Grippered Bandit: A pioneer that searched for, and retrieved, coloured cans.
- SLAM Comparison: A comparison of two SLAM techniques, DPSLAM and PMAP using Player and the pioneers.
- SnakeBot: An eleven-segment snake robot that learned to crawl on a treadmill via the application of genetic algorithms.
- TuxRacer: An RC car fitted with a Linksys NSLU2 board.
2005 Session 1
- Co-operative Localisation: Two pioneers, one stationary the other moving, used visual tracking to move to a precise location.
- Gesture Control of Robot Arm: Hand gestures were used to control a robot arm.
- Micro Camera: A custom-built camera on a pan/tilt unit that could track an object, similar to CMUCam.
- Obstacle Avoidance: A pioneer navigated the level 3 maze at near-maximum speed.
- Topological Navigation: A pioneer navigated the level 3 maze using arbitrary signs as location markers.
2004 Session 2
- Optical flow obstacle avoidance.
- Localisation in front of goal.
- Locating landmarks using SLAM.
- Controlling SCORBOT using gestures.
- SnakeBot: The first SnakeBot project involved configuring the servos, writing control software and teaching it to crawl via reinforcement learning.
2004 Session 1
- Blimp tracking: A blimp was visually tracked and controlled to hover above a point.
- Landmark identification.
- Obstacle avoidance with Pioneer.
- Dynamic digital depth?
- Victim location: A pioneer visually followed a series of markers to a "victim's" location.
- DraganFlyer: A four-bladed helicopter, fitted with gyros that was made to hover autonomously.
2003 Session 2
- RC Car: A remote-control car was fitted with IR sensors that would stop the vehicle in case of imminent collision. The car itself was controlled by a tilting interface that could be attached to either the wrist or the head (on a hat).
- Voice control of Pioneer.
- Overhead camera on RoboCup field.
- AIBO localisation without beacons.
- Visual and laser detection and tracking of AIBO.
- Pioneer office boy.