COMP3311 23T3 Prac Exercise 07
Updates and Triggers
Database Systems
Last updated: Saturday 11th February 7:21am
Most recent changes are shown in red ... older changes are shown in brown.


This exercise aims to give you practice in:

The following sections of the PostgreSQL Documentation will be useful for this lab:


For this Lab, we will make use of a similar beer ratings database to the one we used in Prac Exercise 06. Files containing a relational schema for this database and data to populate the tables are available in the files:


You should save your old beers database (if you want to), delete it, then re-create it afresh by loading the schema and data into the new database. The following commands will do this:

$ pg_dump beers > oldBeer.db
$ dropdb beers
$ createdb beers
$ psql beers -f /home/cs3311/web/23T3/pracs/07/schema.sql
... which will produce lots of NOTICE messages ...
$ psql beers -f /home/cs3311/web/23T3/pracs/07/data.sql
... which will produce messages about table ids ...

This will populate all of the tables except Ratings. We will populate this later.

Imagine that the database used in Prac Exercise 06 ends up as the back-end database for a web site with thousands of beers, tens of thousands of raters and millions of ratings.

One important function for such a site would be producing a list of the top-ten rated beers. It would be possible to produce such a list using the BeerSummary function from Prac Exercise 06. However, as the database grows, this operation would become slower and slower.

Let us imagine that with the size of database described above, it is now intolerably slow to produce a list of the top-ten rated beers. The database designers decide to add three extra columns to the Beer table to hold:

The values of these columns should always accurately reflect the state of the Ratings table.

We can express what is required as a series of semi-formal assertions:

for every Beer b (b.totRating = (sum(score) from Ratings where beer =
for every Beer b (b.nRatings = (count(score) from Ratings where beer =
for every Beer b (b.rating = b.totRating/b.nRatings, if b.nRatings > 0, null otherwise)

Of course, ensuring that the database always satisfies these constraints requires that the above columns in the Beer table be maintained This, in turn, requires that some work is done every time a rating is added, removed, or changed.


Write triggers and their associated PLpgSQL functions to maintain these assertions on the Beer table in response to all possible changes to the Ratings table. Place your trigger and function definitions in a file called prac07.sql.

You can assume that the only kind of update operation is one that changes the rating by a given rater for a given beer. In other words, the only updates will be of the form:

update Ratings
set    score = X
where  rater = Y and beer = Z;

If you want to loosen that assumption (i.e. allow absolutely any kind of update), then that's fine too ... but it will require you write extra code.

While you're developing your triggers, you should test them by adding new rating records, updating existing rating records and deleting rating records, and then checking whether the above assertions are maintained.

For a final check, reset the database as above:

$ dropdb beers
$ createdb beers
$ psql beers -f /home/cs3311/web/23T3/pracs/07/schema.sql
... which will produce lots of NOTICE messages ...
$ psql beers -f /home/cs3311/web/23T3/pracs/07/data.sql
... which will produce messages about table ids ...
$ psql beers -f prac07.sql
... which will produce messages functions/triggers ...

and then run a sequence of modifications to the Ratings table via:

$ psql beers -f /home/cs3311/web/23T3/pracs/07/test.sql

If you then check the contents of the Beer table, you should observe:

beers=# select * from Beer order by id;
 id |          name          | style | brewer | totrating | nratings | rating 
  1 | Rasputin               |    10 |      9 |         8 |        3 |      2
  2 | 80/-                   |    13 |     11 |         4 |        1 |      4
  3 | Sierra Nevada Pale Ale |     3 |      6 |        20 |        5 |      4
  4 | Old Tire               |    11 |      7 |         5 |        1 |      5
  5 | Old                    |    12 |      3 |         7 |        2 |      3
  6 | New                    |     1 |      3 |         3 |        2 |      1
  7 | Fosters                |     1 |      1 |         3 |        1 |      3
  8 | James Squire Amber Ale |    12 |     12 |         3 |        1 |      3
  9 | James Squire Pilsener  |     2 |     12 |         7 |        2 |      3
 10 | Burragorang Bock       |     5 |      4 |         7 |        2 |      3
 11 | Scharer's Lager        |     1 |      4 |         3 |        1 |      3
 12 | Chimay Red             |     9 |     10 |         3 |        1 |      3
 13 | Chimay Blue            |     9 |     10 |         0 |        0 |       
 14 | Victoria Bitter        |     1 |      1 |         3 |        3 |      1
 15 | Sterling               |     1 |      1 |         0 |        0 |       
 16 | Empire                 |     1 |      1 |         6 |        2 |      3
 17 | Premium Light          |     1 |     14 |         0 |        0 |       
 18 | Sparkling Ale          |    12 |     13 |         0 |        0 |       
 19 | Sheaf Stout            |     3 |      3 |         0 |        0 |       
 20 | Crown Lager            |     1 |      1 |         2 |        1 |      2
 21 | Bigfoot Barley Wine    |     4 |      6 |         3 |        1 |      3
 22 | James Squire Porter    |     7 |     12 |         0 |        0 |       
 23 | Redback                |    14 |      5 |         9 |        2 |      4
 24 | XXXX                   |     1 |      2 |         5 |        1 |      5
 25 | Red                    |     1 |      3 |         0 |        0 |       
(25 rows)

You will, of course, have observed that test.sql only performs insert operations. We assume that you have tested the triggers for all other operations yourself.

[Sample Solution]