COMP3311 23T1 |
Week 05 Stored Functions in SQL and PLpgSQL |
Database Systems |
Write a simple PLpgSQL function that returns the square of its argument value. It is used as follows:
mydb=> select sqr(4); sqr ----- 16 (1 row) mydb=> select sqr(1000); sqr --------- 1000000 (1 row)
Could we use this function in any of the following ways?
select sqr(5.0); select(5.0::integer); select sqr('5');
If not, how could we write a function to achieve this?
create or replace function sqr(n integer) returns integer as $$ begin return n * n; end; $$ language plpgsql;
This function won't square real numbers, even something like:
mydb=> select sqr(3.0); ERROR: Function sqr(numeric) does not exist
The defined function has type integer→integer. PostgreSQL is looking for a function with type float→integer or, more generic numeric→numeric.
However, it works if you type-cast it to an integer (second example). And PostgreSQL seems reasonable about converting strings of digits into appropriate numbers.
By declaring the function to use the generic number type
, it will handle both integers and reals
create or replace function sqr(n numeric) returns numeric as $$ begin return n * n; end; $$ language plpgsql;
Write a PLpgSQL function that spreads
the letters
in some text. It is used as follows:
mydb=> select spread('My Text'); spread ---------------- M y T e x t (1 row)
Here's a version that doesn't give a name to the parameter and uses "positional notation" (e.g. $1) to refer to the parmeter.
create or replace function spread(text) returns text as $$ declare result text := ''; i integer; len integer; begin i := 1; len := length($1); while (i <= len) loop result := result || substr($1, i, 1) || ' '; i := i+1; end loop; return result; end; $$ language plpgsql;
OR, using named parameters and a for loop
create or replace function spread(str text) returns text as $$ declare result text := ''; i integer; begin i := 1; for i in 1..length($1) loop result := result || substr(str, i, 1) || ' '; end loop; return result; end; $$ language plpgsql;
Note that if you omit the initial assignment of empty string to
, then the value of result
throughout the entire function execution,
and NULL
is returned (i.e., string concatenation is
-preserving operation).
Write a PLpgSQL function to return a table of the first n positive integers.
The fuction has the following signature:
create or replace function seq(n integer) returns setof integer
and is used as follows:
mydb=> select * from seq(5); seq ----- 1 2 3 4 5 (5 rows)
create or replace function seq(n integer) returns setof integer as $$ declare i integer; begin for i in 1 .. n loop return next i; end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql;
Generalise the previous function so that it returns a table of integers, starting from lo up to at most hi, with an increment of inc. The function should also be able to count down from lo to hi if the value of inc is negative. An inc value of 0 should produce an empty table. Use the following function header:
create or replace function seq(lo int, hi int, inc int) returns setof integer
and the function would be used as follows:
mydb=> select * from seq(2,7,2); val ----- 2 4 6 (3 rows)
Some other examples, in a more compact representation:
seq(1,5,1) gives 1 2 3 4 5 seq(5,1,-1) gives 5 4 3 2 1 seq(9,2,-3) gives 9 6 3 seq(2,9,-1) gives empty seq(1,5,0) gives empty
create or replace function seq(lo int, hi int, inc int) returns setof integer as $$ declare i integer; begin i := lo; if (inc > 0) then while (i <= hi) loop return next i; i := i + inc; end loop; elsif (inc < 0) then while (i >= hi) loop return next i; i := i + inc; end loop; end if; return; end; $$ language plpgsql;
Re-implement the seq(int)
function from above
as an SQL function, and making use of the generic
function defined above.
create or replace function seq(n int) returns setof integer as $$ select * from seq(1,n,1); $$ language sql;
Create a factorial function based on the above sequence returning functions.
create function fac(n int) returns integer
Implement it as an SQL function (not a PLpgSQL function).
The obvious solution to this problem requires a
aggregate, analogous to the sum
PostgreSQL does not actually have a product
but for the purposes of this question, you can assume that it does,
and has the following interface:
product(list of integers) returns integer
create function fac(n int) returns integer as $$ select product(seq) from seq(n); $$ language sql;
Note that the sum() aggregate actually returns a value of type bigint, and so, probably, should product().
Use the old Beers/Bars/Drinkers database in answering the following questions. A summary schema for this database:
Beers(name:string, manufacturer:string) Bars(name:string, address:string, license#:integer) Drinkers(name:string, address:string, phone:string) Likes(drinker:string, beer:string) Sells(bar:string, beer:string, price:real) Frequents(drinker:string, bar:string)
Primary key attributes are in bold. Foreign key attributes are in bold italic.
The examples below assume that the user is connected to a database
called beer
containing an instance of the above schema.
Write a PLpgSQL function called hotelsIn() that takes a single argument giving the name of a suburb, and returns a text string containing the names of all hotels in that suburb, one per line.
create function hotelsIn(_addr text) returns text
The function is used as follows:
beer=> select hotelsIn('The Rocks'); hotelsin ----------------- Australia Hotel+ Lord Nelson + (1 row)
Can you explain what the '+'at the end of each line is? And why it says (1 row)?
Note that the output from functions returning a single
string and
looks better if you turn off psql's output alignment
(via psql
's \a
and column headings
(via psql
's \t
Compare the aligned output above to the unaligned output below:
beer=> \a Output format is unaligned. beer=> \t Showing only tuples. beer=> select hotelsIn('The Rocks'); Australia Hotel Lord Nelson
From now on, sample outputs for functions returning text
will assume that we have used \a
Reminder: this function returns a single string and not a list of tuples.create or replace function hotelsIn(_addr text) returns text as $$ declare r record; out text := ''; begin for r in select * from bars where addr = _addr loop out := out || || e'\n'; end loop; return out; end; $$ language plpgsql;
Write a new PLpgSQL function called hotelsIn() that takes a single argument giving the name of a suburb and returns the names of all hotels in that suburb. The hotel names should all appear on a single line, as in the following examples:
beer=> select hotelsIn('The Rocks'); Hotels in The Rocks: Australia Hotel Lord Nelson beer=> select hotelsIn('Randwick'); Hotels in Randwick: Royal Hotel beer=> select hotelsIn('Rendwik'); There are no hotels in Rendwik
create or replace function hotelsIn (_addr text) returns text as $$ declare howmany integer; pubnames text; p record; begin select count(*) into howmany from Bars where addr = _addr; if (howmany = 0) then return 'There are no hotels in '|| _addr || e'\n'; end if; pubnames:= 'Hotels in ' || _addr || ':'; for p in select * from Bars where addr = _addr loop pubnames := pubnames||' '||; end loop; pubnames := pubnames||e'\n'; return pubnames; end; $$ language plpgsql;
Write a PLpgSQL procedure happyHourPrice
that accepts
the name of a hotel, the name of a beer and the number of dollars
to deduct from the price, and returns a new price.
The procedure should check for the following errors:
Use to_char(price,'$9.99')
to format the prices.
beer=> select happyHourPrice('Oz Hotel','New',0.50); There is no hotel called 'Oz Hotel' beer=> select happyHourPrice('Australia Hotel','Newer',0.50); There is no beer called 'Newer' beer=> select happyHourPrice('Australia Hotel','New',0.50); The Australia Hotel does not serve New beer=> select happyHourPrice('Australia Hotel','Burragorang Bock',4.50); Price reduction is too large; Burragorang Bock only costs $ 3.50 beer=> select happyHourPrice('Australia Hotel','Burragorang Bock',1.50); Happy hour price for Burragorang Bock at Australia Hotel is $ 2.00
Checking for existence of some tuples
could be done using either select count(*)
by a check for zero, or by using the FOUND
variable (which
is set after each query).
This solution combines both approaches to show the range of possiblities.
In general, you could use count(*)
whenever you knew that
you were not interested in collecting any other information from the
table; you'd try to collect the information and use FOUND
in all other circumstances.
-- using positional notation for parameters create or replace function happyHourPrice (_hotel text, _beer text, _discount real) returns text as $$ declare counter integer; std_price real; new_price real; begin select count(*) into counter from Bars where name = _hotel; if (counter = 0) then return 'There is no hotel called '|| _hotel ||e'\n'; end if; select * from Beers where name = _beer; -- any results vanish if (not found) then return 'There is no beer called '|| _beer ||e'\n'; end if; select price into std_price from Sells s where = _beer and = _hotel; if (not found) then return 'The '|| _hotel || ' does not serve '||_beer; end if; new_price := std_price - _discount; if (new_price < 0) then return 'Price reduction is too large; ' || _beer || ' only costs ' || to_char(std_price, '$9.99'); else return 'Happy hour price for ' || _beer || ' at '|| _hotel ||' is ' || to_char(new_price, '$9.99'); end if; end; $$ language plpgsql;
The hotelsIn
function above returns a formatted string
giving details of the bars in a suburb. If we wanted to return a
table of records for the bars in a suburb, we could use a view as
beer=> create or replace view HotelsInTheRocks as -> select * from Bars where addr = 'The Rocks'; CREATE VIEW beer=> select * from HotelsInTheRocks; name | addr | license -----------------+-----------+--------- Australia Hotel | The Rocks | 123456 Lord Nelson | The Rocks | 123888 (2 rows)
Unfortunately, we need to specify a suburb in the view definition.
It would be more useful if we could define a parameterised view
which we could use to generate a table for any suburb, e.g.
beer=> select * from HotelsIn('The Rocks'); name | addr | license -----------------+-----------+--------- Australia Hotel | The Rocks | 123456 Lord Nelson | The Rocks | 123888 (2 rows) beer=> select * from hotelsIn('Coogee'); name | addr | license ------------------+--------+--------- Coogee Bay Hotel | Coogee | 966500 (1 row)
Such a parameterised view can be implemented via an SQL function, defined as:
create or replace function hotelsIn(text) returns setof Bars as $$ ... $$ language sql;
Complete the definition of the SQL function.
create or replace function hotelsIn(text) returns setof Bars as $$ select * from Bars where addr = $1; $$ language sql;
The function for the previous question can also be implemented in PLpgSQL. Give the PLpgSQL definition. It would be used in the same way as the above.
create or replace function hotelsIn(_addr text) returns setof Bars as $$ declare r record; -- could also be declared r Bars%rowtype; begin for r in select * from Bars where addr = _addr loop return next r; end loop; return; end; $$ language plpgsql;
Use the Bank Database in answering the following questions. A summary schema for this database:
Branches(location:text, address:text, assets:real) Accounts(holder:text, branch:text, balance:real) Customers(name:text, address:text) Employees(id:integer, name:text, salary:real)
The examples below assume that the user is connected to a database
called bank
containing an instance of the above schema.
For each of the following, write both an SQL and a PLpgSQL function to return the result:
salary of a specified employee
-- Salary of a specified employee -- Allows employee to be determined by name or id -- using overloading on the function name -- Assume name or id identifies only one employee create or replace function empSal(text) returns real as $$ select salary from employees where name = $1 $$ language sql; create or replace function empSal(integer) returns real as $$ select salary from employees where id = $1 $$ language sql; create or replace function empSal1(_name text) returns real as $$ declare _sal real; begin select salary into _sal from employees where name = _name; return _sal; end; $$ language plpgsql; create or replace function empSal1(_id integer) returns real as $$ declare _sal real; begin select salary into _sal from employees where id = _id; return _sal; end; $$ language plpgsql;
all details of a particular branch
-- All details of a particular branch -- Example of PLpgSQL function returning a record create or replace function branchDetails(text) returns Branches as $$ select * from Branches where location = $1; $$ language sql; create or replace function branchDetails1(_bname text) returns Branches as $$ declare _tup Branches; begin select * into _tup from Branches where location = _bname; return _tup; end; $$ language plpgsql;
names of all employees earning more than $sal
-- Names of all employees earning more than $sal -- Example of PLpgSQL function returning a set of atomic values create or replace function empsWithSal(real) returns setof text as $$ select name from employees where salary > $1; $$ language sql; create type EmpName as ( name text ); create or replace function empsWithSal1(_minSal real) returns setof EmpName as $$ declare _en EmpName; begin for _en in select name from employees where salary > _minSal loop return next _en; end loop; return; end; $$ language plpgsql;
all details of highly-paid employees
-- All details of highly-paid employees -- Example of PLpgSQL function returning a set of atomic values create or replace function richEmps(real) returns setof Employees as $$ select * from employees where salary > $1; $$ language sql; create or replace function emps1(_minSal real) returns setof Employees as $$ declare _e Employee; begin for _e in select * from employees where salary > _minSal loop return next _e; end loop; return; end; $$ language plpgsql;
Write a PLpgSQL function to produce a report giving details of branches:
Branch: Clovelly, Clovelly Rd. Customers: Chuck Ian James Total deposits: $ 8860.00
create or replace function branchList() returns text as $$ declare a record; b record; tot integer; qry text; out text := e'\n'; begin for b in select * from Branches loop out := out || 'Branch: ' || b.location || ', '; out := out || b.address || e'\n' || 'Customers: '; tot := 0; for a in select * from Accounts where branch=b.location loop out := out || ' ' || a.holder; tot := tot + a.balance; end loop; select sum(balance) into tot from Accounts where branch=b.location; out := out || E'\nTotal deposits: '; out := out || to_char(tot,'$999999.99'); out := out || E'\n---\n'; end loop; return out; end; $$ language plpgsql;
It's also possible to implement this more efficiently using just one SQL query (rather than nested-loop queries). The more efficient solution invloves ordering the Accounts tuples by branch, and keeping track of when the current branch changes to a new one.
Use the following database schema, which is somehwat similar to the schema for Assignment 2. The schema is too large to give a complete summary here, but we provide some details for some tables:
Term(id:integer, year:integer, session:('S1','S2','X1','X2'), ...) Subject(id:integer, code:text, ..., name:text, ... uoc:integer, ...) Course(id:integer, subject:integer, term:integer, lic:integer, ...) OrgUnit(id, utype, name, longname, ...) OrgUnitType(id, name) Person(id:integer, ..., name:text, ...) Student(id:integer, sid:integer, stype:('local','intl')) Staff(id:integer, sid:integer, office:integer, ...) StaffRole(id, descript) Affiliation(staff, orgunit, role, fraction)
Note that there is an example database unsw.dump (2MB) that you could load into a newly created database to help with these problems, although you should be able to solve them without reference to a specific database instance. Note that all of the people data in this database is synthetic and the various enrolment tables have been cleared to save space.
The examples below assume that the user is connected to a database
called unsw
containing an instance of the above schema.
Write a PLpgSQL function to produce the complete name of an organisational unit (aka OrgUnit), given the OrgUnit's internal id:
function unitName(_ouid integer) returns text
This will need to make use of the OrgUnit and OrgUnitType tables. The OrgUnitType table contains a list of unit types (e.g. faculty, school, institute) via (id,name) tuples. The OrgUnit table has a foreign key to the OrgUnitType table to indicate what kind of unit it is. The attribute contains the useful name of the unit (the name attribute is a very abbreviated version of the unit's name). The longname attribute for faculties already contains the words "Faculty of". For other kinds of OrgUnit, you need to prepend the name of its OrgUnitType.
The function returns the complete name using the rules:
Some examples of usage (assuming \a and \t):
unsw=> select unitName(0); UNSW unsw=> select unitName(2); Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences unsw=> select unitName(4); Faculty of Law unsw=> select unitName(9); Faculty of Engineering unsw=> select unitName(11); Faculty of Science unsw=> select unitName(36); School of Chemistry unsw=> select unitName(44); School of Computer Science and Engineering unsw=> select unitName(75); Centre for Human Geography unsw=> select unitName(92); Department of Korean Studies unsw=> select unitName(999); ERROR: No such unit: 999
create or replace function unitName(_ouid integer) returns text as $$ declare _outype text; _ouname text; begin -- check whether the orgunit ID is valid select * from OrgUnit where id = _ouid; if (not found) then raise exception 'No such unit: %',_ouid; end if; select,u.longname into _outype,_ouname from OrgUnitType t, OrgUnit u where = _ouid and u.utype =; -- debugging output -- raise notice 'Type:%, Name:%',_outype,_ouname; if (_outype = 'UNSW') then return 'UNSW'; elsif (_outype = 'Faculty') then return _ouname; elsif (_outype = 'School') then return 'School of '||_ouname; elsif (_outype = 'Department') then return 'Department of '||_ouname; elsif (_outype = 'Centre') then return 'Centre for '||_ouname; elsif (_outype = 'Institute') then return 'Institute of '||_ouname; else return null; end if; end; $$ language plpgsql;
An alternative, using an SQL CASE expression:
create or replace function unitName(_ouid integer) returns text as $$ declare _ouname text; begin -- check whether the orgunit ID is valid select * from OrgUnit where id = _ouid; if (not found) then raise exception 'No such unit: %',_ouid; end if; select case when = 'UNSW' then 'UNSW' when = 'Faculty' then t.longname when = 'School' then 'School of '||t.longname when = 'Department' then 'Department of '||t.longname when = 'Centre' then 'Centre for '||t.longname when = 'Institute' then 'Institute of '||t.longname else null end into _ouname from OrgUnitType t, OrgUnit u where = _ouid and u.utype =; return _ouname; end; $$ language plpgsql;
If you didn't care about error-checking on the OrgUnit ID, then this could be done as an SQL function.
In the previous question, you needed to know the internal ID of an OrgUnit. This is unlikely, so write a function that takes part of an OrgUnit.longname and returns the ID or NULL if there is no such unit. If there is more than one matching unit, return the ID of the first matching unit. Implement this as an SQL function, which allows case-insensitive matching:
create or replace function unitID(partName text) returns integer as $$ ... $$ language sql;
Examples of usage:
unsw=> select unitName(unitID('law')); Faculty of Law unsw=> select unitName(unitID('arts')); Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences unsw=> select unitName(unitID('information')); School of Information Management unsw=> select unitName(unitID('information sys')); School of Information Systems unsw=> select unitName(unitID('chem')); Department of Biochemistry unsw=> select unitName(unitID('computer')); School of Computer Science (ADFA) unsw=> select unitName(unitID('comp%sci%eng')); School of Computer Science and Engineering unsw=> select unitName(unitID('korean')); Department of Korean Studies
We use unitName() as a way of checking the result Note that such a simple text-based search can produce unexpected results.
A simple solution (and probably the only one possible in plain SQL:
create or replace function unitID(partName text) returns integer as $$ select id from OrgUnit where longname ilike '%'||partname||'%'; $$ language sql;
Write a PLpgSQL function which takes the numeric identifier of a given OrgUnit and returns the numeric identifier of the parent faculty for the specified OrgUnit:
function facultyOf(_ouid integer) returns integer
Note that a faculty is treated as its own parent. Note also that some OrgUnits don't belong to any faculty; such OrgUnits should return a null result from the function.
Examples of use:
unsw=> select unitName(facultyof(2)); Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences unsw=> select unitName(facultyof(9)); Faculty of Engineering unsw=> select unitName(facultyof(36)); Faculty of Science unsw=> select unitName(facultyof(44)); Faculty of Engineering unsw=> select unitName(facultyof(75)); Faculty of Science unsw=> select unitName(facultyof(92)); Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences unsw=> select unitName(facultyof(999)); ERROR: No such unit: 999
create or replace function facultyOf(_ouid integer) returns integer as $$ declare _count integer; _tname text; _parent integer; begin select count(*) into _count from orgUnit where id = _ouid; if (_count = 0) then raise exception 'No such unit: %',_ouid; end if; select into _tname from OrgUnit u, OrgUnitType t where = _ouid and u.utype =; if (_tname is null) then return null; elsif (_tname = 'University') then return null; elsif (_tname = 'Faculty') then return _ouid; else select owner into _parent from UnitGroups where member = _ouid; return facultyOf(_parent); end if; end; $$ language plpgsql;
An alternative way of checking the existence of the specified organisational unit would be:
select * from OrgUnit where id = _ouid; if (not found) then raise exception 'No such unit: %',_ouid; end if;And an alternative iterative, but hackier, solution:
create or replace function facultyOf(_uid integer) returns text as $$ declare orgu record; facultyID integer := 1; begin select * into orgu from orgunit where id = _uid; if (not found) then return "No such unit"; end if; while (orgu.utype > facultyID) loop select u.* into orgu from orgunit u join unitgroups g on g.owner = where g.member =; raise notice 'Parent: %',; end loop; if (orgu.utype < facultyID) then return null; end if; return; end; $$ language plpgsql;