COMP3311 Week 5 Tuesday Lecture

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [0/31]
❖ Week 05 Tuesday

In this week's lectures ...

Things to do ...

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [1/31]
❖ Submitting/Marking Assignment 1

Test on  vxdb2 before submitting

Submit via:  give cs3311 ass1 ass1.sql

Will be tested via:

dropdb ass1;  createdb ass1;  psql ass1 -f ass1.dump
psql ass1 -f ass1.sql # your submission
3311 autotest ass1
dropdb ass1;  createdb ass1;  psql ass1 -f ass1a.dump
psql ass1 -f ass1.sql # your submission
3311 autotest ass1

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❖ Submitting/Marking Assignment 1 (cont)

Tutors will look at:  ass1.sql, output from two test runs

Up to 1 mark for style; ugly code gets 0

Consistency of style is important;   use SQL from lectures as guide

If view fails auto-test

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❖ Assignment Hints

Some ideas ...

"Unseen" database for auto-marking has same schema, different data
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❖ Assignment Hints (cont)

If you get this error ...

nw-syd-vxdb2 % psql ass1 -f ass1.sql
psql: error: ass1.sql: No such file or directory

you're in the wrong directory.

Try cd until ls shows ass1.sql

If you get this error ...

ERROR: already defined V

change create view to create or replace view

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [5/31]
❖ Developing Complex SQL Queries

Work backwards from the final query

Try to minmise the complexity of individual views

Use attribute names in the  create or replace view  statement
(easier to keep track of what results the view is producing for use in other views)

Cannot change number/types of view attributes without dropping view

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❖ Developing PLpgSQL Functions

Determine function signature

For function producing a single result For function producing a set of results
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❖ Iteration in PLpgSQL

Use SQL queries within function do as much work as possible

Don't do using code what you could do using

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❖ Iteration in PLpgSQL (cont)

Example: function returning   setof Beers

create or replace function bb(_patt text) returns setof Beers
as $$
   b Beers;
   for b in select * from Beers
      if ~ _name then
         return next b;
      end if
   end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;


create or replace function bb(_patt text) returns setof Beers
as $$
   b Beers;
   for b in select * from Beers where name ~ _name
      return next b;
   end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [9/31]
❖ Exercise: Poor use of loop

Which of the following is the preferred way of filtering

   for rec in
      select * from R
      if (rec.a = 5) then
      end if;
   end loop;
   for rec in
      select * from R where a = 5
   end loop;

Why?    Assume:  |R| = 1000 tuples,  10 tuples with  a=5

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [10/31]
❖ Dynamic Queries

Queries can be "built" as strings of SQL code within functions

And then evaluated using  execute  Query

Including constant and identifiers in queries needs

Use  execute Query into Var   to capture result

Can also use in  for Rec in execute Query loop ...

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [11/31]
❖ Exercise: Dynamic Queries

Write a PLpgSQL function

create or replce function
   nTuples(tableName text) return integer
as $$ ...

The function

See the  dbPop()  function for an extension of this idea.
COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [12/31]
❖ Exceptions

Exceptional conditions can arise during function execution

PLpgSQL provides mechanisms


   ... some code ...
   when exceptionName then
      ... code to handle exception ...
COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [13/31]
❖ Exercise: Exceptions

Implement a "safe" division function

create or replace function
   div(n integer, m integer) returns integer

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [14/31]
❖ Aggregates

Aggregates reduce a collection of values to a single value


select avg(mark) from Enrolments where course='COMP3311'

How to achieve this? ... Maintain state, update value-by-value

State = initial state
for each tuple T in query {
    # update State to include T
    State = updateState(State, T)
return makeFinal(State)

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [15/31]
❖ Aggregates (cont)

New aggregates are defined using CREATE AGGREGATE statement:

    stype     = StateType,
    initcond  = InitialValue,
    sfunc     = UpdateStateFunction,
    finalfunc = MakeFinalFunction

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [16/31]
❖ Exercise: User-defined Aggregates

  1. make a product aggregate

    select product(a) from R  →  6

  2. simple string concatentation (comma-separated)

    select cat(b) from R  →  'this,is,fun'

  3. make your own count aggregate

    select mycount(a) from R  →  3
    select mycount(b) from R  →  3


create table R (a integer, b text);
insert into R values (1,'this'), (2,'is'), (3,'fun');
COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [17/31]
❖ Global Constraints

Column and table constraints ensure validity of one table

Ref. integrity constraints ensure connections between tables are valid

Global constraints may involve conditions over many tables

Simple example (from banking domain):

-- accounts are held at branches
-- assets of branch is sum of balances of its accounts

for all Branches b
   b.assets == (select sum(acct.balance)
                from   Accounts acct
                where  acct.branch = b.location)

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [18/31]
❖ Global Constraints (cont)

SQL implementation of global constraints is ASSERTION

Example: #students in any UNSW course must be < 10000

create assertion ClassSizeConstraint check (
   not exists (
      from   Courses c
             join Enrolments e on ( = e.course)
      group  by
      having count(e.student) > 9999

Must be checked after every change to either Courses or Enrolments

Too expensive, so DBMSs provide triggers to do targetted checking.

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❖ Triggers

Triggers are

Examples of uses for triggers: Triggers provide event-condition-action programming
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❖ Triggers (cont)

Sequence of activities during database update:


Reminder: BEFORE and UPDATE triggers can modify value of new tuple

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [21/31]
❖ Triggers in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL triggers provide a mechanism for

Syntax for PostgreSQL trigger definition:

{AFTER|BEFORE}  Event1 [OR Event2 ...]
ON TableName
[ WHEN ( Condition ) ]
EXECUTE PROCEDURE FunctionName(args...);

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [22/31]
❖ Exercise: Trigger Example (i)

Consider two tables

create table R (id integer, val text);
create table S (r integer references R(id), value text);

Write a trigger to check that the foreign key value is valid

COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [23/31]
❖ Exercise: Trigger Example (ii)

Class enrolments:


Define triggers to maintain nstu for

insert into ClassEnrolments values (5012345, 6732);

insert into ClassEnrolments values (9999999, 99999);

delete from ClassEnrolments
where  student = 5012345 and class = 6732;
COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [24/31]
❖ Programming with Databases

So far, we have seen ...

All of the above programming For applications need a PL interacting with the DBMS.
COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [25/31]
❖ Programming with Databases (cont)

Programming Language / DBMS archtecture:


COMP3311 22T3 ♢ Week 5 Tuesday Lecture ♢ [26/31]
❖ Programming with Databases (cont)

Consider this (imaginary) PL/DBMS access method:

--  establish connection to DBMS
db = dbAccess("DB");
query = "select a,b from R,S where ... ";
--  invoke query and get handle to result set
results = dbQuery(db, query);
--  for each tuple in result set
while (tuple = dbNext(results)) {
    --  process next tuple
    process(tuple['a'], tuple['b']);

Estimated costs:  dbAccess = 500ms,  dbQuery = 200ms,  dbNext < 1ms

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❖ Programming with Databases (cont)

Example: find mature-age students   (e.g. 10000 students, 100 over 40)

query = "select * from Student";
results = dbQuery(db, query);
while (tuple = dbNext(results)) {
    if (tuple['age'] >= 40) {
        --  process mature-age student

We transfer 10000 tuples from DB, 9500 are irrelevant

Cost = 1 query + 10000 tuple fetches

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❖ Programming with Databases (cont)

Should be implemented as:

query = "select * from Student where age >= 40";
results = dbQuery(db, query);
while (tuple = dbNext(results)) {
    --  process mature-age student

Transfers only the 100 tuples that are needed.

Cost = 1 query + 100 tuple fetches

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❖ Programming with Databases (cont)

Example: find info about all marks for all students

query1 = "select id,name from Student order by id";
res1 = dbQuery(db, query1);
while (tuple1 = dbNext(res1)) {
    query2 = "select course,mark from Marks"
             + " where student = " + tuple1['id'];
    res2 = dbQuery(db,query2);
    while (tuple2 = dbNext(res2)) {
        --  process student/course/mark info

E.g. 10000 students, each with 8 marks, ⇒ run 10001 queries

Cost = 10001 queries + 80000 tuple fetches

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❖ Programming with Databases (cont)

Should be implemented as:

query = "select id,name,course,mark"
        + " from Student s join Marks m "
        + " on ("
        + " order by"
results = dbQuery(db, query);
while (tuple = dbNext(results)) {
    --  process student/course/mark info

We invoke 1 query, and transfer same number of tuples.

Cost = 1 query + 80000 tuple fetches

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Produced: 14 Mar 2023