COMP3311 Weekly Previews

COMP3311 23T1 ♢ Weekly Preview ♢ [0/41]
❖ Week 01

Things to Note ...

And watch the Welcome and Overview videos  (under Slides and Videos)
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❖ Week 01 (cont)

Sources of content ...

Activities ...
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❖ Week 01 (cont)

This Week's Topics

Upcoming Topics ...
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❖ Text References

References to material in texts uses format:

Books are denoted by:

We dropped the Ramakrishnan book ...
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❖ Activities

Tutorials ...

Prac Work ... Prac Exercises coming soon to the website.
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❖ Famous DB Nerds #1

The first in a series on famous database people ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #1 (cont)

Larry Ellison

  • CEO of Oracle Corporation
    • Founded in 1977
    • First product 1979
    • Now, world's #1 DB supplier
      (also acquired: Java, Peoplesoft, MySQL)
  • Currently worth ~$30 billion (was $50B)
  • Eccentric, opinionated, flamboyant

Old Silicon Valley Joke:

Q: What's the difference between God and Larry Ellison?

A: God doesn't think he's Larry Ellison.

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❖ Week 02

Things to Note ...

This Week's Topics ...

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❖ Week 02 (cont)

Tutorials ...

Prac Work ...

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❖ Week 02 (cont)

Quizzes ...

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❖ Debugging

We cannot help you unless you give us sufficient information

The following is not sufficient:

$ p1
waiting for serv to start... stopped waiting
pg_ctl: could not start server
Examine the log output.

This tells us nothing except "My server didn't start"

At the very least, look at the log to see if you can work it out.

If you can't, paste the last few lines of the log file into your query.

Debugging via email/forum is difficult; arrange a Teams call for help.

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #2

The next in a series on famous database people ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #2 (cont)

Peter Chen

  • Invented ER Data Model
  • Original paper in 1976
  • One of the most-cited papers in CS
  • ER provided foundation for:
    • design methodologies (e.g. UML)
    • CASE tools (e.g. Oracle Designer/2000)
  • Fellow of ACM and IEEE
  • Professor at Louisiana SU

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❖ Week 03

Things to Note ...

Things to Do ...

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❖ Week 03 (cont)

In Lectures this week ...

Coming Up ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #3

The next in a series on famous database people ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #3 (cont)




  • IBM San Jose Research Centre
  • Part of System R Team
  • Chamberlin: Design of SQL
  • Lorie: Design of SQL
  • Mehl: First SQL Parser

System R (1975) = the original prototype relational DBMS

A modern SQL parser: .../PostgreSQL/Source/Code/src/backend/parser/

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❖ Week 04

Things to Note ...

Things to Do ...

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❖ Week 04 (cont)

In Lectures this Week ...

Coming Up ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #4

The next in a series on famous database people ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #4 (cont)

Bruce Lindsay

  • PhD. UC Berkeley, 1976
  • IBM Almaden Research Centre
  • Part of System R Team
    • buffer pool manager, ...
  • Since System R:
    • distributed databases & replication
    • transactions/concurrency control
    • query execution performance
  • IBM Research Fellow
  • now, Chief Data Scientist, Paradata

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❖ Week 05

Things to Note ...

In Lectures This Week ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #5

The next in a series on famous database people ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #5 (cont)

Patricia Selinger

  • PhD Harvard, Applied Maths, 1975
  • 1976 IBM San Jose Research Centre
    • Part of System R Team
    • Cost-based query optimisation
  • Awards:
    • IBM Research Fellowship
    • ACM Innovations Award
  • Director of DB Technology Institute
    at IBM Almaden Research Centre until 2014
  • 2014-2018 worked in industry (Paradata)
  • now retired

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❖ Week 07

Things to Note ...

This Week's Topics ...

Coming Up ...

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❖ Week 07 (cont)

Things you can grab now ...

Things we're still working on ...
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❖ Famous DB Nerds #6

The next in a series on famous database people ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #6 (cont)

Jeff Ullman

  • DB Professor at Stanford U (1980...)
  • Very well-known database researcher
  • Published over 200 articles + 10 textbooks
    (DB, theory, data-structs, compilers, ...)
  • Research areas include:
    • deductive databases (NAIL)
    • information itegration (TSIMMIS)
    • information extraction (MIDAS)
  • PhD supervisor of Sergey Brin, Larry Page

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❖ Week 08

Things to Note ...

This Week's Topics ...

Coming Up ...

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❖ Week 08 (cont)

Python3 / Psycopg2

Webcms3 Forum usage
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❖ Famous DB Nerds #7

The next in a series on famous database people ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #7 (cont)

Ted Codd

  • Researcher at IBM San Jose Lab
  • Invented relational model (RM)
    • Original paper in 1970
    • Proposed Alpha query language
    • Very influential on DB research/practice
  • ACM Turing Award 1981
  • Died April 2003
Turing Award Citation:
For his fundamental and continuing contributions to the theory and practice of database management systems. He originated the relational approach to database management in a series of research papers published commencing in 1970. His paper "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks" was a seminal paper, in a continuing and carefully developed series of papers. Dr. Codd built upon this space and in doing so has provided the impetus for widespread research into numerous related areas, including database languages, query subsystems, database semantics, locking and recovery ...

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❖ Week 09

Things to Note ...

This Week's Topics ...

Coming Up ...

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❖ Assignment 2

Things to note:

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #8

The next in a series on famous database people ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #8 (cont)


  • Professor, UC Berkeley (1971-2000)
  • Adjunct Professor at MIT (2000-now)
  • Developed/commercialised several DBMSs:
    • Ingres: very early relational DBMS (mid-70's)
    • Distributed Ingres: very early dDBMS
    • Postgres: object-relational DBMS (Illustra) (late 80's)
    • XPRS: Parallel Postgres
    • Mariposa: federated data system (Cohera)
    • Aurora: stream processing (StreamBase)
    • C-store: column-oriented DBMS (Vertica)
    • Morpheus: data integration system (Goby)
    • H-store: distributed XP system (VoltDB)
    • SciDB: DBMS for scientific applications
  • IEEE John von Neumann Medal 2005
  • ACM Turing Award 2014

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❖ Week 10

Things to Note ...

This Week's Topics ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #9

The next in a series on famous database people ...

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❖ Famous DB Nerds #9 (cont)

Jim Gray

  • Pioneered transaction processing
  • 1969 PhD from UC Berkeley
  • 1970-1995 IBM, Tandem, DEC
  • 1995- Microsoft Research Lab
  • 1999 Turing Award   (for tp research)
  • Most recent work:
    • scientific databases
    • sensor networks + databases
  • Disappeared at sea, 27 Jan 2007

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❖ Not-so-famous Database Nerds #1

The next in a series on (not so) famous database people ...

Ok ... so it's obvious who it is ... but where am I? (Webcms3 Poll)

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❖ Week 11

Things to Note ...

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Produced: 23 Apr 2023