COMP3311 23T1 Assignment 2
Submitting Your Assignment
Database Systems
Last updated: Tuesday 4th April 3:05am
Most recent changes are shown in red ... older changes are shown in brown.

[Assignment Spec]  [Database Design]  [Examples]  [Testing]  [Submitting]  [Fixes+Updates]


This document describes how to submit.

in the instructions below, the phrase "CSE server" refers to any of the general login/vLab servers
(e.g. vx02, vx05, etc. but NOT vxdb2).

You can store and access your ass1.sql file, in your home directory (/home/$USER/), on any of these servers.
But you can only run PostgreSQL on vxdb2 or your local machine.

How you submit your assignment depends on where your ass1.sql file is located.

If your ass1.sql is on your home machine and if you are supremely confident that it will work ok on vxdb2,
then the easiest way to submit is via Webcms3.

Note that vxdb2 has PostgreSQL version 13.9
And Python3 version 3.9.2

If you have different versions of these, you should absolutely test your code on vxdb2 before submitting.
Even if you do have the same versions, it is still highly recommended that you test your code on vxdb2 before submitting.

If your ass1.sql is on the CSE servers
or if your ass1.sql is on your home machine and if you are sensible, and have tested on vxdb2
Then you can submit via the give command:

give cs3311 ass2 helpers.sql attack_damage encounter_summary my_pokemon possible_evolutions pokemon_density

assuming that you are in the directory containing these files.

Do NOT run give on vxdb2. It may not work and not submit your files.
Always run give on a normal CSE login server vx02, vx05, etc.
You can check which server you are on by running the command hostname.
Note that vxdb2 and nw-syd-vxdb2 are the same server.

We will run marking on your assignment in a similar way to the autotests provided.

See the Testing page of the assignment for more details.

You must submit all files, including the helpers.sql and files.

Even if you do not change these files, you must still submit them.

helpers.sql must load into a new database otherwise you will lose marks as it will need to be manually modified.

Apart from, all other python files must not have the .py extension.

You should not change the first line of the python files #! /usr/bin/env python3
You may change any other provided code in these files.

During testing and marking we will be automatically modifying the database connection line inside these files.
The database connection line may be modified BUT MUST include ... psycopg2.connect( ...
using ... connect( ... will result in a loss of marks as it will need to be manually modified.