COMP3311 23T1 Assignment 1
Fixes, Updates and Clarifications
Database Systems
Last updated: Sunday 5th March 12:00am
Most recent changes are shown in red ... older changes are shown in brown.

[Assignment Spec]  [Database Design]  [Examples]  [Testing]  [Submitting]  [Fixes+Updates]

This file will contain descriptions for any fixes to solve minor bugs that people might find in the supplied code/database. Each fix is tagged with a timestamp, which is when I fixed it in the supplied code. If you collected the code/database after that time, it will already have the relevant fix included.

#5: Number of collaborating breweries   (Sat 5 March 11:00am)

While for Q8, you can assume that no collaboration involves more than two breweries, you cannot assume the same for Q9. We added an example of a three-brewery collaboration on the Examples page. The fact that you can assume only two-brewery collaborations for Q8 means that we will not run any Q8 tests for beers with a 3/4/...-way collaboration.

#4: Order of collaborating breweries   (Sat 4 March 10:30pm)

The order of breweries in a collaboration wasn't originally specified. It is intended to be alphabetical e.g. "Exit + Rockie Ridge" rather than "Rocky Ridge + Exit". This applies to both Q8 and Q9. The examples have been updated to reflect this.

#3: Clarification for Q8   (Sat 4 March 5:30pm)

The original description for Q8 did not mention how to handle collaboration beers. I've added a description of this, and put some examples in the Examples page.

#2: Incorrect example output for Q3   (Sat 04 March 10:00am)

The original example output for Q3 actually answered the question "How many breweries in each country". I've changed the output so that it gives the correct output for the question and counts beers in each country. In the spec, I also clarified how you should handle collaboration beers.

#1: Changed definitions in ass1.sql template   (Fri 03 March 11:00am)

The original ass1.sql template had empty bodies for the view and function definitions. This produced syntax error messages when you loaded the file. These are easy enough to ignore ... if you're a human. Unfortunately, the auto-testing isn't so forgiving, so I modified the ass1.sql template to include dummy bodies for the views and functions which don't produce syntax errors.