Stored Procedures

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❖ Limitations of Basic SQL

What we have seen of SQL so far:

This provides powerful declarative data extraction mechanisms.

This is not sufficient to write complete applications.

More extensibility and programmability are needed.

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❖ Extending SQL

Ways in which standard SQL might be extended:

All are required to assist  in application development.

But still do not provide a solution to developing applications.

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❖ SQL as a Programming Language

At some point in developing complete database applications

and SQL cannot do any of these.

SQL cannot even do something as simple as factorial!

Ok ... so PostgreSQL added a factorial operator ... but it's non-standard.

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❖ SQL as a Programming Language (cont)

Consider the problem of withdrawal from a bank account:

If a bank customer attempts to withdraw more funds than they have in their account, then indicate "Insufficient Funds", otherwise update the account

An attempt to implement this in SQL:

select 'Insufficient Funds'
from   Accounts
where  acctNo = AcctNum and balance < Amount;
update Accounts
set    balance = balance - Amount
where  acctNo = AcctNum and balance >= Amount;
select 'New balance: '||balance
from   Accounts
where  acctNo = AcctNum;

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❖ SQL as a Programming Language (cont)

Two possible evaluation scenarios:

Some problems: To accurately express the "business logic", we need facilities like conditional execution and parameter passing.
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❖ Database Programming

Database programming requires a combination of

This combination is realised in a number of ways: Here we focus on the last: extending DBMS capabilities via programs stored in the DB
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❖ Database Programming (cont)

Combining SQL and procedural code solves the "withdrawal" problem:

create function
    withdraw(acctNum text, amount integer) returns text
declare bal integer;
    set bal = (select balance
               from   Accounts
               where  acctNo = acctNum);
    if (bal < amount) then
        return 'Insufficient Funds';
        update Accounts
        set    balance = balance - amount
        where  acctNo = acctNum;
        set bal = (select balance
                   from   Accounts
                   where  acctNo = acctNum);
        return 'New Balance: ' || bal;
    end if

(This example is actually a stored procedure, using SQL/PSM syntax)

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❖ Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are small programs ...

SQL/PSM is a standard for stored procedures, developed in 1996.
By then, most DBMSs had their own stored procedure languages.

PostgreSQL supports stored procedures in a variety of languages

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❖ Stored Procedures (cont)

The PLpgSQL interpreter


Embedded in DBMS engine, so efficient to execute with queries

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❖ SQL Functions

PostgreSQL allows functions to be defined in SQL

   funcName(arg1type, arg2type, ....)
   RETURNS rettype
AS $$
   SQL statements
$$ LANGUAGE sql;

Within the function, arguments are accessed as $1, $2, ...

Return value: result of the last SQL statement.

rettype can be any PostgreSQL data type (incl tuples,tables).

Function returning a table:   returns setof TupleType

Details: PostgreSQL Documentation, Section 37.5

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Stored Procedures ♢ [10/14]
❖ SQL Functions (cont)

Example: info about bars from a given suburb

create or replace function
    hotelsIn(text) returns setof Bars
as $$
select * from Bars where addr = $1;
$$ language sql;

-- usage examples
select * from hotelsIn('The Rocks');
      name       |   addr    | license 
 Australia Hotel | The Rocks |  123456
 Lord Nelson     | The Rocks |  123888

select * from hotelsIn('Randwick');
    name     |   addr   | license 
 Royal Hotel | Randwick |  938500

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Stored Procedures ♢ [11/14]
❖ SQL Functions (cont)

Example: Name of cheapest beer at each bar

create view Cheapest(bar, price) as
select bar, min(price) from Sells group by bar;

select s.*
from   Sells s
where  s.price =
         (select price from Cheapest where bar =;

Could be implemted by defining an SQL function LowestPriceAt(bar)

create or replace
    function LowestPriceAt(text) returns float
as $$
select min(price) from Sells where bar = $1;
$$ language sql;

select * from Sells where price = LowestPriceAt(bar);

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Stored Procedures ♢ [12/14]
❖ Functions vs Views

A parameterless function behaves similar to a view


create or replace view EmpList
select given||' '||family as name,
       street||', '||town as addr
from   Employees;

which is used as

mydb=# select * from EmpList;

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❖ Functions vs Views (cont)

Compared to its implementation as a function:

create type EmpRecord as (name text, addr text);

create or replace function
   EmpList() returns setof EmpRecord
as $$
select family||' '||given as name,
       street||', '||town as addr
from   Employees
$$ language sql;

which is used as

mydb=# select * from EmpList();

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Produced: 5 Oct 2020