SQL: Views

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ SQL: Views ♢ [0/14]
❖ Views

A view is like a "virtual relation" defined via a query.

View definition and removal:


CREATE VIEW ViewName (AttributeNames) AS Query


Query may be any SQL query, involving: stored tables, other views

CREATE OR REPLACE  replaces the Query associated with a view

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❖ Views (cont)

The stored tables used by a view are referred to as base tables.

Views are defined only after their base tables are defined.

A view is valid only as long as its underlying query is valid.

Dropping a view has no effect on the base tables.

Views are a convenient abstraction mechanism

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❖ Views (cont)

Example: defining/naming a complex query using a view:

SELECT s.code, termName(t.id), e.student, e.mark,
       avg(mark) OVER (PARTITION BY course)
FROM   CourseEnrolments e
       JOIN Courses c on c.id = e.course
       JOIN Subjects s on s.id = c.subject
       JOIN Terms t on t.id = c.term

which would make the following query easy to solve

SELECT course, term, student, mark
FROM   CourseMarksAndAverages
WHERE  mark < avg;

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❖ Views (cont)

Example: An avid Carlton drinker might not be interested in other kinds of beer.

   SELECT * FROM Beers WHERE brewer = 'Carlton';

which is used as


       name       | brewer  | style 
 Crown Lager      | Carlton | Lager
 Fosters Lager    | Carlton | Lager
 Invalid Stout    | Carlton | Stout
 Melbourne Bitter | Carlton | Lager
 Victoria Bitter  | Carlton | Lager

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❖ Views (cont)

A view might not use all attributes of the base relations.

Example: We don't really need the address of inner-city hotels.

CREATE VIEW  InnerCityHotels  AS
   SELECT name, license
   FROM   Bars
   WHERE  addr in ('The Rocks','Sydney');

SELECT * FROM InnerCityHotels;

      name       | license 
 Australia Hotel |  123456
 Lord Nelson     |  123888
 Marble Bar      |  122123

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❖ Views (cont)

A view might use computed attribute values.

Example: Number of beers produced by each brewer.

   SELECT brewer, count(*) as nbeers
   FROM   beers GROUP BY brewer;

SELECT * FROM BeersBrewed;

  brewer  | nbeers 
 3 Ravens |      1
 Akasha   |      1
 Alesmith |      1

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❖ Renaming View Attributes

This can be achieved in two different ways:

CREATE VIEW  InnerCityHotels  AS
   SELECT name AS bar, license AS lic
   FROM   Bars
   WHERE  addr IN ('The Rocks', 'Sydney');

CREATE VIEW  InnerCityHotels(bar, lic)  AS
   SELECT name, license
   FROM   Bars
   WHERE  addr IN ('The Rocks', 'Sydney');

Both of the above produce the same view.

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❖ Using Views

Views can be used in queries as if they were stored relations.

However, they differ from stored relations in two important respects:

"Modifying a view" means changing the base tables via the view, e.g.

insert into MyBeers values ('Zero','Carlton','No-alcohol');

would update the Beers table

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❖ Using Views (cont)

Example: of view changing when base table changes.

SELECT * FROM InnerCityHotels;
      name       | license 
 Australia Hotel |  123456
 Lord Nelson     |  123888
 Marble Bar      |  122123

-- then the Lord Nelson goes broke
DELETE FROM Bars WHERE name = 'Lord Nelson';

-- no explict update has been made to InnerCityHotels
SELECT * FROM InnerCityHotels;
      name       | license 
 Australia Hotel |  123456
 Marble Bar      |  122123

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❖ Updating Views

Explicit updates are allowed on views satisfying the following:

Attributes not in the view's SELECT will be set to NULL in the base relation after an insert into the view.
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❖ Updating Views (cont)

Example: Our InnerCityHotel view is not updatable.

INSERT INTO InnerCityHotels
VALUES ('Jackson''s on George', '9876543');

creates a new tuple in the Bars relation:

(Jackson's on George,  NULL,  9876543)

but this new tuple does not satisfy the view condition:

addr IN ('The Rocks', 'Sydney')

so it does not appear if we select from the view.

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❖ Evaluating Views

Two alternative ways of implementing views:

The difference: underlying query evaluated either at query time or at update time.
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❖ Evaluating Views (cont)

Example: Using the InnerCityHotels view.

CREATE VIEW  InnerCityHotels  AS
   SELECT name, license
   FROM   Bars
   WHERE  addr IN ('The Rocks', 'Sydney');

FROM   InnerCityHotels
WHERE  license = '123456';

--is rewritten into the following form before execution

FROM   Bars
WHERE  addr IN ('The Rocks', 'Sydney')
       AND license = '123456';

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❖ Materialized Views

Materialized views are implemented as stored tables

On each update to base tables, need to also update the view table.

Clearly this costs space and makes updates more expensive.

However, in a situation where

this approach provides substantial benefits.

Materialized views are used extensively in data warehouses.

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Produced: 29 Sep 2020