SQL Queries (v): Abstraction

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ SQL: Abstraction ♢ [0/11]
❖ Complex Queries

For complex queries, it is often useful to

This can be accomplished in several ways in SQL:  
VIEWs and WHERE clause subqueries haveen discussed elsewhere.

WHERE clause subqueries can be correlated with the top-level query.

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❖ Complex Queries (cont)

Example: get a list of low-scoring students in each course
(low-scoring = mark is less than average mark for class)

Schema: Enrolment(course,student,mark)


Implementation of first step via window function

SELECT course, student, mark,
       avg(mark) OVER (PARTITION BY course)
FROM   Enrolments;

We now look at several ways to complete this data request ...

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❖ Using Views for Abstraction

Defining complex queries using views:

SELECT course, student, mark,
       avg(mark) OVER (PARTITION BY course)
FROM   Enrolments;

SELECT course, student, mark
FROM   CourseMarksWithAvg
WHERE  mark < avg;

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❖ Using Views for Abstraction (cont)

In the general case:

CREATE VIEW View1(a,b,c,d) AS Query1;
CREATE VIEW View2(e,f,g) AS Query2;
SELECT attributes
FROM   View1, View2
WHERE  conditions on attributes of View1 and View2


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FROM-clause Subqueries for Abstraction

Defining complex queries using FROM subqueries:

SELECT course, student, mark
FROM   (SELECT course, student, mark,
               avg(mark) OVER (PARTITION BY course)
        FROM   Enrolments) AS CourseMarksWithAvg
WHERE  mark < avg;

Avoids the need to define views.

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FROM-clause Subqueries for Abstraction (cont)

In the general case:

SELECT attributes
FROM   (Query1) AS Name1,
       (Query2) AS Name2
WHERE  conditions on attributes of Name1 and Name2


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WITH-clause Subqueries for Abstraction

Defining complex queries using WITH:

WITH CourseMarksWithAvg AS
     (SELECT course, student, mark,
             avg(mark) OVER (PARTITION BY course)
      FROM   Enrolments)
SELECT course, student, mark, avg
FROM   CourseMarksWithAvg
WHERE  mark < avg;

Avoids the need to define views.

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WITH-clause Subqueries for Abstraction (cont)

In the general case:

WITH   Name1(a,b,c) AS (Query1),
       Name2 AS (Query2), ...
SELECT attributes
FROM   Name1, Name2, ...
WHERE  conditions on attributes of Name1 and Name2


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❖ Recursive Queries

WITH also provides the basis for recursive queries.

Recursive queries are structured as:

WITH RECURSIVE R(attributes) AS (
     SELECT ... not involving R
     SELECT ... FROM R, ...
SELECT attributes
FROM   R, ...
WHERE  condition involving R's attributes

Useful for scenarios in which we need to traverse multi-level relationships.

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❖ Recursive Queries (cont)

For a definition like


Q1  does not include  R  (base case);    Q2  includes  R  (recursive case)

How recursion works:

Working = Result = evaluate Q1
while (Working table is not empty) {
    Temp = evaluate Q2, using Working in place of R
    Temp = Temp - Result
    Result = Result UNION Temp
    Working = Temp

  i.e. generate new tuples until we see nothing not already seen.

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❖ Recursive Queries (cont)

Example: count numbers of all sub-parts in a given part.

Schema: Parts(part, sub_part, quantity)

WITH RECURSIVE IncludedParts(sub_part, part, quantity) AS (
    SELECT sub_part, part, quantity
    FROM   Parts WHERE part = GivenPart
    SELECT p.sub_part, p.part, p.quantity
    FROM   IncludedParts i, Parts p
    WHERE  p.part = i.sub_part
SELECT sub_part, SUM(quantity) as total_quantity
FROM   IncludedParts
GROUP  BY sub_part

Includes sub-parts, sub-sub-parts, sub-sub-sub-parts, etc.

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Produced: 5 Oct 2020