SQL Queries (iv): Grouping

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ SQL Grouping ♢ [0/12]
❖ Grouping

SELECT-FROM-WHERE can be followed by GROUP BY to:


COMP3311 20T3 ♢ SQL Grouping ♢ [1/12]
❖ Grouping (cont)

Example: How many different beers does each brewer make?

SELECT   brewer, COUNT(name) as nbeers
FROM     Beers
GROUP BY brewer;

       brewer        | nbeers 
 West City           |      1
 James Squire        |      5
 Yullis              |      1
 Hop Nation          |      4
 Anderson Valley     |      1
 Beatnik             |      1
 Boatrocker          |      3
 Kizakura            |      1

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ SQL Grouping ♢ [2/12]
❖ Grouping (cont)

GROUP BY  is used as follows:

SELECT   attributes/aggregations
FROM     relations
WHERE    condition
GROUP BY attributes


  1. apply product and selection as for SELECT-FROM-WHERE
  2. partition result into groups based on values of attributes
  3. apply any aggregation separately to each group

Grouping is typically used in queries involving the phrase "for each".
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❖ Restrictions on SELECT Lists

When using grouping, every attribute in the SELECT list must:

Incorrect Example: Find the styles associated with each brewer

SELECT   brewer, style
FROM     Beers
GROUP BY brewer;

PostgreSQL's response to this query:

ERROR: column beers.style must appear in the GROUP BY 
         clause or be used in an aggregate function

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❖ Filtering Groups

In some queries, you can use the WHERE condition to eliminate groups.

Example: Average beer price by suburb excluding hotels in The Rocks.

SELECT   b.addr, AVG(s.price)
FROM     Sells s join Bars b on (s.bar=b.name)
WHERE    b.addr <> 'The Rocks'
GROUP BY b.addr;

For conditions on whole groups, use the HAVING clause.

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❖ Filtering Groups (cont)

HAVING is used to qualify a GROUP-BY clause:

SELECT   attributes/aggregations
FROM     relations
WHERE    condition1   (on tuples)
GROUP BY attributes
HAVING   condition2;  (on group)

Semantics of HAVING:

  1. generate the groups as for GROUP-BY
  2. discard groups not satisfying HAVING condition
  3. apply aggregations to remaining groups
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❖ Filtering Groups (cont)

Example: Number of styles from brewers who make at least 5 beers?

SELECT   brewer, count(name) as nbeers,
         count(distinct style) as nstyles
FROM     Beers
GROUP BY brewer
HAVING   count(name) > 4
ORDER BY brewer;

      brewer       | nbeers | nstyles 
 Bentspoke         |      9 |       7
 Carlton           |      5 |       2
 Frenchies         |      5 |       5
 Hawkers           |      5 |       5
 James Squire      |      5 |       4
 One Drop          |      9 |       7
 Sierra Nevada     |      5 |       5
 Tallboy and Moose |      5 |       5

distinct required, otherwise  nbeers=nstyles  for all brewers

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❖ Filtering Groups (cont)

Alternative formulation of division using  GROUP-BY  and  HAVING 

Example: Find bars that each sell all of the beers Justin likes.

FROM   Sells S, Likes L on (S.beer = L.beer)
WHERE  L.drinker = 'Justin'
HAVING count(S.beer) =
           (SELECT count(beer) FROM Likes
            WHERE drinker = 'Justin');

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❖ Partitions

Sometimes it is useful to

Comparison with GROUP-BY
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❖ Partitions (cont)

Syntax for PARTITION:

SELECT attr1, attr2, ...,
       aggregate1 OVER (PARTITION BY attri),
       aggregate2 OVER (PARTITION BY attrj), ...
FROM   Table
WHERE  condition on attributes

Note: the condition cannot include the aggregate value(s)

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ SQL Grouping ♢ [10/12]
❖ Partitions (cont)

Example: show each city with daily temperature and temperature range

Schema: Weather(city,date,temperature)

SELECT city, date, temperature
       min(temperature) OVER (PARTITION BY city) as lowest,
       max(temperature) OVER (PARTITION BY city) as highest
FROM   Weather;

Output: Result(city, date, temperature, lowest, highest)

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ SQL Grouping ♢ [11/12]
❖ Partitions (cont)

Example showing  GROUP BY  and  PARTITION  difference:

SELECT city, min(temperature) max(temperature)
FROM   Weather  GROUP BY city

Result: one tuple for each city   Result(city,min,max)

SELECT city,  date,  temperature as temp,
       min(temperature) OVER (PARTITION BY city),
       max(temperature) OVER (PARTITION BY city)
FROM   Weather;

Result: one tuple for each temperature measurement.

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Produced: 5 Oct 2020