SQL Data Definition Language

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ SQL-DDL ♢ [0/17]
❖ Relational Data Definition

In order to give a relational data model, we need to:

A relation schema defines an individual table A database schema is a collection of relation schemas that
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❖ Example Relational Schema

So far, we have given relational schemas informally, e.g.


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❖ SQL Data Definition Language

In the example schema above, we provided only

A usable database needs to provide much more detail

SQL has a rich data definition language (DDL) that can describe

It also provides mechanisms for performance tuning (see later).
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❖ Defining a Database Schema

Tables (relations) are described using:

    attribute1   domain1   constraints1,
    attribute2   domain2   constraints2,
    table-level constraints, ...

This SQL statement ..

Tables are removed via    DROP TABLE TableName;
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❖ Defining a Database Schema (cont)

Example: defining the Students table ...

    zid     serial,
    family  varchar(40),
    given   varchar(40) NOT NULL,
    d_o_b   date NOT NULL,
    gender  char(1) CHECK (gender in ('M','F')),
    degree  integer,
    PRIMARY KEY (zid),
    FOREIGN KEY (degree) REFERENCES Degrees(did)

Note that there is much more info here than in the relational schema diagram.

A primary key attribute is implicitly defined to be UNIQUE and NOT NULL

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❖ Defining a Database Schema (cont)

Example: alternative definition of the Students table ...

       char(1) CHECK (value in ('M','F'));
    zid     serial PRIMARY KEY,
            -- only works if primary key is one attr
    family  text,  -- no need to worry about max length
    given   text NOT NULL,
    d_o_b   date NOT NULL,
    gender  GenderType,
    degree  integer REFERENCES Degrees(did)

At this stage, prefer to use the long-form declaration of primary and foreign keys

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❖ Defining a Database Schema (cont)

Example: defining the Courses table ...

    cid    serial,
    code   char(8) NOT NULL uhs
                   CHECK (code ~ '[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{4}'),
    term   char(4) NOT NULL
                   CHECK (term ~ '[0-9]{2}T[0-3]'),
    title  text UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (cid)

Uses non-standard regular expression checking on code and term

No two Courses can have the same title; but not used as primary key

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❖ Defining a Database Schema (cont)

Example: defining the Enrolments relationship ...

CREATE TABLE Enrolments (
    student integer,
    course  integer,
    mark    integer CHECK (mark BETWEEN 0 AND 100),
    grade   GradeType,
    PRIMARY KEY (student,course),
    FOREIGN KEY (student)
                  REFERENCES Students(zid)
    FOREIGN KEY (course)
                  REFERENCES Courses(cid)

Could not enforce total partcipation constraint if e.g. all courses must have > 0 students

Possible alternative names for foreign keys student_id and course_id

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❖ Data Integrity

Defining tables as above affects behaviour of DBMS when changing data

Constraints and types ensure that integrity of data is preserved

Preserving data integrity is a critical  function of a DBMS.
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❖ Another Example Schema

Variation on banking schema used elsewhere


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❖ Default Values

Can specify a DEFAULT value for an attribute


    acctNo  char(5) PRIMARY KEY,
    branch  varchar(30) REFERENCES Branches(name)
                        DEFAULT 'Central',
    owner   integer REFERENCES Customers(custID),
    balance float DEFAULT 0.0

INSERT INTO Accounts(acctNo,owner) VALUES ('A-456',645342)
-- produces the tuple
Accounts('A-456', 'Central', 645342, 0.0)

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❖ Defining Keys

Primary keys:

Foreign keys:
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❖ Defining Keys (cont)

Defining primary keys assures entity integrity

For example this insertion would fail ...

INSERT INTO Enrolments(student,course,mark,grade)
       VALUES (5123456, NULL, NULL, NULL);

because no course was specified; but mark and grade can be NULL

Defining primary keys assures uniqueness

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❖ Defining Keys (cont)

Defining foreign keys assures referential integrity.

On insertion, cannot add a tuple where FK value does not exist as a PK

For example, this insert would fail ...

INSERT INTO Accounts(acctNo, owner, branch, balance)
            VALUES ('A-123', 765432, 'Nowhere', 5000);

if there is no customer with id 765432 or no branch Nowhere

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❖ Defining Keys (cont)

On deletion, interesting issues arise, e.g.

Accounts.branch refers to primary key Branches.name

If we want to delete a tuple from Branches, and there are tuples in Accounts that refer to it, we could ...

SQL allows us to choose a strategy appropriate for the application
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❖ Attribute Value Constraints

NOT NULL and UNIQUE are special constraints on attributes.

SQL has a general mechanism for specifying attribute constraints

attrName  type  CHECK ( Condition )

Condition is a boolean expression and can involve other attributes, relations and SELECT queries.

   gender char(1)  CHECK (gender IN ('M','F')),
   Xvalue integer  NOT NULL,
   Yvalue integer  CHECK (Yvalue > Xvalue),
   Zvalue float    CHECK (Zvalue >
                          (SELECT MAX(price)
                           FROM   Sells)

(but many RDBMSs (e.g. Oracle and PostgreSQL) don't allow SELECT in CHECK)

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❖ Named Constraints

A constraint in an SQL table definition can (optionally) be named via

CONSTRAINT  constraintName  constraint


   gender char(1) CONSTRAINT GenderCheck
                  CHECK (gender IN ('M','F')),
   Xvalue integer NOT NULL,
   Yvalue integer CONSTRAINT XYOrder
                  CHECK (Yvalue > Xvalue),

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Produced: 21 Sep 2020